blinkt 0.5.0

Interface for the Pimoroni Blinkt!, and any similar APA102 or SK9822 LED strips or boards, on a Raspberry Pi.
name = "blinkt"
version = "0.5.0" # Also update html_root_url in
authors = ["Rene van der Meer <>"]
description = "Interface for the Pimoroni Blinkt!, and any similar APA102 or SK9822 LED strips or boards, on a Raspberry Pi."
documentation = ""
repository = ""
readme = ""
license = "MIT"
categories = ["embedded", "hardware-support"]
keywords = ["apa102","sk9822","blinkt","raspberry","pi"]

quick-error = "1.1"
rppal = "0.9"

rand = "0.5"