blip 0.3.0

A crate for writing fast and highly resilient in-process gRPC service meshes.
// Copyright 2020 nytopop (Eric Izoita)
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license <LICENSE-MIT or
//>, at your option. This file may not be
// copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
//! A distributed membership protocol based closely on [rapid].
//! # References
//! * [Stable and Consistent Membership at Scale with Rapid][rapid]
//! * [Fast Paxos][fpx]
//! [rapid]:
//! [fpx]:
mod bootstrap;
pub mod cut;
mod faultdetect;
mod proto;

use super::collections::{EventFilter, EventId, FreqSet, Tumbler};
use cut::{Member, MultiNodeCut, Subscription};
use proto::{
    broadcast_req::{Broadcasted::*, *},

use fnv::FnvHasher;
use futures::future::TryFutureExt;
use log::{error, info, warn};
use rand::{thread_rng, Rng};
use std::{
    collections::{hash_map::Entry, BTreeMap, BTreeSet, HashMap, HashSet},
    convert::{TryFrom, TryInto},
    hash::{Hash, Hasher},
    sync::{Arc, Weak},
    task::{Context, Poll},
use thiserror::Error;
use tokio::{
    sync::{broadcast, oneshot, RwLock},
use tonic::{
    transport::{self, ClientTlsConfig},
    Code, Request, Response, Status,

pub(crate) struct Config {
    pub lh: (usize, usize),
    pub k: usize,
    pub seed: Option<Endpoint>,
    pub meta: Metadata,
    pub server_tls: bool,
    pub client_tls: Option<Arc<ClientTlsConfig>>,
    pub fd_timeout: Duration,
    pub fd_strikes: usize,

type Grpc<T> = Result<T, Status>;
type GrpcResponse<T> = Grpc<Response<T>>;

pub(crate) struct Cluster {
    cfg: Config,
    addr: SocketAddr,
    state: Arc<RwLock<State>>,
    cuts: broadcast::Sender<MultiNodeCut>,

impl Membership for Arc<Cluster> {
    /// Handle a pre-join request (phase 1 of the join protocol).
    /// The only thing we need to do is inform the joiner about which nodes to contact in
    /// order to initiate phase 2 of the join protocol.
    async fn pre_join(&self, req: Request<PreJoinReq>) -> GrpcResponse<PreJoinResp> {
        let PreJoinReq { sender, uuid } = req.into_inner();

        let state =;


        let resp = PreJoinResp {
            sender: self.local_node(),
            conf_id: state.conf_id,
            contact: state.nodes.predecessors(&sender).cloned().collect(),


    /// Handle a join request (phase 2 of the join protocol).
    /// The sender has (presumably) already performed a pre-join request, and received a
    /// list of observers to contact (of which we are ~one (presumably)).
    /// Our role here is to notify the rest of the cluster that sender wants to join.
    async fn join(&self, req: Request<JoinReq>) -> GrpcResponse<JoinResp> {
        let JoinReq { sender, ring, uuid, conf_id, meta } = req.into_inner();
        let mut state = self.state.write().await;

        state.verify_ring(&self.local_node(), &sender, ring)?;

        self.enqueue_edge(&mut state, Edge {
            node: sender.clone(),
            join: Some(Join { uuid, meta }),

        match state.join_requests.get(&sender) {
            Some(pending) if pending.task_is_waiting() => {
                return Err(Status::already_exists("another join request is pending"));
            _ => {}

        let (pending, join) = join_task();
        state.join_requests.insert(sender, pending);


    /// Merge a batch of alerts into the local cut detection state.
    /// If the local set of alerts (after merging this batch) satisfies the aggregation
    /// rule in [section 4.2]( of the
    /// rapid paper, we initiate a consensus round for a view-change proposal.
    async fn batched_alert(&self, req: Request<BatchedAlertReq>) -> GrpcResponse<Ack> {
        let BatchedAlertReq { sender, conf_id, edges } = req.into_inner();
        let mut state = self.state.write().await;


        if state.fpx_announced {
            return Err(Status::aborted("already announced fast paxos round"));

