borrow-bag 0.4.0

A type-safe, heterogeneous collection with zero-cost add and borrow


A type-safe, heterogeneous collection with zero-cost add and borrow.

BorrowBag allows the storage of any value, and returns a Handle which can be used to borrow the value back later. As the BorrowBag is add-only, Handle values remain valid for the lifetime of the BorrowBag.

For usage details, please see the documentation


Initially, BorrowBag was conceived to solve the problem of assembling Gotham's Middleware and Pipeline structures, storing concrete types without losing their type information, and with an ability to borrow them back later after moving the collection.

The original implementation was generic enough that it was immediately extracted into this crate.

Use cases

Please create an issue or pull request so your use case can be added here.


extern crate borrow_bag;

use borrow_bag::BorrowBag;

struct X(u8);
struct Y(u8);

fn main() {
    let bag = BorrowBag::new();
    let (bag, x_handle) = bag.add(X(1));
    let (bag, y_handle) = bag.add(Y(2));

    let x: &X = bag.borrow(x_handle);
    assert_eq!(x.0, 1);

    // Type annotations aren't necessary, the `Handle` carries the necessary
    // type information.
    let y = bag.borrow(y_handle);
    assert_eq!(y.0, 2);


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