bitvec 0.11.2

A crate for manipulating memory, bit by bit

BitVec – Managing memory bit by bit

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This crate provides data structures which allow working with bool as if it were truly one bit wide in memory, rather than a u8 with only two valid values. Currently, it only provides [u1], Box<[u1]>, and Vec<u1> structures.

In addition to compact memory representation, this crate also allows you to specify the order in which individual bits are stored in Rust fundamentals, and which fundamental element (u8, u16, u32, and on 64-bit systems, u64) is used to store the bits.

The data structures provided by this crate track as closely as possible the APIs and trait implementations of their proper types in the Rust standard library. BitSlice corresponds to [bool], BitBox to Box<[bool]>, and BitVec to Vec<bool>, and each of these types should be drop-in compatible replacements for their standard library counterparts.

What Makes bitvec Different Than All The Other Bit Vector Crates

The most significant differences are that bitvec provides arbitrary bit ordering through the Cursor trait, and provides a full-featured slice type. Other crates have fixed orderings, and are often unable to produce slices that begin at any arbitrary bit.

Additionally, the bitvec types implement the full extent of the standard library APIs possible, in both inherent methods and trait implementations.

The bitvec types’ handles are exactly the size of their standard library counterparts, while the other crates carry bit index information in separate fields, making their handles wider. Depending on your needs, this may sway your opinion in either direction. bitvec is more compact, but mangles the internal pointer representation and requires more complex logic to use the bit region, while other crates’ types are larger, but have more straightforward internal logic.

Why Would You Use This

  • You need to directly control a bitstream’s representation in memory.
  • You need to do unpleasant things with communications protocols.
  • You need a list of bools that doesn’t waste 7 bits for every bit used.
  • You need to do set arithmetic, or numeric arithmetic, on those lists.
  • You are running a find/replace command on your repository from &[bool] to &BitSlice, or Vec<bool> to BitVec, and expect minimal damage as a result.

Why Wouldn’t You Use This

Your concern with the memory representation of bitsets includes compression. BitSlice performs absolutely no compression, and maps bits directly into memory. Compressed bit sets can be found in other crates, such as the compacts crate, which uses the Roaring BitSet format.


Minimum Rust Version: 1.34.0

I wrote this crate because I was unhappy with the other bit-vector crates available. I specifically need to manage raw memory in bit-level precision, and this is not a behavior pattern the other bit-vector crates made easily available to me. This served as the guiding star for my development process on this crate, and remains the crate’s primary goal.

To this end, the default type parameters for the BitVec type use u8 as the storage primitive and use big-endian ordering of bits: the forwards direction is from MSb to LSb, and the backwards direction is from LSb to MSb.

To use this crate, you need to depend on it in Cargo.toml:

bitvec = "0.11"

and include it in your crate root src/ or src/

//  Only if you’re in Rust 2015
extern crate bitvec;

use bitvec::prelude::*;

This imports the following symbols:

  • bitvec! – a macro similar to vec!, which allows the creation of BitVecs of any desired endianness, storage type, and contents. The documentation page has a detailed explanation of its syntax.

  • BitSlice<C: Cursor, T: Bits> – the actual bit-slice reference type. It is generic over a cursor type (C) and storage type (T). Note that BitSlice is unsized, and can never be held directly; it must always be behind a reference such as &BitSlice or &mut BitSlice.

    Furthermore, it is impossible to put BitSlice into any kind of intelligent pointer such as a Box or Rc! Any work that involves managing the memory behind a bitwise type must go through BitBox or BitVec instead. This may change in the future as I learn how to better manage this library, but for now this limitation stands.

  • BitBox<C: Cursor, T: Bits> – a fixed-size bit collection in owned memory.

  • BitVec<C: Cursor, T: Bits> – the actual bit-vector structure type. It is generic over a cursor type (C) and storage type (T). This type is the main worker of the crate. It supports the full Vec<T> API and trait implementations, with the exception that (at this time) it is impossible to take a mutable reference to a single bit. This means that everything except for let elt: &mut bool = &mut bv[index]; and bv[index] = some_bool(); is possible to express.

  • Cursor – an open trait that defines an ordering schema for BitVec to use. Little and big endian orderings are provided by default. If you wish to implement other ordering types, the Cursor trait requires one function:

    • fn at<T: Bits>(index: u8) -> u8 takes a semantic index and computes a bit offset into the primitive T for it.
  • BigEndian – a marker type that implements Cursor by defining the forward direction as towards LSb and the backward direction as towards MSb.

