botan 0.4.0

Rust wrapper for Botan cryptography library

use botan_sys::*;
use utils::*;

use mp::MPI;
use rng::RandomNumberGenerator;

/// A public key object
pub struct Pubkey {
    obj: botan_pubkey_t

/// A private key object
pub struct Privkey {
    obj: botan_privkey_t

impl Drop for Privkey {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        unsafe { botan_privkey_destroy(self.obj) };

impl Drop for Pubkey {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        unsafe { botan_pubkey_destroy(self.obj) };

impl Privkey {

    pub(crate) fn handle(&self) -> botan_privkey_t { self.obj }

    /// Create a new private key
    pub fn create(alg: &str, params: &str, rng: &RandomNumberGenerator) -> Result<Privkey> {

        let mut obj = ptr::null_mut();

        call_botan! { botan_privkey_create(&mut obj,
                                           rng.handle()) }

        Ok(Privkey { obj })

    /// Load an RSA private key (p,q,e)
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use std::str::FromStr;
    /// let p = botan::MPI::from_str("289698020102256958291511331409682926199").unwrap();
    /// let q = botan::MPI::from_str("293497288893125842977275290547344412783").unwrap();
    /// let e = botan::MPI::from_str("65537").unwrap();
    /// let rsa = botan::Privkey::load_rsa(&p, &q, &e).unwrap();
    /// ```
    pub fn load_rsa(p: &MPI, q: &MPI, e: &MPI) -> Result<Privkey> {
        let mut obj = ptr::null_mut();
        call_botan! { botan_privkey_load_rsa(&mut obj, p.handle(), q.handle(), e.handle()) };
        Ok(Privkey { obj })

    /// Load an Ed25519 private key
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// let v = vec![0x42; 32];
    /// let key = botan::Privkey::load_ed25519(&v).unwrap();
    /// ```
    pub fn load_ed25519(key: &[u8]) -> Result<Privkey> {
        if key.len() != 32 {
            return Err(Error::BadParameter);
        let mut obj = ptr::null_mut();
        call_botan! { botan_privkey_load_ed25519(&mut obj, key.as_ptr()) };
        Ok(Privkey { obj })

    /// Load an X25519 private key
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// let v = vec![0x42; 32];
    /// let key = botan::Privkey::load_x25519(&v).unwrap();
    /// ```
    pub fn load_x25519(key: &[u8]) -> Result<Privkey> {
        if key.len() != 32 {
            return Err(Error::BadParameter);
        let mut obj = ptr::null_mut();
        call_botan! { botan_privkey_load_x25519(&mut obj, key.as_ptr()) };
        Ok(Privkey { obj })

    /// Load a PKCS#1 encoded RSA private key
    pub fn load_rsa_pkcs1(pkcs1: &[u8]) -> Result<Privkey> {
        let mut obj = ptr::null_mut();
        call_botan! { botan_privkey_load_rsa_pkcs1(&mut obj, pkcs1.as_ptr(), pkcs1.len()) }
        Ok(Privkey { obj })

    /// Load an DH private key (p,g,x)
    pub fn load_dh(p: &MPI, g: &MPI, x: &MPI) -> Result<Privkey> {
        let mut obj = ptr::null_mut();
        call_botan! { botan_privkey_load_dh(&mut obj, p.handle(), g.handle(), x.handle()) };
        Ok(Privkey { obj })

    /// Load an ECDSA private key with specified curve and secret scalar
    pub fn load_ecdsa(s: &MPI, curve_name: &str) -> Result<Privkey> {
        let mut obj = ptr::null_mut();
        let curve_name = make_cstr(curve_name)?;
        call_botan! { botan_privkey_load_ecdsa(&mut obj, s.handle(), curve_name.as_ptr()) }
        Ok(Privkey { obj })

    /// Load an ECDH private key with specified curve and secret scalar
    pub fn load_ecdh(s: &MPI, curve_name: &str) -> Result<Privkey> {
        let mut obj = ptr::null_mut();
        let curve_name = make_cstr(curve_name)?;
        call_botan! { botan_privkey_load_ecdh(&mut obj, s.handle(), curve_name.as_ptr()) }
        Ok(Privkey { obj })

