bmp 0.0.7

Small library for reading and writing BMP images in Rust failed to build bmp-0.0.7
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Visit the last successful build: bmp-0.5.0


Build Status

Small module for reading and writing bitmap images. Currently only 24-bit RGB BMP images are supported.


The library should be available on, but updated versions of the crate might lag behind until 1.0.0 of Rust has been released.

To ensure that the crate is up to date, add it as a git dependency to Cargo.toml in your project.

git = ""

###Initializing Initialize a new image with the new function, by specifying width and height.

extern crate bmp;
use bmp::Image;

let mut img = Image::new(100, 100);

###Editing Edit image data using the get_pixel and set_pixel functions. Save an image with the save function, by specifying the path. The function returns an IoResult which indicates whether the save was successful or not.

let pixel = img.get_pixel(0, 0);
img.set_pixel(50, 50, Pixel { r: 255, g: 255, b: 255 });
let _ ="path/to/img.bmp");

###Opening Open an existing image with the open function, by specifying the path. The function returns a BmpResult, that contains either a Image or a BmpError.

let mut img = match Image::open("path/to/img.bmp") {
    Ok(img) => img,
    Err(e) => panic!("{}", e)
// or ...
let mut img = Image::open("path/to/img.bmp").unwrap();

Coordinate convention

The BMP images are accessed in row-major order, where point (0, 0) is defined to be in the upper left corner of the image. Example

extern crate bmp;

use bmp::{Image, Pixel};

fn main() {
    let mut img = Image::new(256, 256);

    for (x, y) in img.coordinates() {
        img.set_pixel(x, y, Pixel {
            r: (x - y / 256) as u8,
            g: (y - x / 256) as u8,
            b: (x + y / 256) as u8
    let _ ="img.bmp");