bitlab 0.6.0

Extracting a range of bits from a binary data source
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//!# Objective:
//!To extract a range of bits from a binary data source or to insert a range of bits into a binary data structure
//!# Status
//!# Documentation
//!This crate is published at []( The detailed documentation is available at [](
//!# Version
//!# Usage
//!1. In your Cargo.toml file, add `bitlab = "0.6"` under `[dependencies]`
//!2. In your source file, add `extern crate bitlab` and `use bitlab::*;`
//!## Example 1: 
//!Start at bit offset 1, extract 3 bits and interpret the result as u8
//!use bitlab::*;
//!let a: i8 = -33; // = 0b1101_1111;
//!let b = a.get_u8(1, 3).unwrap();  // 1 --> 101 <-- 1111
//!//                                         = 5
//!assert_eq!(b, 5);
//!## Example 2:
//!use bitlab::*;
//!let a: u8 = 0b0000_0101;
//!// Get the most significant bit. It has the bit offset 0
//!assert_eq!(a.get_bit(0).unwrap(), false);
//!// Set the most significant bit. Expect 0b1000_0101
//!assert_eq!(a.set_bit(0).unwrap(), 133);
//!// Clear the most significant bit. Expect 0b0000_0101
//!assert_eq!(a.clear_bit(0).unwrap(), 5);
//!## Example 3: 
//!The data source is a vector of u8 types. We want to go to byte offset 1, 
//!bit offset 7 and starting from there extract 3 bits as an u16
//!use bitlab::*;
//!let v: Vec<u8> = vec!{ 0x48, 0x61, 0x6C, 0x6C, 0x6F }; // = "Hallo"
//!let bar = v.get_u16(1, 7, 3); // relevant bytes = 0x616C = 0b0110_000  --> 1_01 <-- 10_1100
//!//                                                                         = 5
//!assert_eq!(bar.unwrap(), 5);
//!## Example 4:
//!Insert a 2 bit unsigned integer value (b = 3) into a variable starting at the bit offset 1, where the offset = zero is the **most** significant bit.
//!use bitlab::*;
//!let a : u8 = 0;
//!let b : u8 = 3;
//!assert_eq!(a.set_u8(1, 2, b).unwrap(), 0b0110_0000);
//!## Example 5:
//!There is a very simple application in the examples directory,
//!which extracts the color resolution from a real gif file.
//!To run it enter the following in the command line
//!cargo run --release --example gif
//!# MIT Licence
//! Copyright <2017, Kağan Kayal>
//! Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
//! The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


#![doc(html_logo_url = "",
	html_favicon_url = "",
	html_root_url = "")]

static OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG: &str = "Out of range";
static LEN_TOO_BIG_MSG: &str = "The length parameter is too big for a ";

// Result-type-alias-idiom
// Source
// Shortens the return type in function signatures
type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, String>;

/// A trait to get the data type as a string for a integer and floating point types.
pub trait TypeInfo {
	// Thanks to
	/// Returns the variable type as a string 
	fn type_of(&self) -> &'static str;

impl TypeInfo for u8  { fn type_of(&self) -> &'static str {"u8"}  }
impl TypeInfo for u16 { fn type_of(&self) -> &'static str {"u16"} }
impl TypeInfo for u32 { fn type_of(&self) -> &'static str {"u32"} }
impl TypeInfo for u64 { fn type_of(&self) -> &'static str {"u64"} }
impl TypeInfo for i8  { fn type_of(&self) -> &'static str {"i8"}  }
impl TypeInfo for i16 { fn type_of(&self) -> &'static str {"i16"} }
impl TypeInfo for i32 { fn type_of(&self) -> &'static str {"i32"} }
impl TypeInfo for i64 { fn type_of(&self) -> &'static str {"i64"} }
impl TypeInfo for f32 { fn type_of(&self) -> &'static str {"f32"} }
impl TypeInfo for f64 { fn type_of(&self) -> &'static str {"f64"} }

/// A trait to find out if a varibale type is signed or unsigned for integer types.
pub trait SignedInfo{
	/// Returns true if the variable is signed.
	fn is_signed(&self) -> bool;

impl SignedInfo for u8  { fn is_signed(&self) -> bool { false } }
impl SignedInfo for u16 { fn is_signed(&self) -> bool { false } }
impl SignedInfo for u32 { fn is_signed(&self) -> bool { false } }
impl SignedInfo for u64 { fn is_signed(&self) -> bool { false } }
impl SignedInfo for i8  { fn is_signed(&self) -> bool { true  } }
impl SignedInfo for i16 { fn is_signed(&self) -> bool { true  } }
impl SignedInfo for i32 { fn is_signed(&self) -> bool { true  } }
impl SignedInfo for i64 { fn is_signed(&self) -> bool { true  } }

// Convinience macro to shorten String::from("hello") to s!("hello")
macro_rules! s {
	( $x:expr ) => { String::from($x); };

macro_rules! check_max_bit_offset {
	( $x:expr ) => {
		if $x > ( std::mem::size_of::<Self>() * 8 - 1 ) as u32 {
			return Err(s!(OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG));

macro_rules! check_range {
	( $x:expr ) => {
		if $x > std::mem::size_of::<Self>() * 8 {
			return Err(s!(OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG));

/// How many bits does it take to write an unsigned integer?
pub fn n_required_bits_for_an_unsigned_int(num: u64) -> usize {
	// TODO: The performance can be probaly improved by a clever lookup strategy
	let i = num as f64;
	let j = i.log2();
	if j > 0_f64 {
		j.floor() as usize + 1
	else { 1 }

/// How many bits does it take to write a signed integer?
pub fn n_required_bits_for_a_signed_int(num: i64) -> usize {
	// TODO: The performance can be probaly improved by a clever lookup strategy
	let i = num as f64;
	let j = i.abs().log2();
	if j > 0_f64 {
		j.ceil() as usize + 1
	else { 1 }

/// Defines a number of functions, which extract a range of bits from
/// primitive numeric types (u8, u16, u32 and u64, i8, i16, i32 and i64) and return
/// the result as one of the following types (u8, u16, u32 and u64, i8, i16, i32 and i64)
/// E.g. the a.get_u8(5,3) function extracts the bits 5,6 and 7 of
/// the variable a and returns the result as a u8 variable
pub trait ExtractBitsFromIntegralTypes {
/// Extracts a range of bits and returns a Result object.
/// Parameters:
/// - **start** (usize) the start position of the bits to be extracted. Zero is the most significant bit  
/// - **length** (usize) the number of bits to be extracted.
fn get_u8(self, start: usize, length: usize) -> Result<(u8)>;

/// Extracts a range of bits and returns a Result object.
/// Parameters:
/// - **start** (usize) the start position of the bits to be extracted. Zero is the most significant bit  
/// - **length** (usize) the number of bits to be extracted.
fn get_u16(self, start: usize, length: usize) -> Result<(u16)>;

/// Extracts a range of bits and returns a Result object.
/// Parameters:
/// - **start** (usize) the start position of the bits to be extracted. Zero is the most significant bit  
/// - **length** (usize) the number of bits to be extracted.
fn get_u32(self, start: usize, length: usize) -> Result<(u32)>;

/// Extracts a range of bits and returns a Result object.
/// Parameters:
/// - **start** (usize) the start position of the bits to be extracted. Zero is the most significant bit  
/// - **length** (usize) the number of bits to be extracted.
fn get_u64(self, start: usize, length: usize) -> Result<(u64)>;

/// Extracts a range of bits and returns a Result object.
/// Parameters:
/// - **start** (usize) the start position of the bits to be extracted. Zero is the most significant bit  
/// - **length** (usize) the number of bits to be extracted.
fn get_i8(self, start: usize, length: usize) -> Result<(i8)>;

/// Extracts a range of bits and returns a Result object.
/// Parameters:
/// - **start** (usize) the start position of the bits to be extracted. Zero is the most significant bit  
/// - **length** (usize) the number of bits to be extracted.
fn get_i16(self, start: usize, length: usize) -> Result<(i16)>;

/// Extracts a range of bits and returns a Result object.
/// Parameters:
/// - **start** (usize) the start position of the bits to be extracted. Zero is the most significant bit  
/// - **length** (usize) the number of bits to be extracted.
fn get_i32(self, start: usize, length: usize) -> Result<(i32)>;

/// Extracts a range of bits and returns a Result object.
/// Parameters:
/// - **start** (usize) the start position of the bits to be extracted. Zero is the most significant bit  
/// - **length** (usize) the number of bits to be extracted.
fn get_i64(self, start: usize, length: usize) -> Result<(i64)>;

impl ExtractBitsFromIntegralTypes for u8 {
	fn get_u8(self, start: usize, length: usize) -> Result<(u8)> {
		check_range!(start + length);

		// Don't touch the original
		let mut copy = self;

		// Lets clear the bits on both sides of the range of bits of interest
		// First clear the ones on the left side
		copy <<= start;

		// Second, push it all to the right end
		copy >>= 8 - length;

		// Return the result

	fn get_i8(self, start: usize, length: usize) -> Result<(i8)> {
		check_range!(start + length);

		// Don't touch the original
		let mut copy = self as i8;

		// Lets clear the bits on both sides of the range of bits of interest
		// First clear the ones on the left side
		copy <<= start;

		// Second, push it all to the right end
		copy >>= 8 - length;

