blsttc 5.0.0

Pairing threshold cryptography
# Changelog

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See [standard-version]( for commit guidelines.

## [5.0.0] (2022-03-10)


* ensure version bump to 5.0.0

* update readme ([8251bb2]

## [4.1.0] (2022-03-09)

### Features

* replace bls12_381 with blstrs ([aca04ec]

## [4.0.0] (2022-02-21)


* **api:** changes to public API

* **api:** removing calls to unwrap(), returning Result from all apis ([91db096]

## [3.4.0] (2021-09-13)

### Features

* accept Borrow<SignatureShare> for ::combine_signatures() to ease use of Vec<SignatureShare> ([fbd24a7]

## [3.3.0] (2021-09-06)

### Features

* SecretKeySet and PublicKeySet derive_child ([fcd174f]

## [3.2.0] (2021-08-30)

### Features

* add g2_from_be_bytes and g2_to_be_bytes ([47f0102]
* allow utils to be used publicly ([ce8e969]

## [3.1.0] (2021-08-23)

### Features

* add derive_child for SecretKey and PublicKey ([524dd27]

## [3.0.0] (2021-08-05)


* `PublicKey::from_bytes`, `PublicKeyShare::from_bytes`,
`Signature::from_bytes` and `SignatureShare::from_bytes` can no longer
take `&[u8; N]`, and must be called with `[u8; N]` instead. This may
require additional copying/cloning.

* Force a breaking change ([b4b22e5], closes [#11]

## [2.5.0] (2021-08-03)

### Features

* add to_bytes and from_bytes ([a1b9efa]

## [2.4.0] (2021-08-02)

### Features

* remove mock ([9919f98]

## [2.3.0] (2021-07-27)

### Features

* add SecretKeySet::poly() fn to make the Poly accessible ([598ffc0]

## [2.2.0] (2021-07-27)

### Features

* make SecretKeySet::secret_key() public ([d20a879]

## [2.1.0] (2021-07-26)

### Features

* add pub fn to_bytes() to Ciphertext ([46a51ac]
* changes byte order of and improves Ciphertext::to_bytes(), adds ::from_bytes(), and adds a test for both ([ab7d460]

### [2.0.2] (2021-07-08)

### [2.0.1] (2021-06-30)

### Bug Fixes

* replace deprecated bench_function_over_inputs with BenchmarkGroup ([80eba34]
* simple clippy warning ([a95b419]
* tiny inconsistency ([265fe2e]

## [2.0.0] (2021-06-30)


* **blst:** This enables blsttc to work on older cpu architectures

### Features

* **blst:** enable 'portable' feature of blst ([75d89f2]

### 1.0.1 (2021-06-28)