boring-sys 1.1.1

FFI bindings to BoringSSL
// NOTE: this build script is adopted from quiche (

// Additional parameters for Android build of BoringSSL.
// Android NDK < 18 with GCC.
const CMAKE_PARAMS_ANDROID_NDK_OLD_GCC: &[(&str, &[(&str, &str)])] = &[
        &[("ANDROID_TOOLCHAIN_NAME", "aarch64-linux-android-4.9")],
        &[("ANDROID_TOOLCHAIN_NAME", "arm-linux-androideabi-4.9")],
        &[("ANDROID_TOOLCHAIN_NAME", "x86-linux-android-4.9")],
        &[("ANDROID_TOOLCHAIN_NAME", "x86_64-linux-android-4.9")],

// Android NDK >= 19.
const CMAKE_PARAMS_ANDROID_NDK: &[(&str, &[(&str, &str)])] = &[
    ("aarch64", &[("ANDROID_ABI", "arm64-v8a")]),
    ("arm", &[("ANDROID_ABI", "armeabi-v7a")]),
    ("x86", &[("ANDROID_ABI", "x86")]),
    ("x86_64", &[("ANDROID_ABI", "x86_64")]),

const CMAKE_PARAMS_IOS: &[(&str, &[(&str, &str)])] = &[
            ("CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES", "arm64"),
            ("CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT", "iphoneos"),
            ("CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES", "x86_64"),
            ("CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT", "iphonesimulator"),

/// Returns the platform-specific output path for lib.
/// MSVC generator on Windows place static libs in a target sub-folder,
/// so adjust library location based on platform and build target.
/// See issue:
fn get_boringssl_platform_output_path() -> String {
    if cfg!(windows) {
        // Code under this branch should match the logic in cmake-rs
        let debug_env_var = std::env::var("DEBUG").expect("DEBUG variable not defined in env");

        let deb_info = match &debug_env_var[..] {
            "false" => false,
            "true" => true,
            unknown => panic!("Unknown DEBUG={} env var.", unknown),

        let opt_env_var =
            std::env::var("OPT_LEVEL").expect("OPT_LEVEL variable not defined in env");

        let subdir = match &opt_env_var[..] {
            "0" => "Debug",
            "1" | "2" | "3" => {
                if deb_info {
                } else {
            "s" | "z" => "MinSizeRel",
            unknown => panic!("Unknown OPT_LEVEL={} env var.", unknown),

    } else {

/// Returns a new cmake::Config for building BoringSSL.
/// It will add platform-specific parameters if needed.
fn get_boringssl_cmake_config() -> cmake::Config {
    let arch = std::env::var("CARGO_CFG_TARGET_ARCH").unwrap();
    let os = std::env::var("CARGO_CFG_TARGET_OS").unwrap();
    let pwd = std::env::current_dir().unwrap();

    let mut boringssl_cmake = cmake::Config::new("deps/boringssl");

    // Add platform-specific parameters.
    match os.as_ref() {
        "android" => {
            let cmake_params_android = if cfg!(feature = "ndk-old-gcc") {
            } else {

            // We need ANDROID_NDK_HOME to be set properly.
            let android_ndk_home = std::env::var("ANDROID_NDK_HOME")
                .expect("Please set ANDROID_NDK_HOME for Android build");
            let android_ndk_home = std::path::Path::new(&android_ndk_home);
            for (android_arch, params) in cmake_params_android {
                if *android_arch == arch {
                    for (name, value) in *params {
                        eprintln!("android arch={} add {}={}", arch, name, value);
                        boringssl_cmake.define(name, value);
            let toolchain_file = android_ndk_home.join("build/cmake/android.toolchain.cmake");
            let toolchain_file = toolchain_file.to_str().unwrap();
            eprintln!("android toolchain={}", toolchain_file);
            boringssl_cmake.define("CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE", toolchain_file);

            // 21 is the minimum level tested. You can give higher value.
            boringssl_cmake.define("ANDROID_NATIVE_API_LEVEL", "21");
            boringssl_cmake.define("ANDROID_STL", "c++_shared");


        "ios" => {
            for (ios_arch, params) in CMAKE_PARAMS_IOS {
                if *ios_arch == arch {
                    for (name, value) in *params {
                        eprintln!("ios arch={} add {}={}", arch, name, value);
                        boringssl_cmake.define(name, value);

            // Bitcode is always on.
            let bitcode_cflag = "-fembed-bitcode";

            // Hack for Xcode 10.1.
            let target_cflag = if arch == "x86_64" {
                "-target x86_64-apple-ios-simulator"
            } else {

            let cflag = format!("{} {}", bitcode_cflag, target_cflag);

            boringssl_cmake.define("CMAKE_ASM_FLAGS", &cflag);


        _ => {
            // Configure BoringSSL for building on 32-bit non-windows platforms.
            if arch == "x86" && os != "windows" {


fn main() {
    use std::env;
    use std::path::PathBuf;

    let mut cfg = get_boringssl_cmake_config();

    if cfg!(feature = "fuzzing") {

    let bssl_dir = cfg.build_target("bssl").build().display().to_string();
    let build_path = get_boringssl_platform_output_path();
    let build_dir = format!("{}/build/{}", bssl_dir, build_path);
    println!("cargo:rustc-link-search=native={}", build_dir);


    // MacOS: Allow cdylib to link with undefined symbols
    if cfg!(target_os = "macos") {

    let include_path = PathBuf::from("deps/boringssl/src/include");
    let mut builder = bindgen::Builder::default()
        .default_enum_style(bindgen::EnumVariation::NewType { is_bitfield: false })
        .clang_args(&["-I", include_path.to_str().unwrap()]);

    let headers = [
    for header in &headers {
        builder = builder.header(include_path.join("openssl").join(header).to_str().unwrap());

    let bindings = builder.generate().expect("Unable to generate bindings");
    let out_path = PathBuf::from(env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap());
        .expect("Couldn't write bindings!");