        (edges.iter()).try_for_each(|e| state.verify_edge(&sender, e))?;

        for Edge { node, ring, join } in edges {
            state.merge_cd_alert(node, join, Vote {
                node: sender.clone(),


        if let Some(proposal) = state.generate_cd_proposal(self.cfg.lh) {

            info!("starting fast round: conf_id={}", conf_id);
            task::spawn(Arc::clone(self).do_broadcast(FastAccepted(FastAcceptedReq {
                sender: self.local_node(),
                nodes: proposal,

            task::spawn(Arc::clone(self).begin_px_round(PaxosRound {
                sender: self.local_node(),
                members: state.nodes.len(),

        Ok(Response::new(Ack {}))

    /// Handle a fast paxos accepted request.
    /// This rpc covers the most common view-change scenario where most members in the
    /// cluster agree on the same proposal. In this case, a single round of fast paxos
    /// is sufficient to maintain strong consistency.
    /// We sum all votes received thus far, and apply the view-change proposal iff there
    /// is a quorum (>= 3/4) of votes for it.
    async fn fast_accepted(&self, req: Request<FastAcceptedReq>) -> GrpcResponse<Ack> {
        let FastAcceptedReq { sender, conf_id, nodes } = req.into_inner();
        let mut state = self.state.write().await;


        if !state.fpx_voters.insert(sender) {
            return Err(Status::already_exists("sender has already voted"));

        let votes = state.fpx_ballots.insert(nodes.clone());

        if votes >= state.fast_quorum() {
            self.apply_view_change(&mut state, nodes);

                "(fast) applied view-change with {} vote(s): conf_id={}",
                votes, state.conf_id

        Ok(Response::new(Ack {}))

    /// Handle a classical paxos prepare request.
    async fn prepare(&self, req: Request<PrepareReq>) -> GrpcResponse<Ack> {
        let PrepareReq { sender, conf_id, rank } = req.into_inner();
        let mut state = self.state.write().await;


        if rank <= state.px_rnd {
            return Err(Status::aborted("rank is too low"));

        let sender = self
            .map_err(|e| Status::invalid_argument(e.to_string()))?;

        state.px_rnd = rank.clone();

        let p = PromiseReq {
            sender: self.local_node(),
            rnd: rank,
            vrnd: state.px_vrnd.clone(),
            vval: state.px_vval.clone(),

        task::spawn(async move {
                .map_err(|e| Status::unavailable(e.to_string()))
                .and_then(|mut c| async move { c.promise(p).await })
                .map_err(|e| warn!("promise failed: {}", e))

        Ok(Response::new(Ack {}))

    /// Handle a classical paxos promise request.
    async fn promise(&self, req: Request<PromiseReq>) -> GrpcResponse<Ack> {
        let req = req.into_inner();
        let mut state = self.state.write().await;


        if req.rnd != state.px_crnd {
            return Err(Status::aborted("rnd is not our crnd"));


        let quorum = state.slow_quorum();
        let votes = state.px_promised.len();

        if votes > quorum && state.px_cval.is_empty() {
            if let Some(proposal) = state.choose_px_proposal() {
                state.px_cval = proposal.clone();

                task::spawn(Arc::clone(self).do_broadcast(Accept(AcceptReq {
                    sender: self.local_node(),
                    conf_id: state.conf_id,
                    rnd: state.px_crnd.clone(),
                    vval: proposal,

        Ok(Response::new(Ack {}))

    /// Handle a classical paxos accept request.
    async fn accept(&self, req: Request<AcceptReq>) -> GrpcResponse<Ack> {
        let AcceptReq { sender, conf_id, rnd, vval } = req.into_inner();
        let mut state = self.state.write().await;


        if rnd < state.px_rnd {
            return Err(Status::aborted("rnd is too low"));
        if rnd == state.px_vrnd {
            return Err(Status::aborted("rnd is equal to vrnd"));

        state.px_rnd = rnd.clone();
        state.px_vrnd = rnd.clone();
        state.px_vval = vval.clone();

        task::spawn(Arc::clone(self).do_broadcast(Accepted(AcceptedReq {
            sender: self.local_node(),
            nodes: vval,

        Ok(Response::new(Ack {}))

    /// Handle a classical paxos accepted request.
    async fn accepted(&self, req: Request<AcceptedReq>) -> GrpcResponse<Ack> {
        let AcceptedReq { sender, conf_id, rnd, nodes } = req.into_inner();
        let mut state = self.state.write().await;


        let votes = match state.px_accepted.entry(rnd.clone()) {
            Entry::Occupied(mut o) => {
                let (voters, _) = o.get_mut();