    /// Load DER bytes as an unencrypted PKCS#8 private key
    pub fn load_der(der: &[u8]) -> Result<Privkey> {
        let mut obj = ptr::null_mut();
        call_botan! { botan_privkey_load(&mut obj, ptr::null_mut(), der.as_ptr(), der.len(), ptr::null()) }
        Ok(Privkey { obj })

    /// Load PEM string as an unencrypted PKCS#8 private key
    pub fn load_pem(pem: &str) -> Result<Privkey> {
        let mut obj = ptr::null_mut();

        let cpem = make_cstr(pem)?;
        call_botan! { botan_privkey_load(&mut obj, ptr::null_mut(), cpem.as_ptr() as *const u8, pem.len(), ptr::null()) }

        Ok(Privkey { obj })

    /// Load DER bytes as an encrypted PKCS#8 private key
    pub fn load_encrypted_der(der: &[u8], passphrase: &str) -> Result<Privkey> {
        let mut obj = ptr::null_mut();

        let passphrase = make_cstr(passphrase)?;
        call_botan! { botan_privkey_load(&mut obj, ptr::null_mut(), der.as_ptr(), der.len(), passphrase.as_ptr()) }

        Ok(Privkey { obj })

    /// Load PEM string as an encrypted PKCS#8 private key
    pub fn load_encrypted_pem(pem: &str, passphrase: &str) -> Result<Privkey> {
        let mut obj = ptr::null_mut();

        let passphrase = make_cstr(passphrase)?;
        let cpem = make_cstr(pem)?;
        call_botan! { botan_privkey_load(&mut obj, ptr::null_mut(), cpem.as_ptr() as *const u8, pem.len(), passphrase.as_ptr()) }

        Ok(Privkey { obj })

    /// Check if the key seems to be valid
    pub fn check_key(&self, rng: &RandomNumberGenerator) -> Result<bool> {

        let flags = 1u32;
        let rc = unsafe { botan_privkey_check_key(self.obj, rng.handle(), flags) };

        if rc == 0 {
        else if rc == -1 {
        else {

    /// Return the public key associated with this private key
    pub fn pubkey(&self) -> Result<Pubkey> {
        let mut obj = ptr::null_mut();
        call_botan! { botan_privkey_export_pubkey(&mut obj, self.obj) }
        Ok(Pubkey { obj })

    /// Return the name of the algorithm
    pub fn algo_name(&self) -> Result<String> {
        let name_len = 32;
        call_botan_ffi_returning_string(name_len, &|out_buf, out_len| {
            unsafe { botan_privkey_algo_name(self.obj, out_buf as *mut c_char, out_len) }

    /// DER encode the key (unencrypted)
    pub fn der_encode(&self) -> Result<Vec<u8>> {
        let der_len = 4096; // fixme
        call_botan_ffi_returning_vec_u8(der_len, &|out_buf, out_len| {
            unsafe { botan_privkey_export(self.obj, out_buf, out_len, 0u32) }

    /// DER encode the key (encrypted)
    pub fn der_encode_encrypted(&self, passphrase: &str, rng: &RandomNumberGenerator) -> Result<Vec<u8>> {
        self.der_encode_encrypted_with_options(passphrase, "AES-256/CBC", "SHA-512", 150000, rng)

    /// DER encode the key (encrypted), specifying cipher/hash options
    pub fn der_encode_encrypted_with_options(&self,
                                             passphrase: &str,
                                             cipher: &str,
                                             pbkdf: &str,
                                             pbkdf_iter: usize,
                                             rng: &RandomNumberGenerator) -> Result<Vec<u8>> {
        let der_len = 4096; // fixme
        let passphrase = make_cstr(passphrase)?;
        let cipher = make_cstr(cipher)?;
        let pbkdf = make_cstr(pbkdf)?;

        call_botan_ffi_returning_vec_u8(der_len, &|out_buf, out_len| {
            unsafe {
                    self.obj, out_buf, out_len, rng.handle(),

    /// PEM encode the key (encrypted)
    pub fn pem_encode_encrypted(&self, passphrase: &str, rng: &RandomNumberGenerator) -> Result<String> {
        self.pem_encode_encrypted_with_options(passphrase, "AES-256/CBC", "SHA-512", 150000, rng)

