
Nested message and enum types in FileAction.
Nested message and enum types in Op.
Nested message and enum types in UserOpt.


BuildInput is used for BuildOp.
BuildOp is used for nested build invocation. BuildOp is experimental and can break without backwards compatibility
CacheOpt defines options specific to cache mounts
Definition is the LLB definition structure with per-vertex metadata entries
ExecOp executes a command in a container.
Input represents an input edge for an Op.
Location defines list of areas in to source file
Locations is a list of ranges with a index to its source map.
Meta is a set of arguments for ExecOp. Meta is unrelated to LLB metadata. FIXME: rename (ExecContext? ExecArgs?)
Mount specifies how to mount an input Op as a filesystem.
Op represents a vertex of the LLB DAG.
OpMetadata is a per-vertex metadata entry, which can be defined for arbitrary Op vertex and overridable on the run time.
Platform is
Position is single location in a source file
Range is an area in the source file
SecretEnv is an environment variable that is backed by a secret.
SecretOpt defines options describing secret mounts
Source is a source mapping description for a file
Source info contains the shared metadata of a source mapping
SourceOp specifies a source such as build contexts and images.
SSHOpt defines options describing ssh mounts
TmpfsOpt defines options describing tpmfs mounts
WorkerConstraints defines conditions for the worker


CacheSharingOpt defines different sharing modes for cache mount
MountType defines a type of a mount from a supported set