boh 0.1.1

A holder of many things
use anyhow::Context as _;
pub mod rollout;

pub enum Subcommand {
    /// Manage the rollout of a resource

/// A small kubectl replacement. Note that this does not currently support
/// incluster configuration as it assumes it is being run somewhere other than
/// the target cluster
pub struct Args {
    /// Path to a kubeconfig file to load the cluster host and cert information from
    kubeconfig: camino::Utf8PathBuf,
    /// The name of the context, must be specified if there is more than one in the config
    cluster: Option<String>,
    /// The namespace in the cluster to operate on
    #[clap(short, long)]
    namespace: String,
    cmd: Subcommand,

impl crate::Scopes for Args {
    fn scopes(&self) -> &'static [&'static str] {

pub struct K8sClient {
    server: String,
    namespace: String,
    client: reqwest::Client,

impl K8sClient {
    fn make_url(&self, kind: &str, name: &str) -> String {
        // Note that the namespace and resource name should be
        // URL encoded, however if we ever have namespaces/names
        // that _need_ to be URL encoded, we deserve what we get
            self.server, self.namespace,

fn load_config(
    config_path: camino::Utf8PathBuf,
    namespace: String,
    cluster: Option<String>,
    builder: reqwest::ClientBuilder,
) -> anyhow::Result<K8sClient> {
    use serde::Deserialize;

    struct ClusterDetails {
        server: String,
        #[serde(rename = "certificate-authority-data")]
        cert_data: String,

    struct ClusterConfig {
        name: String,
        cluster: ClusterDetails,

    struct KubeConfig {
        clusters: Vec<ClusterConfig>,

    let config_data = std::fs::read_to_string(&config_path)
        .with_context(|| format!("failed to read kubeconfig '{config_path}'"))?;
    let config: KubeConfig = serde_yaml::from_str(&config_data)
        .with_context(|| format!("failed to deserialize kubeconfig '{config_path}'"))?;

    let mut clusters = config.clusters;

        "no clusters were defined in '{config_path}'"

    let details = if let Some(cluster_name) = cluster {
            .find_map(|cc| {
                if == cluster_name {
                } else {
            .with_context(|| {
                format!("failed to find cluster '{cluster_name}' in '{config_path}'")
    } else if clusters.len() > 1 {
        let mut names = String::new();

        for cluster in clusters.into_iter().map(|cc| {
            use std::fmt::Write;
            write!(&mut names, "{cluster}, ").unwrap();


        anyhow::bail!("there were multiple clusters to choose from [{names}], you must specify which one to use via --cluster");
    } else {

    use base64::Engine;

    let cert = base64::engine::general_purpose::STANDARD
        .context("failed to decode cert")?;

    let cert = openssl::x509::X509::from_pem(&cert).context("failed to load cert")?;

    let client_b = builder.add_root_certificate(reqwest::Certificate::from_der(&cert.to_der()?)?);

    Ok(K8sClient {
        server: details.server,

pub async fn run(args: Args, builder: reqwest::ClientBuilder) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    let client = load_config(args.kubeconfig, args.namespace, args.cluster, builder)?;

    match args.cmd {
        Subcommand::Rollout(args) => rollout::run(client, args).await,