    /// PEM encode the key (encrypted), specifying cipher/hash options
    pub fn pem_encode_encrypted_with_options(&self,
                                             passphrase: &str,
                                             cipher: &str,
                                             pbkdf: &str,
                                             pbkdf_iter: usize,
                                             rng: &RandomNumberGenerator) -> Result<String> {
        let pem_len = 4096; // fixme

        let passphrase = make_cstr(passphrase)?;
        let cipher = make_cstr(cipher)?;
        let pbkdf = make_cstr(pbkdf)?;

        call_botan_ffi_returning_string(pem_len, &|out_buf, out_len| {
            unsafe {
                    self.obj, out_buf, out_len, rng.handle(),

    /// PEM encode the private key (unencrypted)
    pub fn pem_encode(&self) -> Result<String> {
        let pem_len = 4096; // fixme
        call_botan_ffi_returning_string(pem_len, &|out_buf, out_len| {
            unsafe { botan_privkey_export(self.obj, out_buf, out_len, 1u32) }

    /// Return the key agrement key, only valid for DH/ECDH
    pub fn key_agreement_key(&self) -> Result<Vec<u8>> {
        let ka_key_len = 512; // fixme
        call_botan_ffi_returning_vec_u8(ka_key_len, &|out_buf, out_len| {
            unsafe { botan_pk_op_key_agreement_export_public(self.obj, out_buf, out_len) }

    /// Get a value for the private key
    /// The which parameter selects a field which is algorithm specific
    pub fn get_field(&self, which: &str) -> Result<MPI> {
        let which = make_cstr(which)?;

        let r = MPI::new()?;
        call_botan! { botan_privkey_get_field(r.handle(), self.obj, which.as_ptr()) };

    /// Get the public and private key associated with this key
    pub fn get_ed25519_key(&self) -> Result<(Vec<u8>, Vec<u8>)> {

        let mut out = vec![0; 64];

        call_botan! {
            botan_privkey_ed25519_get_privkey(self.obj, out.as_mut_ptr())

        let pubkey = out.split_off(32);


    /// Get the X25519 private key
    pub fn get_x25519_key(&self) -> Result<Vec<u8>> {

        let mut out = vec![0; 32];

        call_botan! {
            botan_privkey_x25519_get_privkey(self.obj, out.as_mut_ptr())


impl Pubkey {

    pub(crate) fn from_handle(obj: botan_pubkey_t) -> Pubkey { Pubkey { obj } }

    pub(crate) fn handle(&self) -> botan_pubkey_t { self.obj }

    /// Load a DER encoded public key
    pub fn load_der(der: &[u8]) -> Result<Pubkey> {
        let mut obj = ptr::null_mut();
        call_botan! { botan_pubkey_load(&mut obj, der.as_ptr(), der.len()) }
        Ok(Pubkey { obj })

    /// Load a PEM encoded public key
    pub fn load_pem(pem: &str) -> Result<Pubkey> {
        let mut obj = ptr::null_mut();
        call_botan! { botan_pubkey_load(&mut obj, make_cstr(pem)?.as_ptr() as *const u8, pem.len()) }
        Ok(Pubkey { obj })

    /// Load an RSA public key (n,e)
    pub fn load_rsa(n: &MPI, e: &MPI) -> Result<Pubkey> {
        let mut obj = ptr::null_mut();
        call_botan! { botan_pubkey_load_rsa(&mut obj, n.handle(), e.handle()) };
        Ok(Pubkey { obj })

    /// Load an DH public key (p,g,y)
    pub fn load_dh(p: &MPI, g: &MPI, y: &MPI) -> Result<Pubkey> {
        let mut obj = ptr::null_mut();
        call_botan! { botan_pubkey_load_dh(&mut obj, p.handle(), g.handle(), y.handle()) };
        Ok(Pubkey { obj })

    /// Load an ECDSA public key (x,y) for the specified curve
    pub fn load_ecdsa(pub_x: &MPI, pub_y: &MPI, curve_name: &str) -> Result<Pubkey> {
        let mut obj = ptr::null_mut();
        let curve_name = make_cstr(curve_name)?;
        call_botan! { botan_pubkey_load_ecdsa(&mut obj, pub_x.handle(), pub_y.handle(), curve_name.as_ptr()) }
        Ok(Pubkey { obj })