		// Return the result

	fn get_u16(self, start: usize, length: usize) -> Result<(u16)> {
		Ok(self.get_u8(start, length)? as u16)

	fn get_i16(self, start: usize, length: usize) -> Result<(i16)> {
		Ok(self.get_i8(start, length)? as i16)

	fn get_u32(self, start: usize, length: usize) -> Result<(u32)> {
		Ok(self.get_u8(start, length)? as u32)

	fn get_i32(self, start: usize, length: usize) -> Result<(i32)> {
		Ok(self.get_i8(start, length)? as i32)

	fn get_u64(self, start: usize, length: usize) -> Result<(u64)> {
		Ok(self.get_u8(start, length)? as u64)

	fn get_i64(self, start: usize, length: usize) -> Result<(i64)> {
		Ok(self.get_i8(start, length)? as i64)

impl ExtractBitsFromIntegralTypes for i8 {
	fn get_u8(self, start: usize, length: usize) -> Result<(u8)> {
		(self as u8).get_u8(start, length)

	fn get_i8(self, start: usize, length: usize) -> Result<(i8)> {
		(self as u8).get_i8(start, length)

	fn get_u16(self, start: usize, length: usize) -> Result<(u16)> {
		(self as u8).get_u16(start, length)

	fn get_i16(self, start: usize, length: usize) -> Result<(i16)> {
		(self as u8).get_i16(start, length)

	fn get_u32(self, start: usize, length: usize) -> Result<(u32)> {
		(self as u8).get_u32(start, length)

	fn get_i32(self, start: usize, length: usize) -> Result<(i32)> {
		(self as u8).get_i32(start, length)

	fn get_u64(self, start: usize, length: usize) -> Result<(u64)> {
		(self as u8).get_u64(start, length)

	fn get_i64(self, start: usize, length: usize) -> Result<(i64)> {
		(self as u8).get_i64(start, length)

impl ExtractBitsFromIntegralTypes for u16 {
	fn get_u8(self, start: usize, length: usize) -> Result<(u8)> {
		if length > 8 {
			return Err(s!(LEN_TOO_BIG_MSG) + "u8");

		// Return the result
		Ok(self.get_u16(start, length)? as u8)

	fn get_i8(self, start: usize, length: usize) -> Result<(i8)> {
		if length > 8 {
			return Err(s!(LEN_TOO_BIG_MSG) + "i8");

		// Return the result
		Ok(self.get_i16(start, length)? as i8)

	fn get_u16(self, start: usize, length: usize) -> Result<(u16)> {
		check_range!(start + length);

		// Don't touch the original
		let mut copy = self;

		// Lets clear the bits on both sides of the range of bits of interest
		// First clear the ones on the left side
		copy <<= start;

		// Second, push it all to the right end
		copy >>= 16 - length;

		// Return the result

	fn get_i16(self, start: usize, length: usize) -> Result<(i16)> {
		check_range!(start + length);

		// Don't touch the original
		let mut copy = self as i16;

		// Lets clear the bits on both sides of the range of bits of interest
		// First clear the ones on the left side
		copy <<= start;

		// Second, push it all to the right end
		copy >>= 16 - length;

		// Return the result

	fn get_u32(self, start: usize, length: usize) -> Result<(u32)> {
		Ok(self.get_u16(start, length)? as u32)

	fn get_i32(self, start: usize, length: usize) -> Result<(i32)> {
		Ok(self.get_i16(start, length)? as i32)

	fn get_u64(self, start: usize, length: usize) -> Result<(u64)> {
		Ok(self.get_u16(start, length)? as u64)

	fn get_i64(self, start: usize, length: usize) -> Result<(i64)> {
		Ok(self.get_i16(start, length)? as i64)

impl ExtractBitsFromIntegralTypes for i16 {
	fn get_u8(self, start: usize, length: usize) -> Result<(u8)> {
		(self as u16).get_u8(start, length)

	fn get_i8(self, start: usize, length: usize) -> Result<(i8)> {
		(self as u16).get_i8(start, length)

	fn get_u16(self, start: usize, length: usize) -> Result<(u16)> {
		(self as u16).get_u16(start, length)

	fn get_i16(self, start: usize, length: usize) -> Result<(i16)> {
		(self as u16).get_i16(start, length)

	fn get_u32(self, start: usize, length: usize) -> Result<(u32)> {
		(self as u16).get_u32(start, length)

	fn get_i32(self, start: usize, length: usize) -> Result<(i32)> {
		(self as u16).get_i32(start, length)

	fn get_u64(self, start: usize, length: usize) -> Result<(u64)> {
		(self as u16).get_u64(start, length)

	fn get_i64(self, start: usize, length: usize) -> Result<(i64)> {
		(self as u16).get_i64(start, length)

impl ExtractBitsFromIntegralTypes for u32 {
	fn get_u8(self, start: usize, length: usize) -> Result<(u8)> {
		if length > 8 {
			return Err(s!(LEN_TOO_BIG_MSG) + "u8");

		// Return the result
		Ok(self.get_u32(start, length)? as u8)

	fn get_i8(self, start: usize, length: usize) -> Result<(i8)> {
		if length > 8 {
			return Err(s!(LEN_TOO_BIG_MSG) + "i8");

		// Return the result
		Ok(self.get_i32(start, length)? as i8)

	fn get_u16(self, start: usize, length: usize) -> Result<(u16)> {
		if length > 16 {
			return Err(s!(LEN_TOO_BIG_MSG) + "u16");

		// Return the result
		Ok(self.get_u32(start, length)? as u16)

	fn get_i16(self, start: usize, length: usize) -> Result<(i16)> {
		if length > 16 {
			return Err(s!(LEN_TOO_BIG_MSG) + "i16");

		// Return the result
		Ok(self.get_i32(start, length)? as i16)

	fn get_u32(self, start: usize, length: usize) -> Result<(u32)> {
		check_range!(start + length);

		// Don't touch the original
		let mut copy = self;

		// Lets clear the bits on both sides of the range of bits of interest
		// First clear the ones on the left side
		copy <<= start;

		// Second, push it all to the right end
		copy >>= 32 - length;

		// Return the result

	fn get_i32(self, start: usize, length: usize) -> Result<(i32)> {
		check_range!(start + length);

		// Don't touch the original
		let mut copy = self as i32;

		// Lets clear the bits on both sides of the range of bits of interest
		// First clear the ones on the left side
		copy <<= start;

		// Second, push it all to the right end
		copy >>= 32 - length;

		// Return the result

	fn get_u64(self, start: usize, length: usize) -> Result<(u64)> {
		Ok(self.get_u32(start, length)? as u64)

	fn get_i64(self, start: usize, length: usize) -> Result<(i64)> {
		Ok(self.get_i32(start, length)? as i64)

impl ExtractBitsFromIntegralTypes for i32 {
	fn get_u8(self, start: usize, length: usize) -> Result<(u8)> {
		(self as u32).get_u8(start, length)

	fn get_i8(self, start: usize, length: usize) -> Result<(i8)> {
		(self as u32).get_i8(start, length)

	fn get_u16(self, start: usize, length: usize) -> Result<(u16)> {
		(self as u32).get_u16(start, length)

	fn get_i16(self, start: usize, length: usize) -> Result<(i16)> {
		(self as u32).get_i16(start, length)

	fn get_u32(self, start: usize, length: usize) -> Result<(u32)> {
		(self as u32).get_u32(start, length)

	fn get_i32(self, start: usize, length: usize) -> Result<(i32)> {
		(self as u32).get_i32(start, length)

	fn get_u64(self, start: usize, length: usize) -> Result<(u64)> {
		(self as u32).get_u64(start, length)

	fn get_i64(self, start: usize, length: usize) -> Result<(i64)> {
		(self as u32).get_i64(start, length)

impl ExtractBitsFromIntegralTypes for u64 {
	fn get_u8(self, start: usize, length: usize) -> Result<(u8)> {
		if length > 8 {
			return Err(s!(LEN_TOO_BIG_MSG) + "u8");

		// Return the result
		Ok(self.get_u64(start, length)? as u8)

	fn get_i8(self, start: usize, length: usize) -> Result<(i8)> {
		if length > 8 {
			return Err(s!(LEN_TOO_BIG_MSG) + "i8");

		// Return the result
		Ok(self.get_i64(start, length)? as i8)

	fn get_u16(self, start: usize, length: usize) -> Result<(u16)> {
		if length > 16 {
			return Err(s!(LEN_TOO_BIG_MSG) + "u16");

		// Return the result
		Ok(self.get_u64(start, length)? as u16)

	fn get_i16(self, start: usize, length: usize) -> Result<(i16)> {
		if length > 16 {
			return Err(s!(LEN_TOO_BIG_MSG) + "i16");

		// Return the result
		Ok(self.get_i64(start, length)? as i16)

	fn get_u32(self, start: usize, length: usize) -> Result<(u32)> {
		if length > 32 {
			return Err(s!(LEN_TOO_BIG_MSG) + "u32");

		// Return the result
		Ok(self.get_u64(start, length)? as u32)

	fn get_i32(self, start: usize, length: usize) -> Result<(i32)> {
		if length > 32 {
			return Err(s!(LEN_TOO_BIG_MSG) + "i32");

		// Return the result
		Ok(self.get_i64(start, length)? as i32)

	fn get_u64(self, start: usize, length: usize) -> Result<(u64)> {
		check_range!(start + length);

		// Don't touch the original
		let mut copy = self;

		// Lets clear the bits on both sides of the range of bits of interest
		// First clear the ones on the left side
		copy <<= start;

		// Second, push it all to the right end
		copy >>= 64 - length;

		// Return the result

	fn get_i64(self, start: usize, length: usize) -> Result<(i64)> {
		// Check if the desired range is valid
		check_range!(start + length);

		// Don't touch the original
		let mut copy = self as i64;

		// Lets clear the bits on both sides of the range of bits of interest
		// First clear the ones on the left side
		copy <<= start;

		// Second, push it all to the right end
		copy >>= 64 - length;

