bitmask 0.4.0

A bitmask generator for enum scoped bit flags.
//! A bitmask generator for enum scoped bit flags.
//! The `bitmask!` macro creates a struct and an enum that holds your flags. The enum contains all the
//! bit flag variants and the struct is a mixture of those bit flags called a bitmask.
//! It's syntax is as follows:
//! ```ignore
//! bitmask! {
//!     pub mask <struct_name>: <struct_type> where flags <enum_name> {
//!         <flag_name> = <value>,
//!         ...
//!     }
//! }
//! ```
//! where `pub` is optional and `struct_type` can be one of the primitive integer types
//! (`i8-64`, `u8-64`, `isize`, `usize`).
//! # Application
//! Sometimes you might want to wrap some lib that ports `C` or some other code through FFI
//! which exposes numerous defines/constants as `const`. Lets take a look at this example module:
//! ```ignore
//! mod tex {
//!     ...
//!     pub const TEXTURE_2D: u32   = 1;
//!     pub const TEXTURE_3D: u32   = 2;
//!     pub const FLIP: u32         = 4;
//!     ...
//!     pub fn set_options(mask: u32) { ... }
//! }
//! ```
//! To avoid collisions you would use these through the mod scope like so:
//! ```ignore
//! tex::set_options(tex::TEXTURE_2D | tex::FLIP);
//! ```
//! But that does not guarantee you that you won't use invalid flag values.
//! For example you could do:
//! ```ignore
//! set_options(3 | 8);
//! ```
//! Now imagine you had an enum to hold all of those flags and a common type that does not accept
//! any types other than the enum variants and itself. This is exactly what `bitmask!` does for you!
//! It generates an enum with the variants (flags) you supply and a struct that
//! holds a mask which is a mixture of these variants. So now our example would look like this:
//! ```
//! # mod tex {
//! #     pub const TEXTURE_2D: u32   = 1;
//! #     pub const TEXTURE_3D: u32   = 2;
//! #     pub const FLIP: u32         = 4;
//! #     pub fn set_options(mask: u32) {}
//! # }
//! # #[macro_use] extern crate bitmask; fn main() {
//! bitmask! {
//!     pub mask TexMask: u32 where flags TexOption {
//!         Texture2d = tex::TEXTURE_2D,
//!         Texture3d = tex::TEXTURE_3D,
//!         Flip = tex::FLIP
//!     }
//! }
//! fn set_options(mask: TexMask) {
//!     tex::set_options(*mask);
//! }
//! // Single flag
//! set_options(TexOption::Texture2d.into());
//! set_options(TexMask::from(TexOption::Texture3d));
//! // Multiple flags
//! set_options(TexOption::Texture2d | TexOption::Flip);
//! # }
//! ```
//! # Things that are doable but _can change_ with time:
//! If for some reason you want to define the enum and the struct yourself you can do so and use the
//! `@IMPL` branch of the macro to implement the methods. The only restrictions are that your
//! struct's inner field must be named `mask` and the enum should have the same size as the struct
//! which can be achieved through the `#[repr()]` modifier with the same integer type as the field `mask`.
//! Implementing `Into<struct_name>` and `Deref` for your own custom type is possible if you want to
//! use it with the preimplemented methods for the mask but does not apply for the trait implements
//! like `BitOr` for example.
//! # Examples:
//! ```
//! # #[macro_use] extern crate bitmask; fn main() {
//! bitmask! {
//!     mask BitMask: u32 where flags Flags {
//!         Flag1       = 0x00000001,
//!         Flag2       = 0x000000F0,
//!         Flag3       = 0x00000800,
//!         Flag123     = 0x000008F1,
//!         // Note that function calls like `isize::min_value()`
//!         // can't be used for enum discriminants in Rust.
//!         FlagMax     = ::std::u32::MAX
//!     }
//! }
//! let mut mask = BitMask::none();
//! mask.set(Flags::Flag1 | Flags::Flag2);
//! assert_eq!(*mask, 0x000000F1);
//! mask.unset(Flags::Flag1);
//! assert_eq!(*mask, 0x000000F0);
//! mask.set(Flags::Flag123);
//! assert_eq!(*mask, 0x000008F1);
//! # }
//! ```
//! You can add meta attributes like documentation (`#[doc = "..."]`) to each element of the macro:
//! ```
//! # #[macro_use] extern crate bitmask; fn main() {
//! bitmask! {
//!     /// Doc comment for the struct
//!     pub mask SomeOtherMask: isize where
//!     /// Doc comment for the enum
//!     flags SomeOtherFlags {
//!         /// Doc comment for the flag
//!         FlagZero    = 0,
//!         FlagOne     = 1
//!     }
//! }
//! # }
//! ```
//! Maybe not the best example but still... Cake is love!
//! ```
//! # #[macro_use] extern crate bitmask; fn main() {
//! bitmask! {
//!     mask Cake: u8 where flags Ingredients {
//!         Sugar   = 0b00000001,
//!         Eggs    = 0b00000010,
//!         Flour   = 0b00000100,
//!         Milk    = 0b00001000
//!     }
//! }
//! let quality_cake = Cake::all();
//! assert_eq!(*quality_cake, 0b00001111);
//! # }
//! ```


