blocking-permit 0.1.0

Permits and a thread pool for blocking operations
version = ">=0.4.0, <0.5"

optional = true
version = ">=0.3.1, <0.4"

version = ">=0.3.1, <0.4"

optional = true
version = ">=0.2.2, <0.3"

version = ">=0.4.4, <0.5"

version = ">=1.11.1, <1.12"

optional = true
version = ">=0.2.6, <0.3"
default-features = false
version = ">=0.7.1, <0.8"

version = ">=0.3.1, <0.4"

version = ">=0.3.1, <0.4"

version = ">=1.3.0, <1.5"

version = ">=0.7.0, <0.8"

version = ">=3.1.0, <3.2"

current-thread = []
default = ["futures-channel"]
tokio-omnibus = ["tokio-oneshot", "tokio-threaded", "tokio-semaphore"]
tokio-oneshot = ["tokio", "tokio/sync"]
tokio-semaphore = ["tokio", "tokio/sync"]
tokio-threaded = ["tokio", "tokio/rt-core", "tokio/rt-threaded", "tokio/blocking"]

authors = ["David Kellum <>"]
build = ""
categories = ["asynchronous"]
description = "Permits and a thread pool for blocking operations"
documentation = ""
edition = "2018"
exclude = [".gitignore", ".travis.yml", "appveyor.yml"]
keywords = ["async", "semaphore", "thread"]
license = "MIT/Apache-2.0"
name = "blocking-permit"
readme = ""
repository = ""
version = "0.1.0"
features = ["futures-intrusive"]
incremental = false
lto = "thin"