		// Return the result

impl ExtractBitsFromIntegralTypes for i64 {
	fn get_u8(self, start: usize, length: usize) -> Result<(u8)> {
		(self as u64).get_u8(start, length)

	fn get_i8(self, start: usize, length: usize) -> Result<(i8)> {
		(self as u64).get_i8(start, length)

	fn get_u16(self, start: usize, length: usize) -> Result<(u16)> {
		(self as u64).get_u16(start, length)

	fn get_i16(self, start: usize, length: usize) -> Result<(i16)> {
		(self as u64).get_i16(start, length)

	fn get_u32(self, start: usize, length: usize) -> Result<(u32)> {
		(self as u64).get_u32(start, length)

	fn get_i32(self, start: usize, length: usize) -> Result<(i32)> {
		(self as u64).get_i32(start, length)

	fn get_u64(self, start: usize, length: usize) -> Result<(u64)> {
		(self as u64).get_u64(start, length)

	fn get_i64(self, start: usize, length: usize) -> Result<(i64)> {
		(self as u64).get_i64(start, length)

/// Defines a number of functions, which extract a range of bits from a Vec<u8>
/// There is one function for each variable type to be returned
/// **Important:** the contents of the vectored are assumed to be in **big endian** (network) order
pub trait ExtractBitsFromVecU8 {
	/// Extracts a range of bits from a Vec<u8> and returns a Result object containing a 8 bit unsigned integer or an error message.
	/// Parameters:
	/// - **byte_offset** (usize) the number of bytes to skip in source
	/// - **bit_offset** (usize) the start position of the bits to be extracted. Zero is the most significant bit
	/// - **length** (usize) the number of bits to be extracted.
	fn get_u8(&self, byte_offset: usize, start: usize, length: usize) -> Result<(u8)>;

	/// Extracts a range of bits from a Vec<u8> and returns a Result object containing a signed 8 bit integer or an error message.
	/// Parameters:
	/// - **byte_offset** (usize) the number of bytes to skip in source
	/// - **bit_offset** (usize) the start position of the bits to be extracted. Zero is the most significant bit
	/// - **length** (usize) the number of bits to be extracted.
	fn get_i8(&self, byte_offset: usize, start: usize, length: usize) -> Result<(i8)>;

	/// Extracts a range of bits from a Vec<u8> and returns a Result object containing a 16 bit unsigned integer or an error message.
	/// Parameters:
	/// - **byte_offset** (usize) the number of bytes to skip in source
	/// - **bit_offset** (usize) the start position of the bits to be extracted. Zero is the most significant bit
	/// - **length** (usize) the number of bits to be extracted.
	fn get_u16(&self, byte_offset: usize, start: usize, length: usize) -> Result<(u16)>;

	/// Extracts a range of bits from a Vec<u8> and returns a Result object containing a signed 16 bit integer or an error message.
	/// Parameters:
	/// - **byte_offset** (usize) the number of bytes to skip in source
	/// - **bit_offset** (usize) the start position of the bits to be extracted. Zero is the most significant bit
	/// - **length** (usize) the number of bits to be extracted.
	fn get_i16(&self, byte_offset: usize, start: usize, length: usize) -> Result<(i16)>;

	/// Extracts a range of bits from a Vec<u8> and returns a Result object containing a 32 bit unsigned integer or an error message.
	/// Parameters:
	/// - **byte_offset** (usize) the number of bytes to skip in source
	/// - **bit_offset** (usize) the start position of the bits to be extracted. Zero is the most significant bit
	/// - **length** (usize) the number of bits to be extracted.
	fn get_u32(&self, byte_offset: usize, start: usize, length: usize) -> Result<(u32)>;

	/// Extracts a range of bits from a Vec<u8> and returns a Result object containing a signed 32 bit integer or an error message.
	/// Parameters:
	/// - **byte_offset** (usize) the number of bytes to skip in source
	/// - **bit_offset** (usize) the start position of the bits to be extracted. Zero is the most significant bit
	/// - **length** (usize) the number of bits to be extracted.
	fn get_i32(&self, byte_offset: usize, start: usize, length: usize) -> Result<(i32)>;

	// TODO: Add get_u64 and get_i64

impl ExtractBitsFromVecU8 for Vec<u8> {
	fn get_u8(&self, byte_offset: usize, bit_offset: usize, length: usize) -> Result<(u8)> {
		if length <= 8 {
			if self.len() * 8 >= byte_offset * 8 + bit_offset + length { // Ensure that we stay within the vector
				// if the bit offset is > 7 increase the byte offset as needed and reduce the bit offset until bit offset is <= 7
				let mut byte_offset_copy = byte_offset;
				let mut bit_offset_copy = bit_offset;

				byte_offset_copy += bit_offset_copy / 8;			// Integer division!
				bit_offset_copy -= (bit_offset_copy / 8) * 8;

				if bit_offset_copy + length <= 8 {
					let mut copy: u8 = self[byte_offset_copy];
					// Assume that the data is given in big endian and
					// convert it to whatever endiannes we have on the users machine
					copy = u8::from_be(copy);
					// Lets clear the bits on both sides of the range of bits of interest
					// First clear the ones on the left side
					copy <<= bit_offset_copy;
					// Second, push it all to the right end
					copy >>= 8 - length;
					return Ok(copy);
				} else { // The range of bits spans over 2 bytes (not more)
					// Copy the first byte
					let copy1: u8 = self[byte_offset_copy];

					// Copy that into a bigger variable type
					let mut copy1_as_u16: u16 = copy1 as u16;

					// Shift 8 bits to the left, since these are the first 2 of 3 bytes
					copy1_as_u16 <<= 8;

					// Now copy the second bytes
					let copy2: u8 = self[byte_offset_copy + 1];

					// Logical OR these two to get the original 2 bytes
					let mut result = copy1_as_u16 | (copy2 as u16);

					// From now on, process like the normal case above
					result <<= bit_offset_copy;
					result >>= 16 - length;
					return Ok(result as u8);
			} else {
				return Err(s!(OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG))
		} else {
			return Err(s!(OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG))

	fn get_i8(&self, byte_offset: usize, bit_offset: usize, length: usize) -> Result<(i8)> {
		if length <= 8 {
			if self.len() * 8 >= byte_offset * 8 + bit_offset + length { // Ensure that we stay within the vector
				// if the bit offset is > 7 increase the byte offset as needed and reduce the bit offset until bit offset is <= 7
				let mut byte_offset_copy = byte_offset;
				let mut bit_offset_copy = bit_offset;

				byte_offset_copy += bit_offset_copy / 8;			// Integer division!
				bit_offset_copy -= (bit_offset_copy / 8) * 8;

				if bit_offset_copy + length <= 8 {
					let mut copy: i8 = self[byte_offset_copy] as i8;
					// Assume that the data is given in big endian and
					// convert it to whatever endiannes we have on the users machine
					copy = i8::from_be(copy);
					// Lets clear the bits on both sides of the range of bits of interest
					// First clear the ones on the left side
					copy <<= bit_offset_copy;
					// Second, push it all to the right end
					copy >>= 8 - length;
					return Ok(copy);
				} else { // The range of bits spans over 2 bytes (not more)
					// Copy the first byte
					let copy1: i8 = self[byte_offset_copy] as i8;

					// Copy that into a bigger variable type
					let mut copy1_as_i16: i16 = copy1 as i16;

					// Shift 8 bits to the left, since these are the first 2 of 3 bytes
					copy1_as_i16 <<= 8;

					// Now copy the second bytes
					let copy2: i8 = self[byte_offset_copy + 1] as i8;

					// Logical OR these two to get the original 2 bytes
					let mut result = copy1_as_i16 | (copy2 as i16);

					// From now on, process like the normal case above
					result <<= bit_offset_copy;
					result >>= 16 - length;
					return Ok(result as i8);
			} else {
				return Err(s!(OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG))
		} else {
			return Err(s!(OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG))

	fn get_u16(&self, byte_offset: usize, bit_offset: usize, length: usize) -> Result<(u16)> {
		if length <= 16 {
			if self.len() * 8 >= byte_offset * 8 + bit_offset + length { // Ensure that we stay within the vector
				// if the bit offset is > 7 increase the byte offset as needed and reduce the bit offset until bit offset is <= 7
				let mut byte_offset_copy = byte_offset;
				let mut bit_offset_copy = bit_offset;

				byte_offset_copy += bit_offset_copy / 8;			// Integer division!
				bit_offset_copy -= (bit_offset_copy / 8) * 8;

				if bit_offset_copy + length <= 8 {
					// Don't touch the original
					let copy1 = self[byte_offset_copy] as i8;

					// Expand to u16
					let mut copy2 = copy1 as u16;

					// Lets clear the bits on both sides of the range of bits of interest
					// First clear the ones on the left side
					copy2 <<= 8 + bit_offset_copy;

					// Second, push it all to the right end
					copy2 >>= 16 - length;

					return Ok(copy2);
				} else if bit_offset_copy + length <= 16 {
					let mut copy1 = self[byte_offset_copy] as u16;

					// This is the most significant byte. SO move it to the left
					// NOTE: The byte order should be OK for both big and little endians
					copy1 <<= 8;

					let copy2 = self[byte_offset_copy + 1] as u16;

					// Logical OR these two to get the original 2 bytes
					let mut copy3 = copy1 | copy2;

					// Lets clear the bits on both sides of the range of bits of interest
					// First clear the ones on the left side
					copy3 <<= bit_offset_copy;

					// Second, push it all to the right end
					copy3 >>= 16 - length;

					return Ok(copy3);
				} else { // The range of bits spans over 3 bytes (not more)
					let mut copy1 = self[byte_offset_copy] as u32;

					// This is the most significant byte. So move it to the left
					// NOTE: The byte order should be OK for both big and little endians
					copy1 <<= 16;

					let mut copy2 = self[byte_offset_copy + 1] as u32;
					copy2 <<= 8;

					let copy3 = self[byte_offset_copy + 2] as u32;
					// copy3 <<= 0;

					// Logical OR these two to get the original 3 bytes
					let mut copy4 = copy1 | copy2 | copy3;