// Re-export libcore using an alias so that the macro can work in `no_std` crates while remaining
// compatible with normal crates
pub extern crate core as __core;

/// The macro that generates a bitmask and it's associated bit flags.
/// See the crate level docs for more info and examples.
/// # Methods
/// * `none` - Create a new mask with all flags unset.
/// * `all` - Create a new mask with all flags set.
/// * `set` - Set a single flag if enum flag variant is passed or multiple if mask is passed.
/// * `unset` - Unset a single flag if enum flag variant is passed or multiple if mask is passed.
/// * `toggle` - Same as set/unset but always negates the flags (1 -> 0 and 0 -> 1).
/// * `contains` - Check if the mask contains a flag or a whole mask.
/// * `intersects` - Check if the mask intersects with a flag or a whole mask.
/// * `is_all` - Check if all flag variants are set.
/// * `is_none` - Check if all flag variants are unset.
/// # Operators
/// * `BitOr`
/// * `BitXor`
/// * `BitAnd`
/// * `BitOrAssign`
/// * `BitXorAssign`
/// * `BitAndAssign`
/// * `Not` - Same as toggle but creates a new mask with the resulting value.
/// # Misc
/// * `From`< _enum_ > for _struct_
/// * `Deref` for _struct_
/// * `Deref` for _enum_
// TODO: simplify the parsing when is resolved
macro_rules! bitmask {
    // Parse struct meta attributes, its name and its type.
        $(#[$st_attr: meta])* mask $st_name: ident : $T: tt where
        $(#[$en_attr: meta])* flags $en_name: ident { $($token: tt)+ }
    ) => {
        bitmask! {
            st_meta: [ $(#[$st_attr])* ],
            st_name: $st_name,
            mask_type: $T,
            en_meta: [ $(#[$en_attr])* ],
            en_name: $en_name,
            flags: [

    // Parse flag meta attributes.
        st_meta: [ $(#[$st_attr: meta])* ],
        st_name: $st_name: ident,
        mask_type: $T: tt,
        en_meta: [ $(#[$en_attr: meta])* ],
        en_name: $en_name: ident,
        flags: [
                meta: [ $(#[$flag_attr: meta])* ]
                flag: $flag_name: ident = $flag_value: expr;
            [ $(#[$prev_attr: meta])* ]
        #[$next_attr: meta] $($token: tt)*
    ) => {
        bitmask! {
            st_meta: [ $(#[$st_attr])* ],
            st_name: $st_name,
            mask_type: $T,
            en_meta: [ $(#[$en_attr])* ],
            en_name: $en_name,
            flags: [
                    meta: [ $(#[$flag_attr])* ]
                    flag: $flag_name = $flag_value;
                [ $(#[$prev_attr])* #[$next_attr] ]

    // Parse the flag itself.
    // Handles the case with trailing comma.
        st_meta: [ $(#[$st_attr: meta])* ],
        st_name: $st_name: ident,
        mask_type: $T: tt,
        en_meta: [ $(#[$en_attr: meta])* ],
        en_name: $en_name: ident,
        flags: [
                meta: [ $(#[$flag_attr: meta])* ]
                flag: $flag_name: ident = $flag_value: expr;
            [ $(#[$next_attr: meta])* ]
        $next_name: ident = $next_value: expr, $($token: tt)*
    ) => {
        bitmask! {
            st_meta: [ $(#[$st_attr])* ],
            st_name: $st_name,
            mask_type: $T,
            en_meta: [ $(#[$en_attr])* ],
            en_name: $en_name,
            flags: [
                    meta: [ $(#[$flag_attr])* ]
                    flag: $flag_name = $flag_value;
                meta: [ $(#[$next_attr])* ]
                flag: $next_name = $next_value;

