body-image 2.2.1

Adaptive RAM/file-backed HTTP bodies.


Rustdoc Change Log CI Status

The body-image crate provides a uniform access strategy for HTTP body payloads which may be scattered across multiple allocations in RAM, or buffered to a temporary file, and optionally memory mapped. This effectively enables trading some file I/O cost in return for supporting significantly larger bodies without risk of exhausting RAM.

See the top-level (project workspace) README for additional rationale.

Minimum supported rust version

MSRV := 1.39.0

The crate will fail fast on any lower rustc (via a version check) and is also CI tested on this version.


This project is dual licensed under either of following:


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in body-image by you, as defined by the Apache License, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.