blynk_io 0.3.0 streaming API integration in Rust

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About The Project

This library was created with intent to support Rust usage and prototpying on ESP32 boards with help of esp-rs project that enables use of Rust on various SoCs.

The project was mainly based on the official python implementation since there are no extensive docs of the API.

Built With

Getting Started

Make sure you have your rust environment configurated


  1. Add library to your Cargo.toml

    blynk_io = "0.3.0"
  2. Use the library in you code

    use blynk_io::*;
    let mut blynk = <Blynk>::new("AUTH_TOKEN".to_string());
    fn main() {
        loop {
  3. Have fun! :relieved:


  1. Get an AUTH_TOKEN Key with app
  2. Install cargo binary crate to be able to test easily on your computer
    $ cargo install blynk_io
  3. Run the provided binary example with provided AUTH_TOKEN
    $ blynk_io --features build-binary AUTH_TOKEN
    (Optional) if you want to run the client in async mode, start the folllowing example
    $ blynk_io --features build-binary,async AUTH_TOKEN
  4. You should see an output similar to the followig one
    2022-02-10T16:24:27.352Z INFO [blynk_io::config] No server name provided, using default (
    2022-02-10T16:24:27.353Z INFO [blynk_io::config] No server name provided, using default (80)
    Using auth token for G7HDmT7fraqB5A6WOautoTCQ0XvRplCv
    Connecting to
    2022-02-10T16:24:27.353Z ERROR [blynk_io] Not connected, trying reconnect
    2022-02-10T16:24:27.419Z INFO [blynk_io] Successfully connected to blynk server
    2022-02-10T16:24:27.419Z INFO [blynk_io] Authenticating device...
    Sent message, awaiting reply...!!
    2022-02-10T16:24:27.449Z DEBUG [blynk_io::client] size (5) vs consumed (5)
    2022-02-10T16:24:27.449Z DEBUG [blynk_io::client] Got response message: Message { mtype: Rsp, id: 1, size: None, status: Some(StatusOk), body: [] }
    2022-02-10T16:24:27.449Z INFO [blynk_io] Access granted
    2022-02-10T16:24:27.449Z INFO [blynk_io] Setting heartbeat
    Sent message, awaiting reply...!!
    2022-02-10T16:24:27.479Z DEBUG [blynk_io::client] size (5) vs consumed (5)
    2022-02-10T16:24:27.479Z DEBUG [blynk_io::client] Got response message: Message { mtype: Rsp, id: 2, size: None, status: Some(StatusOk), body: [] }


  • add tests
  • add rustdocs
  • CI integration with GithHub Actions
  • better error generation & handling
  • add async support once it's stable in esp-rs
  • better test coverage
  • ssl implementation

See the open issues for a full list of proposed features (and known issues).


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.


Bernard Kobos - @bkobos -

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