            Entry::Vacant(v) => {
                let (voters, _) = v.insert((HashSet::new(), nodes));

        if votes > state.slow_quorum() {
            let (_, proposal) = state.px_accepted.remove(&rnd).unwrap();
            self.apply_view_change(&mut state, proposal);

                "(slow) applied view-change with {} vote(s): conf_id={}",
                votes, state.conf_id

        Ok(Response::new(Ack {}))

    /// Handle a broadcast request.
    /// Each broadcast contains a persistent pseudo-unique id (within some sliding window
    /// of time) which will force it to be processed at most once on any given node.
    /// If the request id has not yet been seen on this node, the inner request will be
    /// handled locally, and the broadcast redistributed to all of this node's subjects.
    /// This infection-style method of broadcast dissemination scales very well to large
    /// clusters - the total network load is distributed amongst all receiving members -
    /// but necessarily introduces a constant multiple of overhead (mostly in the form of
    /// redundantly delivered messages) compared to unicasting messages to each receiver
    /// from a single source.
    /// In addition to the load distribution property, it provides a very high confidence
    /// of delivery at all healthy members.
    async fn broadcast(&self, req: Request<BroadcastReq>) -> GrpcResponse<Ack> {
        let BroadcastReq { unix, uniq, broadcasted } = req.into_inner();

        let broadcasted = broadcasted //
            .ok_or_else(|| Status::invalid_argument("missing oneof"))?;
        let event_id = EventId::new(unix, uniq);

        let mut subjects: Vec<_> = {
            let mut state = self.state.write().await;

            if !state.bcast_filter.insert(event_id) {
                return Err(Status::already_exists("delivery is redundant"));



        for subject in subjects {
            let req = Request::new(BroadcastReq {
                broadcasted: Some(broadcasted.clone()),

            let subject = self
                .expect("all stored endpoints are valid");

            task::spawn(async move {
                    .map_err(|e| Status::unavailable(e.to_string()))
                    .and_then(|mut c| async move { c.broadcast(req).await })
                    .map_err(|e| match (e.code(), e.message()) {
                        (Code::AlreadyExists, "delivery is redundant") => {}
                        _ => warn!("infection failed: {}", e),

        match broadcasted {
            BatchedAlert(ba) => self.batched_alert(Request::new(ba)).await,
            FastAccepted(fa) => self.fast_accepted(Request::new(fa)).await,
            Prepare(p) => self.prepare(Request::new(p)).await,
            Promise(p) => self.promise(Request::new(p)).await,
            Accept(a) => self.accept(Request::new(a)).await,
            Accepted(a) => self.accepted(Request::new(a)).await,

    /// Handle a fault-detection probe message.
    async fn probe(&self, _: Request<Ack>) -> GrpcResponse<Ack> {
        let State { ref nodes, .. } = *;

        if !nodes.contains(&self.local_node()) {
            return Err(Status::unavailable("degraded"));

        Ok(Response::new(Ack {}))

impl Cluster {
    pub(crate) fn new(cfg: Config, addr: SocketAddr) -> Self {
        let state = Arc::new(RwLock::new(State {
            uuid: NodeId::generate(),
            conf_id: 0,
            nodes: Tumbler::new(cfg.k),
            uuids: BTreeSet::new(),
            metadata: HashMap::new(),
            last_cut: None,

            bcast_filter: EventFilter::new(Duration::from_secs(3600)),

            join_requests: HashMap::new(),

            cd_batch: AlertBatch::default(),
            cd_joiners: HashMap::new(),
            cd_reports: BTreeMap::new(),

            fpx_announced: false,
            fpx_voters: HashSet::new(),
            fpx_ballots: FreqSet::new(),

            px_rnd: Rank::zero(),
            px_vrnd: Rank::zero(),
            px_crnd: Rank::zero(),
            px_vval: Vec::new(),
            px_cval: Vec::new(),
            px_accepted: HashMap::new(),
            px_promised: Vec::new(),

        let (cuts, _) = broadcast::channel(8);

