bodhi 0.0.3

bodhi REST API client

bodhi REST API client

This package contains WIP rust bindings for the bodhi REST API.

It uses the awesome reqwest and serde packages.

Current status

  • All GET requests are implemented, and all actual API responses should successfully deserialize.
  • No POST requests are implemented yet, because
  • OpenID authentication is not yet implemented.

Note that the API is not finalized yet, and minor changes will still happen before the 0.1.0 release.


  • OpenID authentication, needed for authenticated POST requests
  • report bodhi API issues (, Update.old_update_id are either strings or numbers, depending on the query)
  • inspect errors in BuildNVRQuery, CommenIDQuery, OverrideNVRQuery, ReleaseNameQuery, StackNameQuery, UpdateIDQuery, and UserNameQuery, and return Some(item) and None if it's not found, instead of pushing the "not found" case into an Err