bootimage 0.5.0-beta

Tool to create a bootable OS image from a kernel binary.
# bootimage

Creates a bootable disk image from a Rust OS kernel.

## Installation

> cargo install bootimage

## Usage

First you need to add a dependency on the `bootloader` crate:

# in your Cargo.toml

bootloader = "0.2.0-alpha"

Now you can build the kernel project and create a bootable disk image from it by running:

> bootimage build --target your_custom_target.json [other_args]

The command will invoke [`cargo xbuild`](, forwarding all passed options. Then it will download and build a bootloader, by default the [rust-osdev/bootloader]( Finally, it combines the kernel and the bootloader into a bootable disk image.

## Configuration

Configuration is done through a through a `[package.metadata.bootimage]` table in the `Cargo.toml`. The following options are available:

    default-target = ""         # This target is used if no `--target` is passed
    output = "bootimage.bin"    # The output file name
    minimum-image-size = 0      # The minimum output file size (in MiB)
    # The command invoked on `bootimage run`
    # (the "{}" will be replaced with the path to the bootable disk image)
    run-command = ["qemu-system-x86_64", "-drive", "format=raw,file={}"]

    name = "bootloader"                 # The bootloader crate name
    target = "x86_64-bootloader.json"   # Target triple for compiling the bootloader

## License
Dual-licensed under MIT or the Apache License (Version 2.0).