  • LittleEndian – a marker type that implements Cursor by defining the forward direction as towards MSb and the backward direction as towards LSb.

  • Bits – a sealed trait that provides generic access to the four Rust primitives usable as storage types: u8, u16, u32, and u64. usize and the signed integers do not implement Bits and cannot be used as the storage type. u128 also does not implement Bits, as I am not confident in its memory representation.

BitVec has the same API as Vec, and should be easy to use.

The bitvec! macro can take type information in its first two arguments. Because macros do not have access to the type checker, it currently only accepts the literal tokens BigEndian or LittleEndian as the first argument, one of the four unsigned integer primitives as the second argument, and then as many values as you wish to insert into the collection. It accepts any integer value, and maps them to bits by comparing against 0. 0 becomes false and any other integer, whether it is odd or not, becomes true. While the syntax is loose, you should only use 0 and 1 to fill the macro, for readability and lack of surprise.


This crate can be used in #![no_std] libraries, by disabling the default feature set. In your Cargo.toml, write:

bitvec = { version = "0.11", default-features = false }


version = "0.11"
default-features = false

This turns off the standard library imports and all usage of dynamic memory allocation. Without an allocator, the bitvec! and bitbox! macros, and the BitVec and BitBox types, are all disabled and removed from the library, leaving only the BitSlice type.

To use bitvec in a #![no_std] environment that does have an allocator, re-enable the alloc feature, like so:

version = "0.11"
default-features = false
features = ["alloc"]

The alloc feature restores the owned-memory types and their macros. The only difference between alloc and std is the presence of the standard library façade and runtime support.

The std feature includes allocation, so using this crate without any feature flags or by explicitly enabling the std feature will enable full functionality.

Serde Support

The serde feature, by default, enables serialization for the BitSlice type. Enabling the alloc or std features enables both serialization and deserialization for the BitBox and BitVec types.

The serde feature is opt-in, and requires setting it in your Cargo.toml:

# Cargo.toml

version = "0.11"
features = [
  "serde", # enables serialization
  "std", # enables deserialization


extern crate bitvec;

use bitvec::prelude::*;

use std::iter::repeat;

fn main() {
    let mut bv = bitvec![BigEndian, u8; 0, 1, 0, 1];

    //  Memory access
    assert_eq!(bv.as_slice(), &[0b0101_0000, 0b1111_0000]);
    //                   index 0 -^               ^- index 11
    assert_eq!(bv.len(), 12);
    assert!(bv.capacity() >= 16);

    //  Stack operations



    //  Set operations
    bv &= repeat(true);
    bv = bv | repeat(false);
    bv ^= repeat(true);
    bv = !bv;

    //  Arithmetic operations
    let one = bitvec![1];
    bv += one.clone();
    assert_eq!(bv.as_slice(), &[0b0101_0001, 0b0000_0000]);
    bv -= one.clone();
    assert_eq!(bv.as_slice(), &[0b0101_0000, 0b1111_0000]);

    //  Borrowing iteration
    let mut iter = bv.iter();
    //  index 0
    assert_eq!(, false);
    //  index 11
    assert_eq!(iter.next_back().unwrap(), true);
    assert_eq!(iter.len(), 10);

Immutable and mutable access to the underlying memory is provided by the AsRef and AsMut implementations, so the BitVec can be readily passed to transport functions.

BitVec implements Borrow down to BitSlice, and BitSlice implements ToOwned up to BitVec, so they can be used in a Cow or wherever this API is desired. Any case where a Vec/[T] pair cannot be replaced with a BitVec/BitSlice pair is a bug in this library, and a bug report is appropriate.

BitVec can relinquish its owned memory with .into_vec() or .into_boxed_slice(), and BitSlice can relinquish its borrow by going out of scope.


The BitSlice type is able to cause memory aliasing, as multiple independent &mut BitSlice instances may use the same underlying memory. This crate takes care to ensure that all observed behavior is exactly as expected, without any side effects.

The BitSlice methods only use whole-element instructions when the slice spans the full width of the element; when the slice has only partial use, the methods crawl each bit individually. This is slower on most architectures, but guarantees safety.

Race conditions are avoided through use of the atomic read/modify/write instructions stabilized in 1.34.0.

Planned Features

Contributions of items in this list are absolutely welcome! Contributions of other features are also welcome, but I’ll have to be sold on them.

  • Creation of specialized pointers Rc<BitSlice> and Arc<BitSlice>.
  • Procedural macros for bitvec! and bitbox!
  • An FFI module, and bindings from other languages.