bootloader 0.8.0

An experimental pure-Rust x86 bootloader.
# bootloader

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An experimental x86 bootloader written in Rust and inline assembly.

Written for the [second edition]( of the [Writing an OS in Rust]( series.

## Design


## Configuration

The bootloader exposes a few variables which can be configured through the `Cargo.toml` of your kernel:

# The address at which the kernel stack is placed. If not provided, the bootloader
# dynamically searches for a location.
kernel-stack-address = "0xFFFFFF8000000000"

# The size of the kernel stack, given in number of 4KiB pages. Defaults to 512.
kernel-stack-size = 128

# The virtual address offset from which physical memory is mapped, as described in
# Only applies if the `map_physical_memory` feature of the crate is enabled.
# If not provided, the bootloader dynamically searches for a location.
physical-memory-offset = "0xFFFF800000000000"

Note that the addresses **must** be given as strings (in either hex or decimal format), as [TOML]( does not support unsigned 64-bit integers.

## Requirements

You need a nightly [Rust]( compiler and [cargo xbuild]( You also need the `llvm-tools-preview` component, which can be installed through `rustup component add llvm-tools-preview`.

## Build

The simplest way to use the bootloader is in combination with the [bootimage]( tool. This crate **requires at least bootimage 0.7.7**. With the tool installed, you can add a normal cargo dependency on the `bootloader` crate to your kernel and then run `bootimage build` to create a bootable disk image. You can also execute `bootimage run` to run your kernel in [QEMU]( (needs to be installed).

To compile the bootloader manually, you need to invoke `cargo xbuild` with two environment variables:
* `KERNEL`: points to your kernel executable (in the ELF format)
* `KERNEL_MANIFEST`: points to the `Cargo.toml` describing your kernel

For example: 
KERNEL=/path/to/your/kernel/target/debug/your_kernel KERNEL_MANIFEST=/path/to/your/kernel/Cargo.toml cargo xbuild

As an example, you can build the bootloader with example kernel from the `example-kernel` directory with the following commands:

cd example-kernel
cargo xbuild
cd ..
KERNEL=example-kernel/target/x86_64-example-kernel/debug/example-kernel KERNEL_MANIFEST=example-kernel/Cargo.toml cargo xbuild --release --features binary

The `binary` feature is required to enable the dependencies required for compiling the bootloader executable. The command results in a bootloader executable at `target/x86_64-bootloader.json/release/bootloader`. This executable is still an ELF file, which can't be run directly.

## Run

To run the compiled bootloader executable, you need to convert it to a binary file. You can use the `llvm-objcopy` tools that ships with the `llvm-tools-preview` rustup component. The easiest way to use this tool is using [`cargo-binutils`](, which can be installed through `cargo install cargo-binutils`. Then you can perform the conversion with the following command:

cargo objcopy -- -I elf64-x86-64 -O binary --binary-architecture=i386:x86-64 \
  target/x86_64-bootloader/release/bootloader target/x86_64-bootloader/release/bootloader.bin

You can run the `bootloader.bin` file using [QEMU](

qemu-system-x86_64 -drive format=raw,file=target/x86_64-bootloader/release/bootloader.bin

Or burn it to an USB drive to boot it on real hardware:

dd if=target/x86_64-bootloader/release/bootloader.bin of=/dev/sdX && sync

Where sdX is the device name of your USB stick. **Be careful** to choose the correct device name, because everything on that device is overwritten.

## Features
The bootloader crate can be configured through some cargo features:

- `vga_320x200`: This feature switches the VGA hardware to mode 0x13, a graphics mode with resolution 320x200 and 256 colors per pixel. The framebuffer is linear and lives at address `0xa0000`.
- `recursive_page_table`: Maps the level 4 page table recursively and adds the [`recursive_page_table_address`] field to the passed `BootInfo`.
- `map_physical_memory`: Maps the complete physical memory in the virtual address space and passes a [`physical_memory_offset`] field in the `BootInfo`.
  - The virtual address where the physical memory should be mapped is configurable by setting the `physical-memory-offset` field in the kernel's `Cargo.toml`, as explained in [Configuration]#Configuration.

## Advanced Documentation
See these guides for advanced usage of this crate:

- [Chainloading]doc/
- Higher Half Kernel - TODO

## License

Licensed under either of

- Apache License, Version 2.0 ([LICENSE-APACHE]LICENSE-APACHE or

at your option.

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.