    // Parse the last flag if missing trailing comma.
        st_meta: [ $(#[$st_attr: meta])* ],
        st_name: $st_name: ident,
        mask_type: $T: tt,
        en_meta: [ $(#[$en_attr: meta])* ],
        en_name: $en_name: ident,
        flags: [
                meta: [ $(#[$flag_attr: meta])* ]
                flag: $flag_name: ident = $flag_value: expr;
            [ $(#[$next_attr: meta])* ]
        $next_name: ident = $next_value: expr
    ) => {
        bitmask! {
            st_meta: [ $(#[$st_attr])* ],
            st_name: $st_name,
            mask_type: $T,
            en_meta: [ $(#[$en_attr])* ],
            en_name: $en_name,
            flags: [
                    meta: [ $(#[$flag_attr])* ]
                    flag: $flag_name = $flag_value;
                meta: [ $(#[$next_attr])* ]
                flag: $next_name = $next_value;

    // End of the line. Time to declare the struct and enum.
        st_meta: [ $(#[$st_attr: meta])* ],
        st_name: $st_name: ident,
        mask_type: $T: tt,
        en_meta: [ $(#[$en_attr: meta])* ],
        en_name: $en_name: ident,
        flags: [
                meta: [ $(#[$flag_attr: meta])* ]
                flag: $flag_name: ident = $flag_value: expr;
    ) => {
        #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash)]
        enum $en_name {
                $flag_name = $flag_value
        #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash)]
        struct $st_name {
            mask: $T
        bitmask!(@IMPL $st_name $T $en_name, {
            $($flag_name = $flag_value),+

    // Parse struct meta attributes, its name and its type.
        $(#[$st_attr: meta])* pub mask $st_name: ident : $T: tt where
        $(#[$en_attr: meta])* flags $en_name: ident { $($token: tt)+ }
    ) => {
        bitmask! {
            st_meta: [ $(#[$st_attr])* ],
            st_name: $st_name,
            mask_type: $T,
            en_meta: [ $(#[$en_attr])* ],
            en_name: $en_name,
            flags: [

    // Parse flag meta attributes.
        st_meta: [ $(#[$st_attr: meta])* ],
        st_name: $st_name: ident,
        mask_type: $T: tt,
        en_meta: [ $(#[$en_attr: meta])* ],
        en_name: $en_name: ident,
        flags: [
                meta: [ $(#[$flag_attr: meta])* ]
                flag: $flag_name: ident = $flag_value: expr;
            [ $(#[$prev_attr: meta])* ]
        #[$next_attr: meta] $($token: tt)*
    ) => {
        bitmask! {
            st_meta: [ $(#[$st_attr])* ],
            st_name: $st_name,
            mask_type: $T,
            en_meta: [ $(#[$en_attr])* ],
            en_name: $en_name,
            flags: [
                    meta: [ $(#[$flag_attr])* ]
                    flag: $flag_name = $flag_value;
                [ $(#[$prev_attr])* #[$next_attr] ]

    // Parse the flag itself.
    // Handles the case with trailing comma.
        st_meta: [ $(#[$st_attr: meta])* ],
        st_name: $st_name: ident,
        mask_type: $T: tt,
        en_meta: [ $(#[$en_attr: meta])* ],
        en_name: $en_name: ident,
        flags: [
                meta: [ $(#[$flag_attr: meta])* ]
                flag: $flag_name: ident = $flag_value: expr;
            [ $(#[$next_attr: meta])* ]
        $next_name: ident = $next_value: expr, $($token: tt)*
    ) => {
        bitmask! {
            st_meta: [ $(#[$st_attr])* ],
            st_name: $st_name,
            mask_type: $T,
            en_meta: [ $(#[$en_attr])* ],
            en_name: $en_name,
            flags: [
                    meta: [ $(#[$flag_attr])* ]
                    flag: $flag_name = $flag_value;
                meta: [ $(#[$next_attr])* ]
                flag: $next_name = $next_value;