        Cluster {

    pub(crate) fn into_service(self: Arc<Self>) -> MembershipServer<Arc<Self>> {

    pub(crate) fn subscribe(&self) -> Subscription {
        let state = Arc::downgrade(&self.state);
        let rx = self.cuts.subscribe();
        Subscription::new(state, rx)

    fn local_node(&self) -> Endpoint {

    /// Resolve an `Endpoint` to a `transport::Endpoint`, applying the configured client TLS
    /// settings if specified by the endpoint.
    fn resolve_endpoint(&self, e: &Endpoint) -> Result<transport::Endpoint, EndpointError> {
        if !e.tls {
            return e.try_into();

        let tls = (self.cfg.client_tls)


    /// Apply a view-change proposal to `state`. This will propagate the view-change to any
    /// subscribed tasks, and unblock any joining nodes in the proposal (if we're the ones
    /// handling their join request).
    fn apply_view_change(&self, state: &mut State, proposal: Vec<Endpoint>) {
        let mut joined = Vec::with_capacity(proposal.len());
        let mut kicked = Vec::with_capacity(proposal.len());

        for node in proposal {
            if let Some(Join { uuid, meta }) = state.cd_joiners.remove(&node) {
                joined.push(self.resolve_member_meta(meta.clone(), &node).unwrap());
                state.join_node(node, Join { uuid, meta });
            } else {
                let meta = state.kick_node(&node);
                kicked.push(self.resolve_member_meta(meta, &node).unwrap());


        let local_node = self.local_node();

        joined.sort_by_key(|m| m.addr());
        kicked.sort_by_key(|m| m.addr());

        let mut members: Vec<_> = (state.nodes.iter())
            .map(|node| self.resolve_member(state, node).unwrap())

        members.sort_by_key(|m| m.addr());

        let cut = MultiNodeCut {
            skipped: 0,
            local_addr: self.addr,
            degraded: !state.nodes.contains(&local_node),
            conf_id: state.rehash_config(),
            members: members.into(),
            joined: joined.into(),
            kicked: kicked.into(),

        state.respond_to_joiners(&cut, local_node);
        state.last_cut = Some(cut.clone());

    /// Resolve a [Member] by looking up its metadata in the cluster state.
    fn resolve_member(&self, state: &State, peer: &Endpoint) -> ResolvedMember {
        let addr: SocketAddr = peer.try_into()?;

        let meta = (state.metadata)

        let tls = self.get_client_tls(peer.tls);

        Ok(Member::new(addr, tls, meta))

    /// Resolve a [Member] without performing a metadata lookup.
    /// This is useful if the endpoint has not been added to the cluster state.
    fn resolve_member_meta(&self, meta: Metadata, peer: &Endpoint) -> ResolvedMember {
        let addr: SocketAddr = peer.try_into()?;
        let tls = self.get_client_tls(peer.tls);

        Ok(Member::new(addr, tls, meta))

    /// Get a client tls config, if `enabled`.
    fn get_client_tls(&self, enabled: bool) -> Option<Arc<ClientTlsConfig>> {
        guard! { enabled };

        let tls = (self.cfg.client_tls)
            .unwrap_or_else(|| Arc::new(ClientTlsConfig::new()));


    /// Propagate a view-change proposal to all subscribed tasks. This includes the fault
    /// detector, partition detector, and any subscribed mesh services (from the overlay).
    fn propagate_cut(&self, cut: MultiNodeCut) {
        // NOTE: this might fail, but if it does we'll exit soon anyway.
        let _ = self.cuts.send(cut);

    /// Enqueue an edge to be included in the next batched broadcast.
    fn enqueue_edge(self: &Arc<Self>, state: &mut State, edge: Edge) {
        self.enqueue_edges(state, std::iter::once(edge));

    /// Enqueue some edge(s) to be included in the next batched broadcast.
    fn enqueue_edges<I: IntoIterator<Item = Edge>>(self: &Arc<Self>, state: &mut State, iter: I) {
        let AlertBatch { started, conf_id, edges } = &mut state.cd_batch;

        // if there are any edges from a prior configuration, delete them.
        if mem::replace(conf_id, state.conf_id) != state.conf_id {

        // add any new edges for send_batch to propagate.
        let n = edges.len();

        // if we added edges and there's no send_batch task waiting, start one.
        if edges.len() != n && !mem::replace(started, true) {

    /// Send a batched cut detection broadcast. This coalesces any edges enqueued within the
    /// same ~short period of time into the same batch.
    async fn send_batch(self: Arc<Self>) {
        // wait a bit to allow more edges to be included in this batch.