					// Lets clear the bits on both sides of the range of bits of interest
					// First clear the ones on the left side
					copy4 <<= bit_offset_copy + 8;

					// Second, push it all to the right end
					copy4 >>= 32 - length;

					return Ok(copy4 as u16);
			} else {
				return Err(s!(OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG))
		} else {
			return Err(s!(OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG))

	fn get_i16(&self, byte_offset: usize, bit_offset: usize, length: usize) -> Result<(i16)> {
		if length <= 16 {
			if self.len() * 8 >= byte_offset * 8 + bit_offset + length { // Ensure that we stay within the vector
				// if the bit offset is > 7 increase the byte offset as needed and reduce the bit offset until bit offset is <= 7
				let mut byte_offset_copy = byte_offset;
				let mut bit_offset_copy = bit_offset;

				byte_offset_copy += bit_offset_copy / 8;			// Integer division!
				bit_offset_copy -= (bit_offset_copy / 8) * 8;

				if bit_offset_copy + length <= 8 {
					// Don't touch the original
					let copy1 = self[byte_offset_copy] as i8;

					// Expand to i16
					let mut copy2 = copy1 as i16;

					// Lets clear the bits on both sides of the range of bits of interest
					// First clear the ones on the left side
					copy2 <<= 8 + bit_offset_copy;

					// Second, push it all to the right end
					copy2 >>= 16 - length;

					return Ok(copy2);
				} else if bit_offset_copy + length <= 16 {
					let mut copy1 = self[byte_offset_copy] as i16;

					// This is the most significant byte. SO move it to the left
					// NOTE: The byte order should be OK for both big and little endians
					copy1 <<= 8;

					let copy2 = self[byte_offset_copy + 1] as i16;

					// Logical OR these two to get the original 2 bytes
					let mut copy3 = copy1 | copy2;

					// Lets clear the bits on both sides of the range of bits of interest
					// First clear the ones on the left side
					copy3 <<= bit_offset_copy;

					// Second, push it all to the right end
					copy3 >>= 16 - length;

					return Ok(copy3);
				} else { // The range of bits spans over 3 bytes (not more)
					let mut copy1 = self[byte_offset_copy] as i32;

					// This is the most significant byte. So move it to the left
					// NOTE: The byte order should be OK for both big and little endians
					copy1 <<= 16;

					let mut copy2 = self[byte_offset_copy + 1] as i32;
					copy2 <<= 8;

					let copy3 = self[byte_offset_copy + 2] as i32;
					// copy3 <<= 0;

					// Logical OR these two to get the original 3 bytes
					let mut copy4 = copy1 | copy2 | copy3;

					// Lets clear the bits on both sides of the range of bits of interest
					// First clear the ones on the left side
					copy4 <<= bit_offset_copy + 8;

					// Second, push it all to the right end
					copy4 >>= 32 - length;

					return Ok(copy4 as i16);
			} else {
				return Err(s!(OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG))
		} else {
			return Err(s!(OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG))

	fn get_u32(&self, byte_offset: usize, bit_offset: usize, length: usize) -> Result<(u32)> {
		if length <= 32 {
			if self.len() * 8 >= byte_offset * 8 + bit_offset + length { // Ensure that we stay within the vector
				// if the bit offset is > 7 increase the byte offset as needed and reduce the bit offset until bit offset is <= 7
				let mut byte_offset_copy = byte_offset;
				let mut bit_offset_copy = bit_offset;

				byte_offset_copy += bit_offset_copy / 8;			// Integer division!
				bit_offset_copy -= (bit_offset_copy / 8) * 8;

				if bit_offset_copy + length <= 8 {
					// Don't touch the original
					let copy1 = self[byte_offset_copy] as u8;

					// Expand to u32
					let mut copy2 = copy1 as u32;

					// Lets clear the bits on both sides of the range of bits of interest
					// First clear the ones on the left side
					copy2 <<= 24 + bit_offset_copy;

					// Second, push it all to the right end
					copy2 >>= 32 - length;

					return Ok(copy2);
				} else if bit_offset_copy + length <= 16 {
					let mut copy1 = self[byte_offset_copy] as u32;

					// This is the most significant byte. SO move it to the left
					// NOTE: The byte order should be OK for both big and little endians
					copy1 <<= 8;

					let copy2 = self[byte_offset_copy + 1] as u32;
					// copy2 <<= 0;

					// Logical OR these two to get the original 2 bytes
					let mut copy3 = copy1 | copy2;

					// Lets clear the bits on both sides of the range of bits of interest
					// First clear the ones on the left side
					copy3 <<= bit_offset_copy + 16;

					// Second, push it all to the right end
					copy3 >>= 32 - length;

					return Ok(copy3);
				} else if bit_offset_copy + length <= 24 {
					let mut copy1 = self[byte_offset_copy] as u32;

					// This is the most significant byte. So move it to the left
					// NOTE: The byte order should be OK for both big and little endians
					copy1 <<= 16;

					let mut copy2 = self[byte_offset_copy + 1] as u32;
					copy2 <<= 8;

					let copy3 = self[byte_offset_copy + 2] as u32;
					// copy3 <<= 0;

					// Logical OR these two to get the original 3 bytes
					let mut copy4 = copy1 | copy2 | copy3;

					// Lets clear the bits on both sides of the range of bits of interest
					// First clear the ones on the left side
					copy4 <<= bit_offset_copy + 8;

					// Second, push it all to the right end
					copy4 >>= 32 - length;

					return Ok(copy4 as u32);
				} else if bit_offset_copy + length <= 32 {
					let mut copy1 = self[byte_offset_copy] as u32;

					// This is the most significant byte. So move it to the left
					// NOTE: The byte order should be OK for both big and little endians
					copy1 <<= 24;

					let mut copy2 = self[byte_offset_copy + 1] as u32;
					copy2 <<= 16;

					let mut copy3 = self[byte_offset_copy + 2] as u32;
					copy3 <<= 8;

					let copy4 = self[byte_offset_copy + 3] as u32;
					// copy4 <<= 0;

					// Logical OR these two to get the original 3 bytes
					let mut copy5 = copy1 | copy2 | copy3 | copy4;

					// Lets clear the bits on both sides of the range of bits of interest
					// First clear the ones on the left side
					copy5 <<= bit_offset_copy;

					// Second, push it all to the right end
					copy5 >>= 32 - length;

					return Ok(copy5 as u32);
				} else {
					let mut copy1 = self[byte_offset_copy] as u64;

					// This is the most significant byte. So move it to the left
					// NOTE: The byte order should be OK for both big and little endians
					copy1 <<= 32;

					let mut copy2 = self[byte_offset_copy + 1] as u64;
					copy2 <<= 24;

					let mut copy3 = self[byte_offset_copy + 2] as u64;
					copy3 <<= 16;

					let mut copy4 = self[byte_offset_copy + 3] as u64;
					copy4 <<= 8;

					let copy5 = self[byte_offset_copy + 4] as u64;
					// copy5 <<= 0;

					// Logical OR these two to get the original 3 bytes
					let mut copy6 = copy1 | copy2 | copy3 | copy4 | copy5;

					// Lets clear the bits on both sides of the range of bits of interest
					// First clear the ones on the left side
					copy6 <<= 24 + bit_offset_copy;

					// Second, push it all to the right end
					copy6 >>= 64 - length;

					return Ok(copy6 as u32);
			} else {
				return Err(s!(OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG))
		} else {
			return Err(s!(OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG))

	fn get_i32(&self, byte_offset: usize, bit_offset: usize, length: usize) -> Result<(i32)> {
		if length <= 32 {
			if self.len() * 8 >= byte_offset * 8 + bit_offset + length { // Ensure that we stay within the vector
				// if the bit offset is > 7 increase the byte offset as needed and reduce the bit offset until bit offset is <= 7
				let mut byte_offset_copy = byte_offset;
				let mut bit_offset_copy = bit_offset;

				byte_offset_copy += bit_offset_copy / 8;			// Integer division!
				bit_offset_copy -= (bit_offset_copy / 8) * 8;

				if bit_offset_copy + length <= 8 {
					// Don't touch the original
					let copy1 = self[byte_offset_copy] as i8;

					// Expand to i32
					let mut copy2 = copy1 as i32;

					// Lets clear the bits on both sides of the range of bits of interest
					// First clear the ones on the left side
					copy2 <<= 24 + bit_offset_copy;

					// Second, push it all to the right end
					copy2 >>= 32 - length;

					return Ok(copy2);
				} else if bit_offset_copy + length <= 16 {
					let mut copy1 = self[byte_offset_copy] as i32;

					// This is the most significant byte. SO move it to the left
					// NOTE: The byte order should be OK for both big and little endians
					copy1 <<= 8;

					let copy2 = self[byte_offset_copy + 1] as i32;
					// copy2 <<= 0;

					// Logical OR these two to get the original 2 bytes
					let mut copy3 = copy1 | copy2;

					// Lets clear the bits on both sides of the range of bits of interest
					// First clear the ones on the left side
					copy3 <<= bit_offset_copy + 16;

					// Second, push it all to the right end
					copy3 >>= 32 - length;

					return Ok(copy3);
				} else if bit_offset_copy + length <= 24 {
					let mut copy1 = self[byte_offset_copy] as i32;

					// This is the most significant byte. So move it to the left
					// NOTE: The byte order should be OK for both big and little endians
					copy1 <<= 16;

					let mut copy2 = self[byte_offset_copy + 1] as i32;
					copy2 <<= 8;

					let copy3 = self[byte_offset_copy + 2] as i32;
					// copy3 <<= 0;

					// Logical OR these two to get the original 3 bytes
					let mut copy4 = copy1 | copy2 | copy3;

					// Lets clear the bits on both sides of the range of bits of interest
					// First clear the ones on the left side
					copy4 <<= bit_offset_copy + 8;