    // Parse the last flag if missing trailing comma.
        st_meta: [ $(#[$st_attr: meta])* ],
        st_name: $st_name: ident,
        mask_type: $T: tt,
        en_meta: [ $(#[$en_attr: meta])* ],
        en_name: $en_name: ident,
        flags: [
                meta: [ $(#[$flag_attr: meta])* ]
                flag: $flag_name: ident = $flag_value: expr;
            [ $(#[$next_attr: meta])* ]
        $next_name: ident = $next_value: expr
    ) => {
        bitmask! {
            st_meta: [ $(#[$st_attr])* ],
            st_name: $st_name,
            mask_type: $T,
            en_meta: [ $(#[$en_attr])* ],
            en_name: $en_name,
            flags: [
                    meta: [ $(#[$flag_attr])* ]
                    flag: $flag_name = $flag_value;
                meta: [ $(#[$next_attr])* ]
                flag: $next_name = $next_value;

    // End of the line. Time to declare the struct and enum.
        st_meta: [ $(#[$st_attr: meta])* ],
        st_name: $st_name: ident,
        mask_type: $T: tt,
        en_meta: [ $(#[$en_attr: meta])* ],
        en_name: $en_name: ident,
        flags: [
                meta: [ $(#[$flag_attr: meta])* ]
                flag: $flag_name: ident = $flag_value: expr;
    ) => {
        #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash)]
        pub enum $en_name {
                $flag_name = $flag_value
        #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash)]
        pub struct $st_name {
            mask: $T
        bitmask!(@IMPL $st_name $T $en_name, {
            $($flag_name = $flag_value),+

    (@IMPL $st_name: ident $T: tt $en_name: ident, {
        $($flag_name: ident = $flag_val: expr),+
    }) => {
        impl $st_name {
            /// Create a new mask with all flags unset.
            pub fn none() -> Self {
                $st_name {
                    mask: 0

            /// Create a new mask with all flags set.
            pub fn all() -> Self {
                $st_name {
                    mask: $($flag_val)|+

            /// Set all `other` flags.
            /// `other` can be either a single flag or another mask.
            pub fn set<T>(&mut self, other: T)
                where T: Into<$st_name> + $crate::__core::ops::Deref<Target = $T> {
                    self.mask |= *other;

            /// Unset all `other` flags.
            /// `other` can be either a single flag or another mask.
            pub fn unset<T>(&mut self, other: T)
                where T: Into<$st_name> + $crate::__core::ops::Deref<Target = $T> {
                    self.mask &= Self::all().mask ^ *other;

            /// Toggle all `other` flags.
            /// `other` can be either a single flag or another mask.
            pub fn toggle<T>(&mut self, other: T)
                where T: Into<$st_name> + $crate::__core::ops::Deref<Target = $T> {
                    self.mask ^= *other;

            /// Check if the mask contains all of `other`'s flags.
            /// `other` can be either a single flag or another mask.
            pub fn contains<T>(&self, other: T) -> bool
                where T: Into<$st_name> + $crate::__core::ops::Deref<Target = $T> {
                    self.mask & *other == *other

            /// Check if the mask has common flags with `other`.
            /// `other` can be either a single flag or another mask.
            pub fn intersects<T>(&self, other: T) -> bool
                where T: Into<$st_name> + $crate::__core::ops::Deref<Target = $T> {
                    self.mask & *other != 0

            /// Check if all flags are set.
            pub fn is_all(&self) -> bool {
                self.mask == Self::all().mask

            /// Check if all flags are unset.
            pub fn is_none(&self) -> bool {
                self.mask == 0

        impl $crate::__core::convert::From<$en_name> for $st_name {
            /// Create a mask from a single flag.
            /// When creating a mask from multiple flags or another mask just use the `clone` method
            /// or the `copy` semantics.
            fn from(flag: $en_name) -> Self {
                $st_name {
                    mask: flag as $T
        impl $crate::__core::ops::Deref for $st_name {
            type Target = $T;
            /// Deref to the internal type.
            /// Useful for FFI.
            fn deref(&self) -> &$T {
                &self.mask as &$T
        impl $crate::__core::ops::Deref for $en_name {
            type Target = $T;
            /// Deref to the internal type.
            /// Useful for FFI.
            fn deref(&self) -> &$T {
                unsafe { $crate::__core::mem::transmute(self) }

