blades 0.5.0

Blazing fast dead simple static site generator
// Blades  Copyright (C) 2021 Maroš Grego
// This file is part of Blades. This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY;
// This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under the
// conditions of the GNU General Public License version 3.0.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Blades.  If not, see <>
use crate::page::{Context, Page, PageRef, Paginate, Pagination, Permalink};
use crate::render::render;
use crate::site::Site;
use crate::types::HashMap;

use arrayvec::ArrayVec;
use beef::lean::Cow;
use hashbrown::hash_map::Entry;
use ramhorns::{encoding::Encoder, traits::ContentSequence, Content, Error, Section};
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};

use std::cmp::Reverse;
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::fs::create_dir_all;
use std::num::NonZeroUsize;
use std::ops::{Deref, Range};
use std::path::PathBuf;

const DEFAULT_TEMPLATE: &str = "taxonomy.html";
const DEFAULT_KEY_TEMPLATE: &str = "taxonomy_key.html";

/// One class a page is a species of.
#[derive(Clone, Content, Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub struct Species<'s>(
    #[ramhorns(rename = "name")]
    Cow<'s, str>,

/// All the classes in all taxonomies one page belongs to.
pub type Taxonomies<'p> = HashMap<&'p str, ArrayVec<Species<'p>, 6>>;

/// Classification of all pages on the site.
pub type Classification<'t, 'r> = HashMap<&'r str, Taxonomy<'t, 'r>>;

/// Information abouth the given taxonomy.
#[derive(Content, Clone, Default, Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub struct TaxonMeta<'t> {
    /// Title of the taxonomy
    #[serde(borrow, default, skip_serializing_if = "str::is_empty")]
    pub title: Cow<'t, str>,
    /// Description of the taxonomy
    #[serde(borrow, default, skip_serializing_if = "str::is_empty")]
    pub description: Cow<'t, str>,
    /// The template used to render the taxonomy
    #[serde(borrow, default = "default_template")]
    pub template: Cow<'t, str>,
    /// The template used to render one key in the taxonomy
    #[serde(borrow, default = "default_key_template")]
    pub key_template: Cow<'t, str>,
    /// Paginate the pages for keys with the provided number per each page
    pub paginate_by: Option<NonZeroUsize>,
    /// Sort the pages for keys by weight
    #[serde(default, skip_serializing_if = "std::ops::Not::not")]
    pub sort_by_weight: bool,

/// One taxonomical category of the site (e.g. tags, categories).
pub struct Taxonomy<'t, 'r> {
    taxonomy: TaxonMeta<'r>,
    slug: &'t str,
    keys: TaxDict<'t, 'r>,

/// All the pages in one taxonomical category, classified by the class name
struct TaxDict<'t, 'r>(BTreeMap<&'r str, Vec<PageLinked<'t, 'r>>>);

/// One taxonomical key, in the context of the whole site.
#[derive(Content, Clone)]
struct TaxKey<'t, 'r> {
    title: &'r str,
    taxonomy: &'r Taxonomy<'t, 'r>,
    pages: &'r [PageLinked<'t, 'r>],
    index: PageRef<'t, 'r>,
    site: &'r Site<'t>,
    classification: &'r Classification<'t, 'r>,
    pagination: Option<Pagination>,

/// One taxonomy in the context of the whole site.
struct TaxContext<'t, 'r> {
    taxonomy: &'r Taxonomy<'t, 'r>,
    index: PageRef<'t, 'r>,
    site: &'r Site<'t>,
    classification: &'r Classification<'t, 'r>,

/// Classification of the whole site that's rendered as a list instead of a map (for sitemap)
pub(crate) struct TaxonList<'t, 'r>(pub(crate) &'r Classification<'t, 'r>);

/// Name of the taxonomical classes and its species
struct Coupled<'t, 'r>(
    #[ramhorns(rename = "key")] &'r str,
    #[ramhorns(rename = "pages")] &'r [PageLinked<'t, 'r>],

/// Reference to a page, coupled with it's permalink
pub struct PageLinked<'t, 'r>(
    #[ramhorns(flatten)] &'r Page<'t>,
    #[ramhorns(rename = "permalink")] Permalink<'t, 'r>,

impl<'t, 'r> Taxonomy<'t, 'r> {
    fn empty(slug: &'t str) -> Self {
        Self {
            taxonomy: TaxonMeta {
                title: Cow::owned(title_case(slug)),
                description: Cow::const_str(""),
                template: Cow::const_str("taxonomy.html"),
                key_template: Cow::const_str("taxonomy_key.html"),
                paginate_by: None,
                sort_by_weight: false,
            keys: TaxDict(Default::default()),

    fn new(slug: &'t str, other: &'r TaxonMeta<'t>) -> Self {
        Self {
            taxonomy: TaxonMeta {
                title: Cow::const_str(&other.title),
                description: Cow::const_str(&other.description),
                template: Cow::const_str(&other.template),
                key_template: Cow::const_str(&other.key_template),
                paginate_by: other.paginate_by,
                sort_by_weight: other.sort_by_weight,
            keys: TaxDict(Default::default()),

