bitter 0.4.1

Swiftly extracts unaligned bit-level data from a byte slice

Bitter takes a slice of byte data and reads little-endian bits platform agonistically.

There are two main APIs available: checked and unchecked functions. A checked function will return a Option that will be None if there is not enough bits left in the stream. Unchecked functions, which are denoted by having "unchecked" in their name, will exhibit undefined behavior if there is not enough data left, but happen to be 2x faster (your numbers will vary depending on use case).


  • Prefer checked functions for all but the most performance critical code
  • Group all unchecked functions in a single block guarded by a has_bits_remaining call


use bitter::BitGet;
let mut bitter = BitGet::new(&[0xff, 0x04]);
assert_eq!(bitter.read_bit(), Some(true));
assert_eq!(bitter.read_u8(), Some(0x7f));
assert_eq!(bitter.read_u32_bits(7), Some(0x02));

Below, is a demonstration of guarding against potential panics:

# use bitter::BitGet;
let mut bitter = BitGet::new(&[0xff, 0x04]);
if bitter.has_bits_remaining(16) {
assert_eq!(bitter.read_bit_unchecked(), true);
assert_eq!(bitter.read_u8_unchecked(), 0x7f);
assert_eq!(bitter.read_u32_bits_unchecked(7), 0x02);
# else {
#   panic!("Expected bytes")
# }

Another guard usage:

# use bitter::BitGet;
let mut bitter = BitGet::new(&[0xff, 0x04]);
if bitter.has_bits_remaining(16) {
for _ in 0..8 {
assert_eq!(bitter.read_bit_unchecked(), true);
assert_eq!(bitter.read_u8_unchecked(), 0x04);
# else {
#   panic!("Expected bytes")
# }