        // TODO: when `concat_idents!` is stable, replace the `IMPL`s with a single impl on a common trait
        // and use static dispatch. `T: Into + Deref` cannot be used in `impl` because that's too generic.

        bitmask! { @IMPL_BITOR
            $st_name, $st_name, $st_name;
            $st_name, $en_name, $st_name;
            $en_name, $st_name, $st_name;
            $en_name, $en_name, $st_name;
        bitmask! { @IMPL_BITAND
            $st_name, $st_name, $st_name;
            $st_name, $en_name, $st_name;
            $en_name, $st_name, $st_name;
            $en_name, $en_name, $st_name;
        bitmask! { @IMPL_BITXOR
            $st_name, $st_name, $st_name;
            $st_name, $en_name, $st_name;
            $en_name, $st_name, $st_name;
            $en_name, $en_name, $st_name;
        bitmask! { @IMPL_BITOR_ASSIGN
            $st_name, $st_name;
            $st_name, $en_name;
        bitmask! { @IMPL_BITAND_ASSIGN
            $st_name, $st_name;
            $st_name, $en_name;
        bitmask! { @IMPL_BITXOR_ASSIGN
            $st_name, $st_name;
            $st_name, $en_name;
        bitmask! { @IMPL_NOT
            $st_name, $st_name;
            $en_name, $st_name;

    (@IMPL_BITOR $($target: ty, $other: ty, $st_name: ident);*;) => {
        $(impl $crate::__core::ops::BitOr<$other> for $target {
            type Output = $st_name;
            fn bitor(self, other: $other) -> Self::Output {
                $st_name {
                    mask: *self | *other

    (@IMPL_BITAND $($target: ty, $other: ty, $st_name: ident);*;) => {
        $(impl $crate::__core::ops::BitAnd<$other> for $target {
            type Output = $st_name;
            fn bitand(self, other: $other) -> Self::Output {
                $st_name {
                    mask: *self & *other

    (@IMPL_BITXOR $($target: ty, $other: ty, $st_name: ident);*;) => {
        $(impl $crate::__core::ops::BitXor<$other> for $target {
            type Output = $st_name;
            fn bitxor(self, other: $other) -> Self::Output {
                $st_name {
                    mask: *self ^ *other

    (@IMPL_BITOR_ASSIGN $($target: ty, $other: ty);*;) => {
        $(impl $crate::__core::ops::BitOrAssign<$other> for $target {
            fn bitor_assign(&mut self, other: $other) {
                self.mask |= *other

    (@IMPL_BITAND_ASSIGN $($target: ty, $other: ty);*;) => {
        $(impl $crate::__core::ops::BitAndAssign<$other> for $target {
            fn bitand_assign(&mut self, other: $other) {
                self.mask &= *other

    (@IMPL_BITXOR_ASSIGN $($target: ty, $other: ty);*;) => {
        $(impl $crate::__core::ops::BitXorAssign<$other> for $target {
            fn bitxor_assign(&mut self, other: $other) {
                self.mask ^= *other

    (@IMPL_NOT $($target: ty, $st_name: ident);*;) => {
        $(impl $crate::__core::ops::Not for $target {
            type Output = $st_name;
            fn not(self) -> Self::Output {
                let all_flags = $st_name::all();
                $st_name {
                    mask: *all_flags ^ *self

mod tests {
    extern crate std;

    bitmask! {
        /// Doc comment
        mask BitMask: isize where
        /// Doc comment
        flags Flags {
            Flag1      = 0b00000001,
            /// Doc comment
            Flag2      = 0b00000010,
            Flag3      = 0b00000100,
            FlagMin    = std::isize::MIN,
            /// Doc comment
            Flag123    = 0b00000111
    bitmask! {
        mask A: u8 where flags B {
            Trailing = 1,
    use self::Flags::*;

    fn test_set_unset() {
        let mut bm = BitMask::none();
        assert_eq!(*bm, 0b00000000);
        assert_eq!(*bm, Flag2 as isize);
        assert_eq!(*bm, 0b00000110);
        assert_eq!(*bm, 0b00000000);
        assert_eq!(*bm, isize::min_value());

    fn test_toggle() {
        let mut bm = BitMask::none();
        assert_eq!(*bm, 0b00000010);
        assert_eq!(*bm, 0b00000110);
        assert_eq!(*bm, 0b00000001);

