bluetooth_mesh 0.1.4

Cross-platform, full Bluetooth Mesh stack implemented in Rust. Following the Bluetooth Mesh Spec Core v1.0 by SIG. Designed to work with any almost any BLE radio (uses for platform dependent Bluetooth drivers). While a stack is provided by the library, all the primatives and objects needed to customize and create your own stack are provided. See for more.

name = "bluetooth_mesh"

description = """
Cross-platform, full Bluetooth Mesh stack implemented in Rust. Following the Bluetooth Mesh Spec Core v1.0 by SIG.

Designed to work with any almost any BLE radio (uses for
platform dependent Bluetooth drivers). While a stack is provided by the library, all the primatives and objects needed
to customize and create your own stack are provided.

See for more.

license = "GPL-3.0-only"

repository = ""

version = "0.1.4"

authors = ["Andrew Gilbrough <>"]

edition = "2018"

readme = ""


default = ["full_stack"]

full_stack = ["std", "tokio", "futures-core", "futures-util"]

serde-1 = ["serde"]

std = ["serde/std"]


btle = {version = "0.1.1", path = "btle", default-features = false}

tokio = {version = "0.2.11", optional=true, default-features = false, features=["sync", "rt-core", "time"]}

futures-core = {version = "0.3.4", optional=true}

futures-util = {version = "0.3.4", optional=true}

rand = "0.7"

aes = "0.3.2"

aead = "0.2.0"

dbl = "0.2.1"

block-modes = "0.3.3"

subtle = "2.2.2"

serde = {version = "1.0.104", default-features = false, features = ["derive"], optional = true }