        let sender = self.local_node();

        // replace the state's cd_batch with an empty one.
        let AlertBatch { conf_id, edges, .. } = {
            let mut state = self.state.write().await;
            mem::take(&mut state.cd_batch)

        // if configuration changed without adding new edges, there's nothing to send.
        if edges.is_empty() {

        self.do_broadcast(BatchedAlert(BatchedAlertReq {

    async fn do_broadcast(self: Arc<Self>, msg: Broadcasted) {
        let id = EventId::generate();

        let req = Request::new(BroadcastReq {
            unix: id.timestamp(),
            uniq: id.unique(),
            broadcasted: Some(msg),

        if let Err(e) = self.broadcast(req).await {
            warn!("broadcast failed: {}", e);

    async fn begin_px_round(self: Arc<Self>, px: PaxosRound) {
        fn fnv_hash<T: Hash>(val: T) -> u64 {
            let mut h = FnvHasher::default();
            val.hash(&mut h);

        let PaxosRound { sender, conf_id, .. } = px.init_delay().await;

        let rank = {
            let mut state = self.state.write().await;

            // if a fast or classical round has already changed conf_id, bail.
            if state.conf_id != conf_id {
            // if a classical paxos round has already begun, bail.
            if state.px_crnd.round > 2 {

            state.px_crnd.round = 2;
            state.px_crnd.node_idx = fnv_hash(&sender);

        info!("starting slow round: conf_id={}", conf_id);

        self.do_broadcast(Prepare(PrepareReq {

struct PaxosRound {
    sender: Endpoint,
    conf_id: u64,
    members: usize,

impl PaxosRound {
    async fn init_delay(self) -> Self {
        let exp = ((self.members + 1) as f64).log(2.0) * 4000.0;
        let ms = thread_rng().gen_range(1000..exp as u64);

#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Error)]
enum MemberResolutionError {
    #[error("invalid socketaddr: {}", .0)]
    InvalidSocketAddr(#[from] SocketAddrError),

    #[error("missing metadata")]

type ResolvedMember = Result<Member, MemberResolutionError>;

struct JoinTask {
    rx: oneshot::Receiver<JoinResp>,
    tx: Weak<oneshot::Sender<JoinResp>>,

impl Future for JoinTask {
    type Output = Result<JoinResp, oneshot::error::RecvError>;

    fn poll(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, ctx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
        Pin::new(&mut self.rx).poll(ctx)

struct PendingJoin {
    tx: Arc<oneshot::Sender<JoinResp>>,

impl PendingJoin {
    /// Returns false if the originating task has dropped their [JoinTask].
    fn task_is_waiting(&self) -> bool {
        Arc::weak_count(&self.tx) > 0

    /// Notify the waiting task that a response is available.
    fn complete(self, join: JoinResp) {
        if !self.task_is_waiting() {

        let _ = Arc::try_unwrap(self.tx)
            .expect("no other references to exist")

fn join_task() -> (PendingJoin, JoinTask) {
    let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel();

    let tx = Arc::new(tx);
    let pending = PendingJoin { tx };

    let tx = Arc::downgrade(&pending.tx);
    let join = JoinTask { rx, tx };

    (pending, join)

struct AlertBatch {
    started: bool,
    conf_id: u64,
    edges: Vec<Edge>,

#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
struct Vote {
    node: Endpoint,
    ring: u64,

pub(crate) struct State {
    // membership state
    uuid: NodeId,
    conf_id: u64,
    nodes: Tumbler<Endpoint>,
    uuids: BTreeSet<NodeId>,
    metadata: HashMap<Endpoint, Metadata>,
    last_cut: Option<MultiNodeCut>,

    // broadcast protocol state
    bcast_filter: EventFilter,

    // join protocol state
    join_requests: HashMap<Endpoint, PendingJoin>,

    // cut detection state
    cd_batch: AlertBatch,
    cd_joiners: HashMap<Endpoint, Join>,
    cd_reports: BTreeMap<Endpoint, HashSet<Vote>>,

    // fast paxos state
    fpx_announced: bool,
    fpx_voters: HashSet<Endpoint>,
    fpx_ballots: FreqSet<Vec<Endpoint>>,

