Crate border_core

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Core components for reinforcement learning.

Observation and action

Obs and Act traits are abstractions of observation and action in environments. These traits can handle two or more samples for implementing vectorized environments.


Env trait is an abstraction of environments. It has four associated types: Config, Obs, Act and Info. Obs and Act are concrete types of observation and action of the environment. These must implement Obs and Act traits, respectively. The environment that implements Env generates Step<E: Env> object at every environment interaction step with Env::step() method.

Info stores some information at every step of interactions of an agent and the environment. It could be empty (zero-sized struct). Config represents configurations of the environment and is used to build.


Policy<E: Env> represents a policy, from which actions are sampled for environment E. Policy::sample() takes E::Obs and emits E::Act. It could be probabilistic or deterministic.


In this crate, Agent<E: Env, R: ReplayBufferBase> is defined as trainable Policy<E: Env>. It is in either training or evaluation mode. In training mode, the agent’s policy might be probabilistic for exploration, while in evaluation mode, the policy might be deterministic.

Agent::opt() method does a single optimization step. The definition of an optimization step depends on each agent. It might be multiple stochastic gradient steps in an optimization step. Samples for training are taken from R: ReplayBufferBase.

This trait also has methods for saving/loading the trained policy in the given directory.

Replay buffer

ReplayBufferBase trait is an abstraction of replay buffers. For handling samples, there are two associated types: PushedItem and Batch. PushedItem is a type representing samples pushed to the buffer. These samples might be generated from Step<E: Env>. StepProcessorBase<E: Env> trait provides the interface for converting Step<E: Env> into PushedItem.

Batch is a type of samples taken from the buffer for training Agents. The user implements Agent::opt() method such that it handles Batch objects for doing an optimization step.

A reference implementation

SimpleReplayBuffer<O, A> implementats ReplayBufferBase. This type has two parameters O and A, which are representation of observation and action in the replay buffer. O and A must implement SubBatch, which has the functionality of storing samples, like Vec<T>, for observation and action. The associated types PushedItem and Batch are the same type, StdBatch, representing sets of (o_t, r_t, a_t, o_t+1).

SimpleStepProcessor<E, O, A> might be used with SimpleReplayBuffer<O, A>. It converts E::Obs and E::Act into SubBatchs of respective types and generates StdBatch. The conversion process relies on trait bounds, O: From<E::Obs> and A: From<E::Act>.


Trainer manages training loop and related objects. The Trainer object is built with configurations of Env, ReplayBufferBase, StepProcessorBase and some training parameters. Then, Trainer::train method starts training loop with given Agent and Recorder.


  • Errors in the library.
  • Types for recording various values obtained during training and evaluation.
  • A generic implementation of replay buffer.
  • Utilities for interaction of agents and environments.

