[][src]Crate bolt_client

An asynchronous client for Bolt-compatible servers.


The below example demonstrates how to communicate with a Neo4j server using Bolt protocol version 4.

use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::convert::TryFrom;
use std::env;
use std::iter::FromIterator;

use tokio::io::BufStream;
use tokio_util::compat::*;

use bolt_client::*;
use bolt_proto::{message::*, value::*, version::*, Message, Value};

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    // Let's say you have a type that implements AsyncRead + AsyncWrite. Here's one
    // provided by the `tokio-stream` feature of this library. In this example, all
    // connection/authentication details are stored in environment variables.
    let stream = Stream::connect(env::var("BOLT_TEST_ADDR")?,
    let stream = BufStream::new(stream).compat();

    // Create a new connection to the server and perform a handshake to establish a
    // protocol version. This example demonstrates usage of the v4.1 or v4 protocol.
    let mut result = Client::new(stream, &[V4_1, V4_0, 0, 0]).await;
    let mut client = result.unwrap();
    // Send a HELLO message with authorization details to the server to initialize
    // the session.
    let response: Message = client.hello(
            ("user_agent", "my-client-name/1.0"),
            ("scheme", "basic"),
            ("principal", &env::var("BOLT_TEST_USERNAME")?),
            ("credentials", &env::var("BOLT_TEST_PASSWORD")?),

    // Run a query on the server
    let response = client.run_with_metadata("RETURN 1 as num;", None, None).await?;

    // Successful responses will include a SUCCESS message with related metadata
    // Consuming these messages is optional and will be skipped for the rest of the example

    // Use PULL to retrieve results of the query, organized into RECORD messages
    // We get a (Message, Vec<Record>) returned from a PULL
    let pull_meta = Metadata::from_iter(vec![("n", 1)]);
    let (response, records) = client.pull(Some(pull_meta.clone())).await?;

    assert_eq!(records[0].fields(), &[Value::from(1)]);

    // Run a more complex query with parameters
    let params = Params::from_iter(vec![("name", "Rust")]);
        "CREATE (:Client)-[:WRITTEN_IN]->(:Language {name: $name});",
        Some(params), None).await?;

    // Grab a node from the database and convert it to a native type
    client.run_with_metadata("MATCH (rust:Language) RETURN rust;", None, None).await?;
    let (response, records) = client.pull(Some(pull_meta.clone())).await?;
    let node = Node::try_from(records[0].fields()[0].clone())?;

    // Access properties from returned values
    assert_eq!(node.labels(), &[String::from("Language")]);
               &HashMap::from_iter(vec![(String::from("name"), Value::from("Rust"))]));

    // End the connection with the server


For version 3 of the protocol, the above example would simply use Client::pull_all instead of Client::pull. In version 4, note that we must pass metadata to PULL to indicate how many records we wish to consume, but in version 3 this metadata is not required (i.e. all records are consumed).

// Now we only want Bolt v3
let mut result = Client::new(stream, &[V3_0, 0, 0, 0]).await;

// PULL_ALL instead of PULL
let (response, records) = client.pull_all().await?;

For versions 1 and 2 of the protocol, the changes are more involved:

// For the handshake we want to support versions 1 and 2 only, preferring version 2.
let mut result = Client::new(stream, &[V2_0, V1_0, 0, 0]).await;
// Instead of `hello`, we call `init`, and the user agent string is provided separately.
let response: Message = client.init(
        ("scheme", "basic"),
        ("principal", &env::var("BOLT_TEST_USERNAME")?),
        ("credentials", &env::var("BOLT_TEST_PASSWORD")?),

// Instead of `run_with_metadata`, we call `run`, and there is no third parameter for metadata.
let response = client.run("RETURN 1 as num;", None).await?;

// We also use Client::pull_all here.
let (response, records) = client.pull_all().await?;

// There is no call to `goodbye`

See the documentation of the Client struct for information on transaction management, error handling, and more.





An asynchronous client for Bolt servers.


A map from Strings to Values used primarily to provide supplementary information to Client methods.


A map from Strings to Values used primarily to provide supplementary information to Client methods.



A convenient wrapper around a TcpStream or a TlsStream.