					// Second, push it all to the right end
					copy4 >>= 32 - length;

					return Ok(copy4 as i32);
				} else if bit_offset_copy + length <= 32 {
					let mut copy1 = self[byte_offset_copy] as i32;

					// This is the most significant byte. So move it to the left
					// NOTE: The byte order should be OK for both big and little endians
					copy1 <<= 24;

					let mut copy2 = self[byte_offset_copy + 1] as i32;
					copy2 <<= 16;

					let mut copy3 = self[byte_offset_copy + 2] as i32;
					copy3 <<= 8;

					let copy4 = self[byte_offset_copy + 3] as i32;
					// copy4 <<= 0;

					// Logical OR these two to get the original 3 bytes
					let mut copy5 = copy1 | copy2 | copy3 | copy4;

					// Lets clear the bits on both sides of the range of bits of interest
					// First clear the ones on the left side
					copy5 <<= bit_offset_copy;

					// Second, push it all to the right end
					copy5 >>= 32 - length;

					return Ok(copy5 as i32);
				} else {
					let mut copy1 = self[byte_offset_copy] as i64;

					// This is the most significant byte. So move it to the left
					// NOTE: The byte order should be OK for both big and little endians
					copy1 <<= 32;

					let mut copy2 = self[byte_offset_copy + 1] as i64;
					copy2 <<= 24;

					let mut copy3 = self[byte_offset_copy + 2] as i64;
					copy3 <<= 16;

					let mut copy4 = self[byte_offset_copy + 3] as i64;
					copy4 <<= 8;

					let copy5 = self[byte_offset_copy + 4] as i64;
					// copy5 <<= 0;

					// Logical OR these two to get the original 3 bytes
					let mut copy6 = copy1 | copy2 | copy3 | copy4 | copy5;

					// Lets clear the bits on both sides of the range of bits of interest
					// First clear the ones on the left side
					copy6 <<= 24 + bit_offset_copy;

					// Second, push it all to the right end
					copy6 >>= 64 - length;

					return Ok(copy6 as i32);
			} else {
				return Err(s!(OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG))
		} else {
			return Err(s!(OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG))

/// Defines a set of functions to get, set and clear single bits
pub trait SingleBits {

	/// Sets a single bit and returns a Result object, which contains the modified variable
	/// Parameters:
	/// - **bit_offset** (u32) the offset of the bit to be set. Zero is the **MOST** significant bit.
	fn set_bit(self, bit_offset: u32) -> Result<(Self)> where Self: std::marker::Sized;

	/// Tests a single bit and returns true or false in a Result object
	/// On error, the Result object contains an error message.
	/// This may happen if the bit_offset is larger than the data source (bit_offset > variable size)
	/// Parameters:
	/// - **bit_offset** (u32) the offset of the bit to be set. Zero is the **MOST** significant bit.
	fn get_bit(self, bit_offset: u32) -> Result<(bool)>;

	/// Clears a single bit and then returns a Result Object, which contains the modified varibale
	/// Parameters:
	/// - **bit_offset** (u32) the offset of the bit to be set. Zero is the **MOST** significant bit.
	fn clear_bit(self, bit_offset: u32) -> Result<(Self)> where Self: std::marker::Sized;

impl SingleBits for u8 {
	fn set_bit(self, bit_offset: u32) -> Result<(Self)> where Self: std::marker::Sized {

		let mut a : u8 = 0b1000_0000; // Only the most significant bit is set.

		// Shift it to the right according to the desired offset
		a >>= bit_offset;

		let mut copy = self;
		copy |= a;


	fn get_bit(self, bit_offset: u32) -> Result<(bool)> {

		let mut a : u8 = 0b1000_0000; // Only the most significant bit is set.

		// Shift it to the right according to the desired offset
		a >>= bit_offset;

		let mut copy = self;
		copy = copy & a;

		if copy > 0 {
		} else {

	fn clear_bit(self, bit_offset: u32) -> Result<(Self)> where Self: std::marker::Sized {

		let a : u8 = 0b0111_1111; // Only the most significant bit is clear.

		// Rotate it to the right according to the desired offset
		let a = a.rotate_right(bit_offset);

		let mut copy = self;
		copy &= a;


impl SingleBits for i8 {
	fn set_bit(self, bit_offset: u32) -> Result<(Self)> where Self: std::marker::Sized {

		let mut a : u8 = 0b1000_0000; // Only the most significant bit is set.

		// Shift it to the right according to the desired offset
		a >>= bit_offset;

		let mut copy = self as u8;
		copy |= a;

		Ok(copy as i8)

	fn get_bit(self, bit_offset: u32) -> Result<(bool)> {

		let mut a : u8 = 0b1000_0000; // Only the most significant bit is set.

		// Shift it to the right according to the desired offset
		a >>= bit_offset;

		let mut copy = self as u8;
		copy = copy & a;

		if copy > 0 {
		} else {

	fn clear_bit(self, bit_offset: u32) -> Result<(Self)> where Self: std::marker::Sized {

		let a : u8 = 0b0111_1111; // Only the most significant bit is clear.

		// Shift it to the right according to the desired offset
		let a = a.rotate_right(bit_offset);

		let mut copy = self as u8;
		copy &= a;

		Ok(copy as i8)

impl SingleBits for u16 {
	fn set_bit(self, bit_offset: u32) -> Result<(Self)> where Self: std::marker::Sized {

		let mut a : u16 = 0b1000_0000_0000_0000; // Only the most significant bit is set.

		// Shift it to the right according to the desired offset
		a >>= bit_offset;

		let mut copy = self;
		copy |= a;


	fn get_bit(self, bit_offset: u32) -> Result<(bool)> {

		let mut a : u16 = 0b1000_0000_0000_0000; // Only the most significant bit is set.

		// Shift it to the right according to the desired offset
		a >>= bit_offset;

		let mut copy = self;
		copy = copy & a;

		if copy > 0 {
		} else {

	fn clear_bit(self, bit_offset: u32) -> Result<(Self)> where Self: std::marker::Sized {

		let a : u16 = 0b0111_1111_1111_1111; // Only the most significant bit is clear.

		// Shift it to the right according to the desired offset
		let a = a.rotate_right(bit_offset);

		let mut copy = self;
		copy &= a;


impl SingleBits for i16 {
	fn set_bit(self, bit_offset: u32) -> Result<(Self)> where Self: std::marker::Sized {

		let mut a : u16 = 0b1000_0000_0000_0000; // Only the most significant bit is set.

		// Shift it to the right according to the desired offset
		a >>= bit_offset;

		let mut copy = self as u16;
		copy |= a;

		Ok(copy as i16)

	fn get_bit(self, bit_offset: u32) -> Result<(bool)> {

		let mut a : u16 = 0b1000_0000_0000_0000; // Only the most significant bit is set.

		// Shift it to the right according to the desired offset
		a >>= bit_offset;

		let mut copy = self as u16;
		copy = copy & a;

		if copy > 0 {
		} else {

	fn clear_bit(self, bit_offset: u32) -> Result<(Self)> where Self: std::marker::Sized {

		let a : u16 = 0b0111_1111_1111_1111; // Only the most significant bit is clear.

		// Shift it to the right according to the desired offset
		let a = a.rotate_right(bit_offset);

		let mut copy = self as u16;
		copy &= a;

		Ok(copy as i16)

impl SingleBits for u32 {
	fn set_bit(self, bit_offset: u32) -> Result<(Self)> where Self: std::marker::Sized {

		let mut a : u32 = 0b1000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000; // Only the most significant bit is set.

		// Shift it to the right according to the desired offset
		a >>= bit_offset;

		let mut copy = self;
		copy |= a;


	fn get_bit(self, bit_offset: u32) -> Result<(bool)> {

		let mut a : u32 = 0b1000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000; // Only the most significant bit is set.

		// Shift it to the right according to the desired offset
		a >>= bit_offset;

		let mut copy = self;
		copy = copy & a;

		if copy > 0 {
		} else {

	fn clear_bit(self, bit_offset: u32) -> Result<(Self)> where Self: std::marker::Sized {

		let a : u32 = 0b0111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111; // Only the most significant bit is clear.

		// Shift it to the right according to the desired offset
		let a = a.rotate_right(bit_offset);

		let mut copy = self;
		copy &= a;


impl SingleBits for i32 {
	fn set_bit(self, bit_offset: u32) -> Result<(Self)> where Self: std::marker::Sized {

		let mut a : u32 = 0b1000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000; // Only the most significant bit is set.

		// Shift it to the right according to the desired offset
		a >>= bit_offset;

		let mut copy = self as u32;
		copy |= a;

		Ok(copy as i32)

	fn get_bit(self, bit_offset: u32) -> Result<(bool)> {

		let mut a : u32 = 0b1000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000; // Only the most significant bit is set.

		// Shift it to the right according to the desired offset
		a >>= bit_offset;

		let mut copy = self as u32;
		copy = copy & a;

		if copy > 0 {
		} else {

	fn clear_bit(self, bit_offset: u32) -> Result<(Self)> where Self: std::marker::Sized {

		let a : u32 = 0b0111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111; // Only the most significant bit is clear.

		// Shift it to the right according to the desired offset
		let a = a.rotate_right(bit_offset);

		let mut copy = self as u32;
		copy &= a;

		Ok(copy as i32)

impl SingleBits for u64 {
	fn set_bit(self, bit_offset: u32) -> Result<(Self)> where Self: std::marker::Sized {

		let mut a : u64 = 0b1000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000; // Only the most significant bit is set.

		// Shift it to the right according to the desired offset
		a >>= bit_offset;

		let mut copy = self;
		copy |= a;


	fn get_bit(self, bit_offset: u32) -> Result<(bool)> {

		let mut a : u64 = 0b1000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000; // Only the most significant bit is set.

