bolic-network 0.0.1

Modern network abstraction and tooling for building distributed systems
bolic-network: a modern network abstraction and tooling for building distributed systems.

Why not libp2p? (and others)
We believe our design is clutter-free, minimalist, and usable at different
levels. It does what other libraries like libp2p can do, but with much better
abstraction based on the authors' multi-year of cutting-edge research
experience in distributed systems and consensus. It is not just a code base
that "works", but also meets the demands of a wide spectrum of networked
infrastructures, especially those requiring high volume of binary (short or
moderately sized) messages. In fact, we build this library to be reused and
serve well as the basis for *any* core infrastructure that exchanges messages in
a networked manner.

Why not Tokio?
We do use tokio to manage some intertwined asynchronous logic in our code, but
our core data transmission is done by a carefully crafted engine directly based
on mio. Instead of throwing all connections into tokio, by giving them a better
abstraction (`Endpoint`) and drive them through our well-engineered `Driver`
(which is a pool of `Worker`s), we have established a good separation among
the following three aspects of a networking library: the notion of a peer-wise
data transmission channel, the actual underlying transportation protocol (could
even be SMS, if one implements `Transport` trait) it utilizes, and the
execution logic that efficiently drives the asynchronous I/O induced by the
transmission. By learning from the past projects and with the help of Rust, we
believe our abstraction achieves clarity, simplicity and low overhead at the
same time. If not the best in terms of the absolute performance (one can always
handcraft a super adhoc solution, say in C, with optimal performance), it still
offers a solid basis for any distributed systems with great performance and

Reusable at Different Levels

Our design deliberately divides our abstraction/implementation into different
levels so engineers and researchers can easily use them for their own purpose
with a lot of freedom of customization.

At the highest level, one can either use:

- `network` (TBD): will contain the code for self-organizing network, including node discovery, routing, etc.
- `hub`: defines and implements a multi-transport "hub" that could
  automatically connect to other peers given their contacts. This could be
  useful for a relatively static network setup, such as a quorum-based (or
  "vote-based", "PoS") consensus protocol, or MPC projects.

In `hub`, there are three important abstractions (and their implementations) could be customized:

- `Driver`: a pool of `Worker`s, where each worker has an OS-level thread and
  drives the I/O of multiple endpoints.

- `Endpoint`: a user-friendly, bidirectional, virtual channel that transmits
  data to some remote recipient. An endpoint has a pluggable `Transport` at
  its core that actually implements the network transmission.

- `Transport`: a protocol-specific implementation that follows a unified
  interface to move data through the endpoint. The existence of this
  abstraction allows `Endpoint` to be connection-agnostic: the underlying
  transportation method could either be "connection-based" (such as TCP) or
  "connectionless" (such as UDP), but the user of endpoints does not need to
  worry about that. An endpoint may *renew* its underlying transport to be able
  to resume its data transmission once it is "clogged" (i.e., reconnection) -- all
  these, are invisible to the endpoint users. What's more, while doing all these,
  endpoints can be moved among the workers (for load-balancing purposes)
  on-the-fly, without losing any data.

The vast majority of our code base is also WASM-compatible. Which means one can
turn web browsers and web-like environments (such as mobile apps) into a legit
node that talks to others. This means one can achieve "true" P2P by running a
lightweight node in the client to talk to "servers" (nodes with useful
services), without having to invoke a cumbersome RPC protocol like JSON/RPC or
web REST calls.

This project is licensed under Apache License 2.0. See `NOTICE` file for more information.