    // classical paxos state
    px_rnd: Rank,
    px_vrnd: Rank,
    px_crnd: Rank,
    px_vval: Vec<Endpoint>,
    px_cval: Vec<Endpoint>,
    px_accepted: HashMap<Rank, (HashSet<Endpoint>, Vec<Endpoint>)>,
    px_promised: Vec<PromiseReq>,

fn err_when<F: FnOnce() -> Status>(cond: bool, err: F) -> Grpc<()> {
    if cond {
    } else {

impl State {
    /// Verify that `host` is not already a member in the active configuration.
    fn verify_unused_host(&self, host: &Endpoint) -> Grpc<()> {
        err_when(self.nodes.contains(host), || {
            Status::already_exists("host already exists")

    /// Verify that `uuid` has not yet been used by any node in the active configuration.
    fn verify_unused_uuid(&self, uuid: &NodeId) -> Grpc<()> {
        err_when(self.uuids.contains(uuid), || {
            Status::already_exists("uuid already exists")

    /// Verify that `src` is the `ring`th observer of `dst`.
    fn verify_ring(&self, src: &Endpoint, dst: &Endpoint, ring: u64) -> Grpc<()> {
                .filter(|e| *e == src)
            || Status::invalid_argument("invalid ring number"),

    /// Verify that `sender` is a member of the active configuration.
    fn verify_sender(&self, sender: &Endpoint) -> Grpc<()> {
        err_when(!self.nodes.contains(sender), || {
            Status::aborted(format!("{} not in configuration", sender))

    /// Verify that `conf_id` refers to the active configuration.
    fn verify_config(&self, conf_id: u64) -> Grpc<()> {
        err_when(self.conf_id != conf_id, || {
            Status::aborted("mismatched configuration id")

    /// Verify that `edge` doesn't violate any protocol invariants.
    fn verify_edge(&self, sender: &Endpoint, edge: &Edge) -> Grpc<()> {
        if edge.join.is_some() {

        if edge.join.is_none() != self.nodes.contains(&edge.node) {
            // either a node is trying to join and is already a member, or a node is
            // not a member and is trying to leave.
            Err(Status::aborted("edge cannot apply to configuration"))
        } else {
            self.verify_ring(sender, &edge.node, edge.ring)

    /// Merge a cut detection alert into the local state.
    fn merge_cd_alert(&mut self, node: Endpoint, join: Option<Join>, src: Vote) {
        if let Some(join) = join {
            self.cd_joiners.insert(node.clone(), join);

    /// Merge implicit cut detection alerts into the local state.
    fn merge_implicit_cd_alerts(&mut self, (l, h): (usize, usize)) {
        let mut implied = vec![];
        for (subject, r) in self.cd_reports.iter() {
            if r.len() <= l || r.len() >= h {

            for (ring, observer) in self.nodes.predecessors(subject).enumerate() {
                let n = (self.cd_reports)
                    .map(|r| r.len())

                if n <= l || n >= h {

                implied.push((subject.clone(), Vote {
                    node: observer.clone(),
                    ring: ring as u64,

        for (subject, vote) in implied {
            self.cd_reports.get_mut(&subject).map(|r| r.insert(vote));

    /// Attempt to generate a view-change proposal for this cut detection round.
    /// If this returns `Some(_)`, any pending edge reports will have been removed.
    fn generate_cd_proposal(&mut self, (l, h): (usize, usize)) -> Option<Vec<Endpoint>> {
        // if any reported edges are in unstable report mode, bail.
        guard! { self.cd_report_counts().all(|n| n >= h || n < l) }
        // if there isn't at least one edge in stable report mode, bail.
        guard! { self.cd_report_counts().any(|n| n >= h) }
        // if we've already announced a proposal round, bail.
        guard! { !mem::replace(&mut self.fpx_announced, true) }


    /// Returns an iterator over the number of unique reports received for each edge in
    /// this cut detection round.
    fn cd_report_counts(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = usize> + '_ {

    /// Returns an iterator over all edges in this cut detection round that have received
    /// at least `h` unique reports.
    /// Drains all reports, even if the iterator is dropped before completing!
    fn drain_cd_reports_gte(&mut self, h: usize) -> impl Iterator<Item = Endpoint> {
        mem::take(&mut self.cd_reports)
            .filter_map(move |(e, r)| guard!(r.len() >= h, e))

