boot-core 0.10.0

Scripting library for deploying and interacting with CosmWasm smart-contracts
mod contract;
#[cfg(feature = "daemon")]
mod daemon;
mod deploy;
mod error;
mod index_response;
mod interface;
#[cfg(feature = "daemon")]
mod keys;
mod mock;
// pub mod prelude;
mod state;
mod tx_handler;

pub use boot_contract_derive::contract;
pub use boot_fns_derive::{ExecuteFns, QueryFns};
pub use contract::{Contract, ContractCodeReference};
pub use deploy::Deploy;
pub use error::BootError;
pub use index_response::IndexResponse;
pub use interface::{
    BootExecute, BootInstantiate, BootMigrate, BootQuery, BootUpload, CallAs, ContractInstance,
pub use mock::{
    core::{instantiate_custom_mock_env, instantiate_default_mock_env, Mock},
pub use state::{ChainState, StateInterface};
pub use tx_handler::{TxHandler, TxResponse};
// re-export as it is used in the public API
pub use cosmwasm_std::{Addr, Coin, Empty};
pub use cw_multi_test::ContractWrapper;

#[cfg(feature = "daemon")]
pub use daemon::{
    core::{instantiate_daemon_env, Daemon},
    state::{DaemonOptions, DaemonOptionsBuilder},
#[cfg(feature = "daemon")]
pub use ibc_chain_registry::{chain::ChainData as RegistryChainData, fetchable::Fetchable};

    since = "0.8.1",
    note = "Phasing out the use of `BootEnvironment` in favor of `CwEnv`"
/// Signals a supported execution environment
pub trait BootEnvironment: TxHandler + Clone {}
impl<T: TxHandler + Clone> BootEnvironment for T {}

/// Signals a supported execution environment for CosmWasm contracts
pub trait CwEnv: TxHandler + Clone {}
impl<T: TxHandler + Clone> CwEnv for T {}