bollard 0.14.0

An asynchronous Docker daemon API
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//! # Bollard: an asynchronous rust client library for the docker API
//! Bollard leverages the latest [Hyper]( and
//! [Tokio]( improvements for an asynchronous API containing
//! futures, streams and the async/await paradigm.
//! This library features Windows support through [Named
//! Pipes]( and HTTPS support through optional
//! [Rustls]( bindings. Serialization types for interfacing with
//! [Docker]( and [Buildkit]( are
//! generated through OpenAPI, protobuf and upstream documentation.
//! # Install
//! Add the following to your `Cargo.toml` file
//! ```nocompile
//! [dependencies]
//! bollard = "*"
//! ```
//! # API
//! ## Documentation
//! [API docs](
//! ### Latest
//! Version `0.14` enables a `buildkit` feature for builds using public images (check the
//! [buildkit example](
//! for details on how to configure).
//! ## Feature flags
//!  - `ssl`: enable SSL support through [Rustls](
//!  - `chrono`: enable [Chrono]( for `DateTime` types.
//!  - `time`: enable [Time 0.3]( for `DateTime` types.
//!  - `buildkit`: use [Buildkit]( instead of
//!    [Docker]( when building images.
//!  - `json_data_content`: Add JSON to errors on serialization failures.
//!  - `ct_logs`: [Certificate transparency](
//!    verification (requires `ssl`).
//! ## Version
//! The [Docker API]( used by Bollard is using the latest
//! `1.41` documentation schema published by the [moby]( project to
//! generate its serialization interface.
//! This library also supports [version
//! negotiation](,
//! to allow downgrading to an older API version.
//! # Usage
//! ## Connecting with the docker daemon
//! Connect to the docker server according to your architecture and security remit.
//! ### Socket
//! The client will connect to the standard unix socket location `/var/run/docker.sock` or Windows
//! named pipe location `//./pipe/docker_engine`.
//! ```rust
//! use bollard::Docker;
//! #[cfg(unix)]
//! Docker::connect_with_socket_defaults();
//! ```
//! Use the `Docker::connect_with_socket` method API to parameterise this interface.
//! ### Local
//! The client will connect to the OS specific handler it is compiled for.
//! This is a convenience for localhost environment that should run on multiple
//! operating systems.
//! ```rust
//! use bollard::Docker;
//! Docker::connect_with_local_defaults();
//! ```
//! Use the `Docker::connect_with_local` method API to parameterise this interface.
//! ### HTTP
//! The client will connect to the location pointed to by `DOCKER_HOST` environment variable, or
//! `localhost:2375` if missing.
//! ```rust
//! use bollard::Docker;
//! Docker::connect_with_http_defaults();
//! ```
//! Use the `Docker::connect_with_http` method API to parameterise the interface.
//! ### SSL via Rustls
//! The client will connect to the location pointed to by `DOCKER_HOST` environment variable, or
//! `localhost:2375` if missing.
//! The location pointed to by the `DOCKER_CERT_PATH` environment variable is searched for
//! certificates - `key.pem` for the private key, `cert.pem` for the server certificate and
//! `ca.pem` for the certificate authority chain.
//! ```rust
//! use bollard::Docker;
//! #[cfg(feature = "ssl")]
//! Docker::connect_with_ssl_defaults();
//! ```
//! Use the `Docker::connect_with_ssl` method API to parameterise the interface.
//! ## Examples
//! Note: all these examples need a [Tokio
//! Runtime](
//! ### Version
//! First, check that the API is working with your server:
//! ```rust,no_run
//! use bollard::Docker;
//! use futures_util::future::FutureExt;
//! // Use a connection function described above
//! // let docker = Docker::connect_...;
//! # let docker = Docker::connect_with_local_defaults().unwrap();
//! async move {
//!     let version = docker.version().await.unwrap();
//!     println!("{:?}", version);
//! };
//! ```
//! ### Listing images
//! To list docker images available on the Docker server:
//! ```rust,no_run
//! use bollard::Docker;
//! use bollard::image::ListImagesOptions;
//! use futures_util::future::FutureExt;
//! use std::default::Default;
//! // Use a connection function described above
//! // let docker = Docker::connect_...;
//! # let docker = Docker::connect_with_local_defaults().unwrap();
//! async move {
//!     let images = &docker.list_images(Some(ListImagesOptions::<String> {
//!         all: true,
//!         ..Default::default()
//!     })).await.unwrap();
//!     for image in images {
//!         println!("-> {:?}", image);
//!     }
//! };
//! ```
//! ## Streaming Stats
//! To receive a stream of stats for a running container.
//! ```rust,no_run
//! use bollard::Docker;
//! use bollard::container::StatsOptions;
//! use futures_util::stream::TryStreamExt;
//! use std::default::Default;
//! // Use a connection function described above
//! // let docker = Docker::connect_...;
//! # let docker = Docker::connect_with_local_defaults().unwrap();
//! async move {
//!     let stats = &docker.stats("postgres", Some(StatsOptions {
//!        stream: true,
//!        ..Default::default()
//!     })).try_collect::<Vec<_>>().await.unwrap();
//!     for stat in stats {
//!         println!("{} - mem total: {:?} | mem usage: {:?}",
//!   ,
//!             stat.memory_stats.max_usage,
//!             stat.memory_stats.usage);
//!     }
//! };
//! ```
//! # Examples
//! Further examples are available in the [examples
//! folder](, or the [integration/unit
//! tests](
//! # Development
//! Contributions are welcome, please observe the following.
//! ## Building the proto models
//! Serialization models for the buildkit feature are generated through the [Tonic
//! library]( To generate these files, use the
//! following in the `codegen/proto` folder:
//! ```bash
//! cargo run --bin gen --features build
//! ```
//! ## Building the swagger models
//! Serialization models are generated through the [Swagger
//! library]( To generate these files, use the
//! following in the `codegen/swagger` folder:
//! ```bash
//! mvn -D org.slf4j.simpleLogger.defaultLogLevel=error compiler:compile generate-resources
//! ```
//! # Integration tests
//! Running the integration tests by default requires a running docker registry, with images tagged
//! and pushed there. To disable this behaviour, set the `DISABLE_REGISTRY` environment variable.
//! ```bash
//! docker run -d --restart always --name registry -p 5000:5000 registry:2
//! docker pull hello-world:linux
//! docker pull fussybeaver/uhttpd
//! docker pull alpine
//! docker tag hello-world:linux localhost:5000/hello-world:linux
//! docker tag fussybeaver/uhttpd localhost:5000/fussybeaver/uhttpd
//! docker tag alpine localhost:5000/alpine
//! docker push localhost:5000/hello-world:linux
//! docker push localhost:5000/fussybeaver/uhttpd
//! docker push localhost:5000/alpine
//! docker swarm init
//! REGISTRY_HTTP_ADDR=localhost:5000 cargo test -- --test-threads 1
//! ```
#![allow(clippy::upper_case_acronyms, clippy::derive_partial_eq_without_eq)]

extern crate serde_derive;
extern crate log;

// declare modules
pub mod auth;
pub mod container;
mod docker;
pub mod errors;
pub mod exec;
pub mod image;
mod named_pipe;
pub mod network;
mod read;
pub mod secret;
pub mod service;
pub mod system;
mod uri;
pub mod volume;

pub mod grpc;

// publicly re-export
pub use crate::docker::{ClientVersion, Docker, API_DEFAULT_VERSION};
pub use bollard_stubs::models;

#[cfg(feature = "buildkit")]
pub use bollard_buildkit_proto::health;

#[cfg(feature = "buildkit")]
pub use bollard_buildkit_proto::moby;