    /// Register the initiation of a fast paxos round.
    fn register_fpx_round(&mut self, proposal: &[Endpoint]) {
        if self.px_rnd.round >= 2 {

        self.px_rnd = Rank::fast_round();
        self.px_vrnd = Rank::fast_round();
        self.px_vval = proposal.into();

    /// Returns the size of quorum needed for a fast paxos proposal to be accepted.
    fn fast_quorum(&self) -> usize {
        let sz = self.nodes.len() as f64;
        (sz * 0.75).ceil() as usize

    /// Clear all consensus state in preparation for a new round.
    fn clear_consensus(&mut self) {
        // clear cut detection state

        // clear fast paxos state
        self.fpx_announced = false;

        // clear classical paxos state
        self.px_rnd = Rank::zero();
        self.px_vrnd = Rank::zero();
        self.px_crnd = Rank::zero();

    /// Clear all membership state in preparation for a join.
    fn clear_membership(&mut self) {
        self.last_cut = None;

    /// Add `node` to the active configuration.
    fn join_node(&mut self, node: Endpoint, Join { uuid, meta }: Join) {
        assert!(self.metadata.insert(node, meta).is_none());

    /// Remove `node` from the active configuration.
    fn kick_node(&mut self, node: &Endpoint) -> Metadata {

    /// Re-hash the active configuration, returning (and setting) its id.
    fn rehash_config(&mut self) -> u64 {
        let mut h = FnvHasher::default();

        self.nodes.iter().for_each(|e| e.hash(&mut h));
        self.uuids.iter().for_each(|i| i.hash(&mut h));

        self.conf_id = h.finish();

    /// Respond to any inflight join calls.
    fn respond_to_joiners(&mut self, cut: &MultiNodeCut, sender: Endpoint) {
        let resp = self.join_response(sender);

            .filter_map(|m| self.join_requests.remove(&m.into()))
            .for_each(|p| p.complete(resp.clone()));

    /// Returns a join response with the current configuration.
    fn join_response(&self, sender: Endpoint) -> JoinResp {
        JoinResp {
            conf_id: self.conf_id,
            nodes: (self.metadata.iter())
                .map(|(node, meta)| NodeMetadata {
                    node: node.clone(),
                    meta: meta.clone(),
            uuids: self.uuids.iter().cloned().collect(),

    /// Returns the size of quorum needed for classical paxos to proceed.
    fn slow_quorum(&self) -> usize {
        self.nodes.len() / 2

    // TODO(doc)
    fn choose_px_proposal(&self) -> Option<Vec<Endpoint>> {
        // NOTE(invariant): there must be at least one promise request available

        let max_vrnd = self.px_promised.iter().map(|p| &p.vrnd).max().unwrap();

        // Let k be the largest value of vr(a) for all a in Q.
        //     V be the set of all vv(a) for all a in Q s.t vr(a) == k
        let vvals: FreqSet<&[Endpoint]> = self
            .filter(|p| &p.vrnd == max_vrnd)
            .filter(|p| !p.vval.is_empty())
            .map(|p| p.vval.as_slice())

        // If V has a single element, then choose v.
        if vvals.len() == 1 {
            return vvals.into_iter().next().map(|(vval, _)| vval.into());

        // if i-quorum Q of acceptors respond, and there is a k-quorum R such that vrnd = k and vval = v,
        // for all a in intersection(R, Q) -> then choose "v". When choosing E = N/4 and F = N/2, then
        // R intersection Q is N/4 -- meaning if there are more than N/4 identical votes.
        if > 1 {
            if let Some(vval) = vvals
                .find(|(_, &votes)| votes > self.nodes.len() / 4)
                .map(|(&vval, _)| vval.into())
                return Some(vval);

        // At this point, no value has been selected yet and it is safe for the coordinator to pick any
        // proposed value. If none of the 'vvals' contain valid values (are all empty lists), then this
        // method returns an empty list. This can happen because a quorum of acceptors that did not vote
        // in prior rounds may have responded to the coordinator first. This is safe to do here for two
        // reasons:
        // 1) The coordinator will only proceed with phase 2 if it has a valid vote.
        // 2) It is likely that the coordinator (itself being an acceptor) is the only one with a valid
        // vval, and has not heard a PromiseReq from itself yet. Once that arrives, promise will be
        // triggered again.
            .filter(|p| !p.vval.is_empty())
            .map(|p| p.vval.clone())