black-jack 0.0.16-a

DataFrame / Series processing in Rust - Work in progress
# black-jack

## BlackJack is under development and not meant to be used; aside from those curious & daring few. :)

[![Build Status](]( 
[![Coverage Status](](

[Rust API Documentation](


The idea is to implement a light-weight alternative to Python's [Pandas](, in and for the Rust community. Pandas is a fantastic library, but has some memory issues as well has having a _massive_ API; and attempting to make something comparable in Rust, just _feels_ right. :)

...however, for the most part this will serve as an area to learn more Rust
and connecting it with Python via the [Lumber-Jack](, which is basically a wrapper to Black-Jack. This crate was initially born there, but better design insisted it be moved to its own crate/repository. ;)


## Development

- Rust >= 1.29, although older versions are expected to work as well.
- [GSL] ~= 2.4
    - Fedora: `sudo dnf install gsl-devel`
    - Ubuntu: `sudo apt-get install libgsl-dev`
    - [Windows Install Instructions]


## Contributing

All contributions are welcome. Patrons of this project are expect to treat all
others with respect and dignity; acknowledging there will be differences of opinion
and strive to provide a welcoming environment for others, regardless of skill level.

Additionally, all contributions will be given under the [Unlicense]( agreement.