[][src]Crate boolean_enums

Generate your Yes/No enum with gen_boolean_enum!:


It's From and Into and Not:

let flag = MyEnum::Yes;
let oflag = true.into();
assert_eq!(flag, oflag);

if (!flag).into() {

To generate a public enum, you need to append pub to the macro arguments:

gen_boolean_enum!(pub MyEnum);

You can serialize and deserialize it with serde like a normal bool (enabled by the serde feature). For that, specify serde before the enum name in gen_boolean_enum!:

#[macro_use] extern crate boolean_enums;

extern crate toml; // as an example serde format

gen_boolean_enum!(serde MyEnum);
// or gen_boolean_enum!(pub serde MyEnum);

#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Eq, PartialEq, Serialize)]
struct SomeStruct {
    flag: MyEnum

// …

let first = SomeStruct {
    flag: MyEnum::Yes
let string = toml::ser::to_string(&first).unwrap();
let second: SomeStruct = toml::de::from_str(&string).unwrap();

assert_eq!(first, second);

You can use boolean-enums in no_std crates by disabling the default std feature:

version = "^0.3.0"
default-features = false


#[macro_use] extern crate boolean_enums;


fn do_smth(flag1: First, flag2: Second, flag3: Third) {
    // …

let first = First::Yes;
let second = Second::No;
let third = Third::Yes;

do_smth(first, second, third);

That compiles perfectly, but

This example deliberately fails to compile
do_smth(first, third, second);

fails to compile.



Generates enum with Yes and No variants.