		// Shift it to the right according to the desired offset
		a >>= bit_offset;

		let mut copy = self;
		copy = copy & a;

		if copy > 0 {
		} else {

	fn clear_bit(self, bit_offset: u32) -> Result<(Self)> where Self: std::marker::Sized {

		let a : u64 = 0b0111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111; // Only the most significant bit is clear.

		// Shift it to the right according to the desired offset
		let a = a.rotate_right(bit_offset);

		let mut copy = self;
		copy &= a;


impl SingleBits for i64 {
	fn set_bit(self, bit_offset: u32) -> Result<(Self)> where Self: std::marker::Sized {

		let mut a : u64 = 0b1000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000; // Only the most significant bit is set.

		// Shift it to the right according to the desired offset
		a >>= bit_offset;

		let mut copy = self as u64;
		copy |= a;

		Ok(copy as i64)

	fn get_bit(self, bit_offset: u32) -> Result<(bool)> {

		let mut a : u64 = 0b1000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000; // Only the most significant bit is set.

		// Shift it to the right according to the desired offset
		a >>= bit_offset;

		let mut copy = self as u64;
		copy = copy & a;

		if copy > 0 {
		} else {

	fn clear_bit(self, bit_offset: u32) -> Result<(Self)> where Self: std::marker::Sized {

		let a : u64 = 0b0111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111; // Only the most significant bit is clear.

		// Shift it to the right according to the desired offset
		let a = a.rotate_right(bit_offset);

		let mut copy = self as u64;
		copy &= a;

		Ok(copy as i64)

/// Defines a number of functions, which insert any integer value
/// into any integer type (u8, u16, u32 and u64, i8, i16, i32 and i64) and return
/// the result as the same type.
/// E.g. a.set_u8(1, 2, b) inserts the last two bits of b into a, starting at the
/// bit offset 1, where the bit offset zero is defined as the **most** significant bit.
/// All other bits of a, remain untouched.
/// Example1:
/// let a : u8 = 0;
/// let b : u16 = 3;
/// assert_eq!(a.set_u8(1, 2, b).unwrap(), 0b0110_0000);
/// Example2:
/// let a : u8 = 0b0110_0011;
/// let b : u8 = 2;
/// assert_eq!(a.set_u8(5, 2, b).unwrap(), 0b0110_0101);
pub trait InsertBitsIntoIntegralTypes {
	/// Inserts a range of bits and returns a Result object.
	/// Parameters:
	/// - **start** (usize) the start position of the bits to be overwritten. Zero is the most significant bit  
	/// - **length** (usize) the number of bits to be overwritten.
	/// - **value** (u8) the value to be inserted.
	fn set_u8(self, start: usize, length: usize, value: u8) -> Result<(Self)> where Self: std::marker::Sized;

	/// Inserts a range of bits and returns a Result object.
	/// Parameters:
	/// - **start** (usize) the start position of the bits to be overwritten. Zero is the most significant bit  
	/// - **length** (usize) the number of bits to be overwritten.
	/// - **value** (i8) the value to be inserted.
	fn set_i8(self, start: usize, length: usize, value: i8) -> Result<(Self)> where Self: std::marker::Sized;

	/// Inserts a range of bits and returns a Result object.
	/// Parameters:
	/// - **start** (usize) the start position of the bits to be overwritten. Zero is the most significant bit  
	/// - **length** (usize) the number of bits to be overwritten.
	/// - **value** (u16) the value to be inserted.
	fn set_u16(self, start: usize, length: usize, value: u16) -> Result<(Self)> where Self: std::marker::Sized;

	/// Inserts a range of bits and returns a Result object.
	/// Parameters:
	/// - **start** (usize) the start position of the bits to be overwritten. Zero is the most significant bit  
	/// - **length** (usize) the number of bits to be overwritten.
	/// - **value** (i16) the value to be inserted.
	fn set_i16(self, start: usize, length: usize, value: i16) -> Result<(Self)> where Self: std::marker::Sized;

	/// Inserts a range of bits and returns a Result object.
	/// Parameters:
	/// - **start** (usize) the start position of the bits to be overwritten. Zero is the most significant bit  
	/// - **length** (usize) the number of bits to be overwritten.
	/// - **value** (u32) the value to be inserted.
	fn set_u32(self, start: usize, length: usize, value: u32) -> Result<(Self)> where Self: std::marker::Sized;

	/// Inserts a range of bits and returns a Result object.
	/// Parameters:
	/// - **start** (usize) the start position of the bits to be overwritten. Zero is the most significant bit  
	/// - **length** (usize) the number of bits to be overwritten.
	/// - **value** (i32) the value to be inserted.
	fn set_i32(self, start: usize, length: usize, value: i32) -> Result<(Self)> where Self: std::marker::Sized;

	/// Inserts a range of bits and returns a Result object.
	/// Parameters:
	/// - **start** (usize) the start position of the bits to be overwritten. Zero is the most significant bit  
	/// - **length** (usize) the number of bits to be overwritten.
	/// - **value** (u64) the value to be inserted.
	fn set_u64(self, start: usize, length: usize, value: u64) -> Result<(Self)> where Self: std::marker::Sized;

	/// Inserts a range of bits and returns a Result object.
	/// Parameters:
	/// - **start** (usize) the start position of the bits to be overwritten. Zero is the most significant bit  
	/// - **length** (usize) the number of bits to be overwritten.
	/// - **value** (i64) the value to be inserted.
	fn set_i64(self, start: usize, length: usize, value: i64) -> Result<(Self)> where Self: std::marker::Sized;

// The first parameter ($n) is the function name and
// the second one is the variable type to be inserted ($t)
macro_rules! def_set_fn {
	($n:tt, $t:ty) => (
		fn $n(self, start: usize, length: usize, value: $t) -> Result<(Self)> {
			let mut value_copy = value;
			let mut result = self;

			// Range checks
			if length > std::mem::size_of::<Self>() * 8 {
				return Err(s!(LEN_TOO_BIG_MSG) + TypeInfo::type_of(&self));

			check_range!(start + length);

			if value.is_signed() {
				let n = n_required_bits_for_a_signed_int(value as i64);
				if n > length {
					return Err(format!("Cannot insert {} as a {} bit signed integer variable, since it requires at least {} bits.",
						&value.to_string(), &length.to_string(), &n.to_string()))
			} else {
				let n = n_required_bits_for_an_unsigned_int(value as u64);
				if n > length {
					return Err(format!("Cannot insert {} as a {} bit unsigned integer variable, since it requires at least {} bits.",
						&value.to_string(), &length.to_string(), &n.to_string()))

			value_copy <<= std::mem::size_of_val(&value) as u8 * 8 - (start + length) as u8;
			for i in start .. start + length {
				if value_copy.get_bit(i as u32)? {
					result = result.set_bit(i as u32)?;
				} else {
					result = result.clear_bit(i as u32)?;

impl InsertBitsIntoIntegralTypes for u8 {
	def_set_fn!(set_u8,  u8);
	def_set_fn!(set_u16, u16);
	def_set_fn!(set_u32, u32);
	def_set_fn!(set_u64, u64);

	def_set_fn!(set_i8,  i8);
	def_set_fn!(set_i16, i16);
	def_set_fn!(set_i32, i32);
	def_set_fn!(set_i64, i64);

impl InsertBitsIntoIntegralTypes for u16 {
	def_set_fn!(set_u8,  u8);
	def_set_fn!(set_u16, u16);
	def_set_fn!(set_u32, u32);
	def_set_fn!(set_u64, u64);

	def_set_fn!(set_i8,  i8);
	def_set_fn!(set_i16, i16);
	def_set_fn!(set_i32, i32);
	def_set_fn!(set_i64, i64);

impl InsertBitsIntoIntegralTypes for u32 {
	def_set_fn!(set_u8,  u8);
	def_set_fn!(set_u16, u16);
	def_set_fn!(set_u32, u32);
	def_set_fn!(set_u64, u64);

	def_set_fn!(set_i8,  i8);
	def_set_fn!(set_i16, i16);
	def_set_fn!(set_i32, i32);
	def_set_fn!(set_i64, i64);

impl InsertBitsIntoIntegralTypes for u64 {
	def_set_fn!(set_u8,  u8);
	def_set_fn!(set_u16, u16);
	def_set_fn!(set_u32, u32);
	def_set_fn!(set_u64, u64);

	def_set_fn!(set_i8,  i8);
	def_set_fn!(set_i16, i16);
	def_set_fn!(set_i32, i32);
	def_set_fn!(set_i64, i64);

//                                                                 //
//                          UNIT TESTS                             //
//                                                                 //

mod tests {
	use super::*;

	fn range_checks_for_integrals() {
		// Range checks for u8 as source

		let a: u8 = 0x05;

		// Start is OK, Length is OK, but the sum is > 8
		match a.get_u8(5, 7) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("Missed the range check"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG),

		match a.get_u16(5, 7) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("Missed the range check"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG),

		match a.get_u32(5, 7) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("Missed the range check"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG),

		match a.get_u64(5, 7) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("Missed the range check"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG),

		match a.get_i8(5, 7) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("Missed the range check"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG),

		match a.get_i16(5, 7) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("Missed the range check"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG),

		match a.get_i32(5, 7) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("Missed the range check"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG),

		match a.get_i64(5, 7) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("Missed the range check"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG),

		// Range checks for u16 as source

		let a: u16 = 0x05AA;

		match a.get_u8(20, 7) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("Missed the range check"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG),

		match a.get_u16(0, 17) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("Missed the range check"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG),

		match a.get_u16(20, 7) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("Missed the range check"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG),

		// Start & Length would be OK for the output, but not for the source
		match a.get_u8(2, 12) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("Missed the range check"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(LEN_TOO_BIG_MSG) + "u8"),

		match a.get_i8(2, 12) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("Missed the range check"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(LEN_TOO_BIG_MSG) + "i8"),