    fn test_contains() {
        let mut bm = BitMask::from(Flag2 | Flag3);
        assert_eq!(bm.contains(Flag1), false);
        assert_eq!(bm.contains(Flag2), true);
        assert_eq!(bm.contains(Flag3), true);
        assert_eq!(bm.contains(Flag123), false);
        assert_eq!(bm.contains(Flag123), true);
        assert_eq!(bm.contains(Flag123), true);

    fn test_intersects() {
        let bm = BitMask::from(Flag2 | Flag3);
        assert_eq!(bm.intersects(Flag1), false);
        assert_eq!(bm.intersects(Flag2), true);
        assert_eq!(bm.intersects(Flag3), true);
        assert_eq!(bm.intersects(Flag1 | Flag3), true);
        assert_eq!(bm.intersects(Flag123), true);

    fn test_is_all() {
        assert_eq!(BitMask::all().is_all(), true);
        assert_eq!(BitMask::none().is_all(), false);
        assert_eq!(BitMask::from(Flag1).is_all(), false);
        assert_eq!(BitMask::from(Flag123 | FlagMin).is_all(), true);

    fn test_is_none() {
        assert_eq!(BitMask::all().is_none(), false);
        assert_eq!(BitMask::none().is_none(), true);
        assert_eq!(BitMask::from(Flag1).is_none(), false);
        assert_eq!(BitMask::from(Flag123 | FlagMin).is_none(), false);

    fn test_bitor() {
        let bm = Flag1 | Flag3;
        assert_eq!(*bm, 0b00000101);

        let bm = BitMask::from(Flag1) | BitMask::from(Flag3);
        assert_eq!(*bm, 0b00000101);

        let bm = Flag1 | BitMask::from(Flag3);
        assert_eq!(*bm, 0b00000101);

        let bm = BitMask::from(Flag1) | Flag3;
        assert_eq!(*bm, 0b00000101);

    fn test_bitand() {
        let bm = Flag1 & Flag3;
        assert_eq!(*bm, 0);

        let bm = BitMask::from(Flag1) & BitMask::from(Flag3);
        assert_eq!(*bm, 0);

        let bm = Flag1 & BitMask::from(Flag3);
        assert_eq!(*bm, 0);

        let bm = BitMask::from(Flag1) & Flag3;
        assert_eq!(*bm, 0);

    fn test_bitxor() {
        let bm = Flag123 ^ Flag3;
        assert_eq!(*bm, 0b00000011);

        let bm = BitMask::from(Flag123) ^ BitMask::from(Flag3);
        assert_eq!(*bm, 0b00000011);

        let bm = Flag123 ^ BitMask::from(Flag3);
        assert_eq!(*bm, 0b00000011);

        let bm = BitMask::from(Flag123) ^ Flag3;
        assert_eq!(*bm, 0b00000011);

    fn test_bitor_assign() {
        let mut bm = BitMask::from(Flag1);
        bm |= Flag3;
        assert_eq!(*bm, 0b00000101);

        let mut bm = BitMask::from(Flag1);
        bm |= BitMask::from(Flag3);
        assert_eq!(*bm, 0b00000101);

    fn test_bitand_assign() {
        let mut bm = BitMask::from(Flag1);
        bm &= Flag3;
        assert_eq!(*bm, 0);

        let mut bm = BitMask::from(Flag1);
        bm &= BitMask::from(Flag3);
        assert_eq!(*bm, 0);

    fn test_bitxor_assign() {
        let mut bm = BitMask::from(Flag123);
        bm ^= Flag3;
        assert_eq!(*bm, 0b00000011);

        let mut bm = BitMask::from(Flag123);
        bm ^= BitMask::from(Flag3);
        assert_eq!(*bm, 0b00000011);

    fn test_bitnot() {
        let res = !Flag2;
        assert_eq!(*res, isize::min_value() + 0b00000101);

        let res = !BitMask::from(Flag1);
        assert_eq!(*res, isize::min_value() + 0b00000110);

    fn test_pub_mask() {
        mod inner {
            bitmask! {
                pub mask InnerMask: u8 where flags InnerFlags {
                    InnerFlag1 = 0
        let _ = inner::InnerMask::none();
        let _ = inner::InnerFlags::InnerFlag1;