bluedroid 0.3.6

A wrapper for the ESP32 Bluedroid Bluetooth stack.
/// Purposefully leaks memory in order to put the value into a static address that FFI functions can access.
/// # Notes
/// Do not use this function unless you know what you are doing.
/// Especially in loops, this function will cause memory leaks.
macro_rules! leaky_box_raw {
    ($val:expr) => {

// #[macro_export]
// macro_rules! leaky_box_u8 {
//     ($val:expr) => {
//         leaky_box_raw!($val) as *mut u8
//     };
// }

// #[macro_export]
// macro_rules! leaky_box_be_bytes {
//     ($val:expr) => {
//         leaky_box_u8!($val.to_be_bytes())
//     };
// }