    fn add(&mut self, species: &'r str, page: PageLinked<'t, 'r>) {

    /// Classify the given pages into taxonomies specified by the config.
    pub fn classify<I>(
        pages: &'r [Page<'t>],
        taxonomies: I,
        url: &'r str,
        implicit: bool,
    ) -> Classification<'t, 'r>
        I: Iterator<Item = (&'r &'t str, &'r TaxonMeta<'t>)>,
        let mut named: Classification = HashMap(
                .map(|(&key, tax)| (key, Taxonomy::new(key, tax)))

        for page in pages {
            for (class, family) in page.taxonomies.iter() {
                if let Some(taxon) = named.get_mut(class) {
                    for species in family {
                        taxon.add(species, PageLinked(page, Permalink(page, url)));
                } else if implicit {
                    let taxon = match named.entry(class) {
                        Entry::Occupied(o) => o.into_mut(),
                        Entry::Vacant(v) => {
                            let taxonomy = Taxonomy::empty(class);
                    for species in family {
                        taxon.add(species, PageLinked(page, Permalink(page, url)));

        for taxon in named.values_mut() {
            if taxon.taxonomy.sort_by_weight {
                    .for_each(|(_, pages)| pages.sort_unstable_by_key(|page| page.0.weight))
            } else {
                    .for_each(|(_, pages)| pages.sort_unstable_by_key(|page| Reverse(

    /// Get a reference to the key map of the given taxonomy.
    pub fn keys(&self) -> &BTreeMap<&'r str, Vec<PageLinked<'t, 'r>>> {

    /// Render this taxonomy into the output directory specified by the config.
    /// `buffer` is used to store the result before writing it to the disk and expected to be empty.
    pub fn render(
        Context(all, site, classification, templates, output_dir): Context<'t, '_>,
        rendered: &mut HashMap<PathBuf, u32>,
        buffer: &mut Vec<u8>,
    ) -> Result<(), Error> {
        let mut path = output_dir.join(self.slug);

        let contexted = TaxContext {
            taxonomy: self,
            index: all[0].by_ref(all, usize::MAX, &site.url),
        let template = templates
            .ok_or_else(|| Error::NotFound(self.taxonomy.template.as_ref().into()))?;
        render(template, path, &contexted, rendered, buffer).map_err(Into::into)

    /// Render one key of this taxonomy into the output directory specified by the config.
    /// `buffer` is used to store the result before writing it to the disk and expected to be empty.
    pub fn render_key(
        title: &str,
        pages: &[PageLinked<'t, '_>],
        Context(all, site, classification, templates, output_dir): Context<'t, '_>,
        rendered: &mut HashMap<PathBuf, u32>,
        buffer: &mut Vec<u8>,
    ) -> Result<(), Error> {
        let mut output = output_dir.join(self.slug);

        let contexted = TaxKey {
            taxonomy: self,
            index: all[0].by_ref(all, usize::MAX, &site.url),
            pagination: None,

        let by = self
        let template = templates
            .ok_or_else(|| Error::NotFound(self.taxonomy.key_template.as_ref().into()))?;
        if by > 0 && pages.len() > by {
            contexted.render_paginated(0..pages.len(), by, &mut output, template, rendered, buffer)
        } else {
            render(template, output, &contexted, rendered, buffer)

impl<'t, 'r> Paginate for TaxKey<'t, 'r> {
    fn paginate(&self, range: Range<usize>, length: usize, current: usize) -> Self {
        Self {
            pages: &self.pages[range],
            pagination: Some(Pagination::new(length, current)),
            // range in PageRef doesn't implement Copy

impl<'t, 'r> Content for TaxDict<'t, 'r> {
    fn is_truthy(&self) -> bool {

    fn render_section<C, E>(&self, section: Section<C>, encoder: &mut E) -> Result<(), E::Error>
        C: ContentSequence,
        E: Encoder,
        for (key, pages) in self.0.iter() {
            section.with(&Coupled(key, pages)).render(encoder)?;

impl<'t, 'r> Content for TaxonList<'t, 'r> {
    fn is_truthy(&self) -> bool {

    fn render_section<C, E>(&self, section: Section<C>, encoder: &mut E) -> Result<(), E::Error>
        C: ContentSequence,
        E: Encoder,
        for taxonomy in self.0.values() {

impl<'s> Deref for Species<'s> {
    type Target = str;
    fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {

fn title_case(s: &str) -> String {
    let mut c = s.chars();
    match {
        None => String::new(),
        Some(f) => f.to_uppercase().collect::<String>() + c.as_str(),

const fn default_template() -> Cow<'static, str> {

const fn default_key_template() -> Cow<'static, str> {