		// Range checks for u32 as source

		let a: u32 = 0x05AAAAAA;

		match a.get_u8(20, 9) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("Missed the range check"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(LEN_TOO_BIG_MSG) + "u8"),

		match a.get_u16(0, 18) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("Missed the range check"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(LEN_TOO_BIG_MSG) + "u16"),

		match a.get_u32(20, 30) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("Missed the range check"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG),

		match a.get_u64(0, 70) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("Missed the range check"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG),

		match a.get_i8(20, 9) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("Missed the range check"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(LEN_TOO_BIG_MSG) + "i8"),

		match a.get_i16(0, 18) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("Missed the range check"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(LEN_TOO_BIG_MSG) + "i16"),

		match a.get_i32(20, 30) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("Missed the range check"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG),

		match a.get_i64(0, 70) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("Missed the range check"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG),

		// Range checks for u64 as source

		let a: u64 = 0x05AAAAAA00000000;

		match a.get_u8(20, 9) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("Missed the range check"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(LEN_TOO_BIG_MSG) + "u8"),

		match a.get_u16(0, 18) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("Missed the range check"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(LEN_TOO_BIG_MSG) + "u16"),

		match a.get_u32(0, 33) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("Missed the range check"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(LEN_TOO_BIG_MSG) + "u32"),

		match a.get_u64(0, 70) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("Missed the range check"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG),

		match a.get_u64(62, 4) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("Missed the range check"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG),

		match a.get_i8(20, 9) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("Missed the range check"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(LEN_TOO_BIG_MSG) + "i8"),

		match a.get_i16(0, 18) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("Missed the range check"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(LEN_TOO_BIG_MSG) + "i16"),

		match a.get_i32(0, 33) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("Missed the range check"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(LEN_TOO_BIG_MSG) + "i32"),

		match a.get_i64(0, 70) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("Missed the range check"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG),

		match a.get_i64(62, 4) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("Missed the range check"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG),

		// Range checks for i8 as source

		let a: i8 = 0x05;

		// Start is OK, Length is OK, but the sum is > 8
		match a.get_u8(5, 7) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("Missed the range check"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG),

		match a.get_u16(5, 7) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("Missed the range check"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG),

		match a.get_u32(5, 7) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("Missed the range check"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG),

		match a.get_u64(5, 7) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("Missed the range check"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG),

		match a.get_i8(5, 7) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("Missed the range check"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG),

		match a.get_i16(5, 7) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("Missed the range check"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG),

		match a.get_i32(5, 7) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("Missed the range check"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG),

		match a.get_i64(5, 7) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("Missed the range check"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG),

		// Range checks for i16 as source

		let a: i16 = 0x05AA;

		match a.get_u8(20, 7) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("Missed the range check"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG),

		match a.get_u16(0, 17) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("Missed the range check"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG),

		match a.get_u16(20, 7) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("Missed the range check"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG),

		// Start & Length would be OK for the output, but not for the source
		match a.get_u8(2, 12) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("Missed the range check"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(LEN_TOO_BIG_MSG) + "u8"),

		match a.get_i8(2, 12) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("Missed the range check"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(LEN_TOO_BIG_MSG) + "i8"),

		// Range checks for i32 as source

		let a: i32 = 0x05AAAAAA;

		match a.get_u8(20, 9) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("Missed the range check"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(LEN_TOO_BIG_MSG) + "u8"),

		match a.get_u16(0, 18) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("Missed the range check"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(LEN_TOO_BIG_MSG) + "u16"),

		match a.get_u32(20, 30) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("Missed the range check"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG),

		match a.get_u64(0, 70) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("Missed the range check"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG),

		match a.get_i8(20, 9) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("Missed the range check"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(LEN_TOO_BIG_MSG) + "i8"),

		match a.get_i16(0, 18) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("Missed the range check"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(LEN_TOO_BIG_MSG) + "i16"),

		match a.get_i32(20, 30) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("Missed the range check"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG),

		match a.get_i64(0, 70) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("Missed the range check"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG),

		// Range checks for i64 as source

		let a: i64 = 0x05AAAAAA00000000;

		match a.get_u8(20, 9) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("Missed the range check"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(LEN_TOO_BIG_MSG) + "u8"),

		match a.get_u16(0, 18) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("Missed the range check"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(LEN_TOO_BIG_MSG) + "u16"),

		match a.get_u32(0, 33) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("Missed the range check"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(LEN_TOO_BIG_MSG) + "u32"),

		match a.get_u64(0, 70) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("Missed the range check"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG),

		match a.get_u64(62, 4) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("Missed the range check"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG),

		match a.get_i8(20, 9) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("Missed the range check"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(LEN_TOO_BIG_MSG) + "i8"),

		match a.get_i16(0, 18) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("Missed the range check"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(LEN_TOO_BIG_MSG) + "i16"),

		match a.get_i32(0, 33) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("Missed the range check"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(LEN_TOO_BIG_MSG) + "i32"),

		match a.get_i64(0, 70) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("Missed the range check"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG),

		match a.get_i64(62, 4) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("Missed the range check"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG),

	fn range_checks_for_vec_u8() {
		// Range checking

		let v: Vec<u8> = vec!{ 0x48, 0x61, 0x6C, 0x6C, 0x6F }; // = "Hallo"

		// The byte offset has to be < sizeof(vector in bytes)
		match v.get_u8(5, 2, 3) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("The range check failed to detect invalid byte offset"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG),

		// A u8 cannot have 12 bits
		match v.get_u8(1, 5, 12) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("The range check failed to detect invalid length"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG),

		// Even if all three parameters are individually within their range,
		// the combination might leak outside the vector
		match v.get_u8(4, 7, 5) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("The range check failed to detect invalid range"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG),

		// A u16 cannot have 17 bits
		match v.get_u16(1, 5, 17) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("The range check failed to detect invalid length"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG),

		// Even if all three parametrs are individually within their range,
		// the combination might leak outside the vector
		match v.get_u16(4, 7, 10) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("The range check failed to detect invalid range"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG),

	fn source_must_not_change() {
		// Actually, strictly speaking, we don't need the asserts below.
		// The variable bindings below are not mutable, so
		// the compiler would not compile this file in the first place, if
		// there was a problem with that.
		// Still let's keep them in the unit tetst for the better understanding.

		let a: u8 = 0x05;
		let _b = a.get_u16(3, 4).unwrap();
		assert_eq!(a, 0x05, "The source has changed!");

		let a: u16 = 0x05AA;
		let _b = a.get_u16(5, 3).unwrap();
		assert_eq!(a, 0x05AA, "The source has changed!");

		let a: u32 = 0x05AA0000;
		let _b = a.get_u16(5, 3).unwrap();
		assert_eq!(a, 0x05AA0000, "The source has changed!");

		let a: u64 = 0x05AA00000000;
		let _b = a.get_u16(5, 3).unwrap();
		assert_eq!(a, 0x05AA00000000, "The source has changed!");

		let a: i8 = 0x05;
		let _b = a.get_i16(3, 4).unwrap();
		assert_eq!(a, 0x05, "The source has changed!");

		let a: i16 = 0x05AA;
		let _b = a.get_i16(5, 3).unwrap();
		assert_eq!(a, 0x05AA, "The source has changed!");

		let a: i32 = 0x05AA0000;
		let _b = a.get_i16(5, 3).unwrap();
		assert_eq!(a, 0x05AA0000, "The source has changed!");

		let a: i64 = 0x05AA00000000;
		let _b = a.get_i16(5, 3).unwrap();
		assert_eq!(a, 0x05AA00000000, "The source has changed!");

	macro_rules! get_5_3 {
		( $a:ident, $x:ident, $y:expr ) => {
			let b = $a.$x(5, 3).unwrap(); // extracted bits = 101
			assert_eq!(b, $y);

	fn correct_results() {
		// 8 bit input

		// Same size unsigned
		let a: u8 = 0b0000_0101;

		get_5_3!(a, get_u8, 5);
		get_5_3!(a, get_i8, -3);
		get_5_3!(a, get_u16, 5);
		get_5_3!(a, get_i16, -3);
		get_5_3!(a, get_u32, 5);
		get_5_3!(a, get_i32, -3);
		get_5_3!(a, get_u64, 5);
		get_5_3!(a, get_i64, -3);

		let a: i8 = 0b0000_0101;

		get_5_3!(a, get_u8, 5);
		get_5_3!(a, get_i8, -3);
		get_5_3!(a, get_u16, 5);
		get_5_3!(a, get_i16, -3);
		get_5_3!(a, get_u32, 5);
		get_5_3!(a, get_i32, -3);
		get_5_3!(a, get_u64, 5);
		get_5_3!(a, get_i64, -3);

		// 16 bit input

		let a: u16 = 0b0000_0101_1010_1010;

		get_5_3!(a, get_u8, 5);
		get_5_3!(a, get_i8, -3);
		get_5_3!(a, get_u16, 5);
		get_5_3!(a, get_i16, -3);
		get_5_3!(a, get_u32, 5);
		get_5_3!(a, get_i32, -3);
		get_5_3!(a, get_u64, 5);
		get_5_3!(a, get_i64, -3);

		// the type of the result is smaller and unsigned. Pick a bit range on the right side
		let b = a.get_u8(12, 3).unwrap(); // extracted bits = 101
		assert_eq!(b, 5);

		// the type of the result is smaller and signed. Pick a bit range on the right side
		let b = a.get_i8(12, 3).unwrap(); // extracted bits = 101
		assert_eq!(b, -3);

		let a: i16 = 0b0000_0101_1010_1010;

		get_5_3!(a, get_u8, 5);
		get_5_3!(a, get_i8, -3);
		get_5_3!(a, get_u16, 5);
		get_5_3!(a, get_i16, -3);
		get_5_3!(a, get_u32, 5);
		get_5_3!(a, get_i32, -3);
		get_5_3!(a, get_u64, 5);
		get_5_3!(a, get_i64, -3);

