boreal 0.1.0

A library to evaluate YARA rules, used to scan bytes for textual and binary pattern
//! **boreal** is a YARA rules evaluator, used to search for textual and binary patterns.
//! This crate is a reimplementation of the [YARA library](
//! It aims to provide the same set of functionalities, and be fully compatible with all existing
//! YARA rules.
//! Here is an example on how to use the library.
//! ```
//! use boreal::Compiler;
//! // Rules must first be added to a compiler.
//! let mut compiler = Compiler::new();
//! compiler.add_rules_str(r#"
//! rule example {
//!     meta:
//!         description = "This is an YARA rule example"
//!         date = "2022-11-11"
//!     strings:
//!         $s1 = { 78 6d 6c 68 74 74 70 2e 73 65 6e 64 28 29 }
//!         $s2 = "tmp.dat" fullword wide
//!     condition:
//!         any of them
//! }
//! "#)?;
//! // Then, all added rules are compiled into a scanner object.
//! let scanner = compiler.into_scanner();
//! // Use this object to scan strings or files.
//! let res = scanner.scan_mem(b"<\0t\0m\0p\0.\0d\0a\0t\0>\0");
//! assert!(res.matched_rules.iter().any(|rule| == "example"));
//! # Ok::<(), boreal::compiler::AddRuleError>(())
//! ```

// Deny most of allowed by default lints from rustc.
// Do the same for clippy
// Would be nice to not need this, thanks macho module

// Used in integration tests, not in the library.
// This is to remove the "unused_crate_dependencies" warning, maybe a better solution
// could be found.
use base64 as _;
use const_format as _;
use glob as _;
use tempfile as _;
use walkdir as _;
use yara as _;

// Used in benches
#[cfg(feature = "bench")]
use criterion as _;

pub mod compiler;
pub use compiler::Compiler;
mod evaluator;
pub mod module;
pub mod regex;
pub mod scanner;
pub use scanner::Scanner;

mod test_helpers;