blacksmith 0.1.13

Building-block functions for async systems


The get_vec(...) method allows for async get requests of urls in a Vec<&str> form, e.g.

let api = API::new();

api.get_vec(urls, DATA_PATH).await;

This would retrieve both files in the urls vec, and download them to the "src/" directory, using 2 async threads.

Included are the "header" and "threads" macro; header adding custom headers, and threads specifying the number of threads to open. By default, threads is set to 1.

Below is an example:

fn main() {
    let mut api = API::new(); // runner required to be mut for header changes
    let SAVE_PATH: &str = "./data";

    // Visit the first api, needing only the User-Agent (with only 1 thread)

    let api_1 = vec![

    #[header("User-Agent", "")]
    api.get_vec(api_1, ).await;

    // Visit the second api, now needing an API key; referred to as "API-Token"
    // (Opening 2 threads at once)

    let api_2 = vec![

    #[header("User-Agent", "")]
    #[header("API-Token", "XXXXXXXXX")]
    api.get_vec(api_2, ).await;


  • request_per_second wrapper + proc_macro
  • add logger (with boolean option)
  • add thiserror
  • determine if get_vec can be defined with generic types