    /// Load an ECDH public key (x,y) for the specified curve
    pub fn load_ecdh(pub_x: &MPI, pub_y: &MPI, curve_name: &str) -> Result<Pubkey> {
        let mut obj = ptr::null_mut();
        let curve_name = make_cstr(curve_name)?;
        call_botan! { botan_pubkey_load_ecdh(&mut obj, pub_x.handle(), pub_y.handle(), curve_name.as_ptr()) }
        Ok(Pubkey { obj })

    /// Load an Ed25519 public key
    pub fn load_ed25519(key: &[u8]) -> Result<Pubkey> {
        if key.len() != 32 {
            return Err(Error::BadParameter);
        let mut obj = ptr::null_mut();
        call_botan! { botan_pubkey_load_ed25519(&mut obj, key.as_ptr()) };
        Ok(Pubkey { obj })

    /// Load an X25519 key
    pub fn load_x25519(key: &[u8]) -> Result<Pubkey> {
        if key.len() != 32 {
            return Err(Error::BadParameter);
        let mut obj = ptr::null_mut();
        call_botan! { botan_pubkey_load_x25519(&mut obj, key.as_ptr()) };
        Ok(Pubkey { obj })

    /// Return estimated bit strength of this key
    pub fn estimated_strength(&self) -> Result<usize> {
        let mut strength = 0;
        call_botan! { botan_pubkey_estimated_strength(self.obj, &mut strength) };

    /// Check key for problems
    pub fn check_key(&self, rng: &RandomNumberGenerator) -> Result<bool> {

        let flags = 1u32;
        let rc = unsafe { botan_pubkey_check_key(self.obj, rng.handle(), flags) };

        if rc == 0 {
        else if rc == -1 {
        else {

    /// Return hash of the public key data
    pub fn fingerprint(&self, hash: &str) -> Result<String> {
        let hash = make_cstr(hash)?;
        let fprint_len = 64; // hashes > 512 bits are rare
        call_botan_ffi_returning_string(fprint_len, &|out_buf, out_len| {
            unsafe { botan_pubkey_fingerprint(self.obj, hash.as_ptr(), out_buf, out_len) }

    /// DER encode this public key
    pub fn der_encode(&self) -> Result<Vec<u8>> {
        let der_len = 4096; // fixme
        call_botan_ffi_returning_vec_u8(der_len, &|out_buf, out_len| {
            unsafe { botan_pubkey_export(self.obj, out_buf, out_len, 0u32) }

    /// PEM encode this public key
    pub fn pem_encode(&self) -> Result<String> {
        let pem_len = 4096; // fixme
        call_botan_ffi_returning_string(pem_len, &|out_buf, out_len| {
            unsafe { botan_pubkey_export(self.obj, out_buf, out_len, 1u32) }

    /// Return the name of the algorithm
    pub fn algo_name(&self) -> Result<String> {
        let name_len = 32;
        call_botan_ffi_returning_string(name_len, &|out_buf, out_len| {
            unsafe { botan_pubkey_algo_name(self.obj, out_buf as *mut c_char, out_len) }

    /// Get a value for the public key
    /// The which parameter selects a field which is algorithm specific
    pub fn get_field(&self, which: &str) -> Result<MPI> {
        let which = make_cstr(which)?;

        let r = MPI::new()?;
        call_botan! { botan_pubkey_get_field(r.handle(), self.obj, which.as_ptr()) };

    /// Return the 32-byte Ed25519 public key
    pub fn get_ed25519_key(&self) -> Result<Vec<u8>> {
        let mut out = vec![0; 32];

        call_botan! {
            botan_pubkey_ed25519_get_pubkey(self.obj, out.as_mut_ptr())


    /// Get the X25519 public key
    pub fn get_x25519_key(&self) -> Result<Vec<u8>> {

        let mut out = vec![0; 32];

        call_botan! {
            botan_pubkey_x25519_get_pubkey(self.obj, out.as_mut_ptr())


/// Return the identifier used for PKCS1 v1.5 signatures for the specified hash
pub fn pkcs_hash_id(hash_algo: &str) -> Result<Vec<u8>> {
    let hash_algo = make_cstr(hash_algo)?;
    let id_len = 32; // largest currently is 20 bytes
    call_botan_ffi_returning_vec_u8(id_len, &|out_buf, out_len| {
        unsafe { botan_pkcs_hash_id(hash_algo.as_ptr(), out_buf, out_len) }