		// the type of the result is smaller and unsigned. Pick a bit range on the right side
		let b = a.get_u8(12, 3).unwrap(); // extracted bits = 101
		assert_eq!(b, 5);

		// the type of the result is smaller and signed. Pick a bit range on the right side
		let b = a.get_i8(12, 3).unwrap(); // extracted bits = 101
		assert_eq!(b, -3);

		// 32 bit input

		let a: u32 = 0b0000_0101_1010_1010_1010_1010_1010_1010;

		get_5_3!(a, get_u8, 5);
		get_5_3!(a, get_i8, -3);
		get_5_3!(a, get_u16, 5);
		get_5_3!(a, get_i16, -3);
		get_5_3!(a, get_u32, 5);
		get_5_3!(a, get_i32, -3);
		get_5_3!(a, get_u64, 5);
		get_5_3!(a, get_i64, -3);

		// the type of the result is smaller and unsigned. Pick a bit range on the right side
		let b = a.get_u8(12, 3).unwrap(); // extracted bits = 101
		assert_eq!(b, 5);

		// the type of the result is smaller and signed. Pick a bit range on the right side
		let b = a.get_i8(12, 3).unwrap(); // extracted bits = 101
		assert_eq!(b, -3);

		let a: i32 = 0b0000_0101_1010_1010_1010_1010_1010_1010;

		get_5_3!(a, get_u8, 5);
		get_5_3!(a, get_i8, -3);
		get_5_3!(a, get_u16, 5);
		get_5_3!(a, get_i16, -3);
		get_5_3!(a, get_u32, 5);
		get_5_3!(a, get_i32, -3);
		get_5_3!(a, get_u64, 5);
		get_5_3!(a, get_i64, -3);

		// the type of the result is smaller and unsigned. Pick a bit range on the right side
		let b = a.get_u8(12, 3).unwrap(); // extracted bits = 101
		assert_eq!(b, 5);

		// the type of the result is smaller and signed. Pick a bit range on the right side
		let b = a.get_i8(12, 3).unwrap(); // extracted bits = 101
		assert_eq!(b, -3);

		// 64 bit input

		let a: u64 = 0b0000_0101_1010_1010_1010_1010_1010_1010_0000_0101_1010_1010_1010_1010_1010_1010;

		get_5_3!(a, get_u8, 5);
		get_5_3!(a, get_i8, -3);
		get_5_3!(a, get_u16, 5);
		get_5_3!(a, get_i16, -3);
		get_5_3!(a, get_u32, 5);
		get_5_3!(a, get_i32, -3);
		get_5_3!(a, get_u64, 5);
		get_5_3!(a, get_i64, -3);

		// the type of the result is smaller and signed. Pick a bit range on the right side
		let b = a.get_i8(60, 3).unwrap(); // extracted bits = 101
		assert_eq!(b, -3);

		// the type of the result is smaller and unsigned. Pick a bit range on the right side
		let b = a.get_u8(60, 3).unwrap(); // extracted bits = 101
		assert_eq!(b, 5);

		let a: i64 = 0b0000_0101_1010_1010_1010_1010_1010_1010_0000_0101_1010_1010_1010_1010_1010_1010;

		get_5_3!(a, get_u8, 5);
		get_5_3!(a, get_i8, -3);
		get_5_3!(a, get_u16, 5);
		get_5_3!(a, get_i16, -3);
		get_5_3!(a, get_u32, 5);
		get_5_3!(a, get_i32, -3);
		get_5_3!(a, get_u64, 5);
		get_5_3!(a, get_i64, -3);

		// the type of the result is smaller and signed. Pick a bit range on the right side
		let b = a.get_i8(60, 3).unwrap(); // extracted bits = 101
		assert_eq!(b, -3);

		// the type of the result is smaller and unsigned. Pick a bit range on the right side
		let b = a.get_u8(60, 3).unwrap(); // extracted bits = 101
		assert_eq!(b, 5);

	fn extract_from_vector() {
		let v: Vec<u8> = vec!{ 0x48, 0x61, 0x6C, 0x6C, 0x6F };

		// 8 Bit

		// Simple 1 for get_u8
		let bar = v.get_u8(1, 5, 3); // relevant bytes = 0x61 = 0b0110_0 --> 001 <--
		assert_eq!(bar.unwrap(), 1);

		// Simple 2 for get_u8
		let bar = v.get_u8(1, 1, 4); // relevant bytes = 0x61 = 0b0 --> 110_0 <-- 001
		assert_eq!(bar.unwrap(), 12);

		// Get a u8 from a range, which spans over 2 bytes
		let bar = v.get_u8(1, 7, 5);  // Relevant bytes = 0x61, 0x6C
		assert_eq!(bar.unwrap(), 22); // 0b0110_000 --> 1_0110 <-- _1100

		// Use a large bit offset
		let bar = v.get_u8(0, 36, 3);   // Relevant bytes = 0x6F
		assert_eq!(bar.unwrap(), 7); // 0b0110_ --> 111 <-- 1

		// Use a large bit offset, which spans over 2 bytes
		let bar = v.get_u8(0, 30, 3);   // Relevant bytes = 0x6C, 0x6F
		assert_eq!(bar.unwrap(), 0); // 0b_0110_11 --> 00_0 <-- 110_1111

		// Now signed integers

		// Simple 1 for get_i8
		let bar = v.get_i8(1, 5, 3); // relevant bytes = 0x61 = 0b0 --> 110_0 <-- 001
		assert_eq!(bar.unwrap(), 1);

		// Simple 2 for get_i8
		let bar = v.get_i8(1, 2, 3); // relevant bytes = 0x61 = 0b01 --> 10_0 <-- 001
		assert_eq!(bar.unwrap(), -4);

		// Get an i8 from a range, which spans over 2 bytes
		let bar = v.get_i8(1, 7, 5);   // Relevant bytes = 0x61, 0x6C
		assert_eq!(bar.unwrap(), -10); // 0b0110_000 --> 1_0110 <-- _1100

		// Use a large bit offset
		let bar = v.get_i8(0, 36, 3);   // Relevant bytes = 0x6F
		assert_eq!(bar.unwrap(), -1); // 0b0110_ --> 111 <-- 1

		// 16 Bit

		// Simple 1 for get_u16
		let bar = v.get_u16(1, 7, 3); // relevant bytes = 0x616C = 0b0110000  --> 101 <-- 101100
		assert_eq!(bar.unwrap(), 5);

		// Simple 2 for get_u16
		let bar = v.get_u16(4, 3, 5); // relevant bytes = 0x6F = 0b011 --> 0_1111 <--
		assert_eq!(bar.unwrap(), 15);

		// Get a u16 from a range, which spans over 3 bytes
		let bar = v.get_u16(1, 7, 10); // Relevant bytes = 0x61, 0x6C, 0x6C
		assert_eq!(bar.unwrap(), 728); // 0b0110_000 --> 1_0110_1100_0 <-- 110_1100

		// Use a large bit offset
		let bar = v.get_u16(0, 36, 3);   // Relevant bytes = 0x6F
		assert_eq!(bar.unwrap(), 7); // 0b0110_ --> 111 <-- 1

		// Now signed integers

		// Simple 1 for get_i16
		let bar = v.get_i16(1, 7, 3); // relevant bytes = 0x616C = 0b0110000  --> 101 <-- 101100
		assert_eq!(bar.unwrap(), -3);

		// Simple 2 for get_i16
		let bar = v.get_i16(4, 3, 5); // relevant bytes = 0x6F = 0b011 --> 0_1111 <--
		assert_eq!(bar.unwrap(), 15);

		// Get a i16 from a range, which spans over 3 bytes
		let bar = v.get_i16(1, 7, 10); // Relevant bytes = 0x61, 0x6C, 0x6C
		assert_eq!(bar.unwrap(), -296); // 0b0110_000 --> 1_0110_1100_0 <-- 110_1100

		// Use a large bit offset
		let bar = v.get_i16(0, 36, 3);   // Relevant bytes = 0x6F
		assert_eq!(bar.unwrap(), -1); // 0b0110_ --> 111 <-- 1

		// 32 Bit

		let v: Vec<u8> = vec!{ 0x48, 0x61, 0x6C, 0x6C, 0x6F, 0x2C, 0x20, 0x57, 0x65, 0x6C, 0x74, 0x21 };

		// Simple 1 for get_u32
		let bar = v.get_u32(0, 0, 3); // relevant bytes = 0x48 = 0b --> 010 <-- 0_1000
		assert_eq!(bar.unwrap(), 2);

		// Simple 2 for get_u32
		let bar = v.get_u32(1, 7, 3); // relevant bytes = 0x616C = 0b0110000  --> 101 <-- 101100
		assert_eq!(bar.unwrap(), 5);

		// Simple 3 for get_u32
		let bar = v.get_u32(4, 3, 5); // relevant bytes = 0x6F = 0b011 --> 0_1111 <--
		assert_eq!(bar.unwrap(), 15);

		// Simple 4 for get_u32
		let bar = v.get_u32(5, 3, 16); // relevant bytes = 0x2C2057 = 0b001 --> 0_1100_0010_0000_010 <-- 1_0111
		assert_eq!(bar.unwrap(), 24834);

		// Simple 5 for get_u32
		let bar = v.get_u32(5, 3, 28); // relevant bytes = 0x2C205765 = 0b001 --> 0_1100_0010_0000_0101_0111_0110_010 <-- 1
		assert_eq!(bar.unwrap(), 101723058);

		// Simple 6 for get_u32
		let bar = v.get_u32(5, 3, 32); // relevant bytes = 0x2C2057656C = 0b001 --> 0_1100_0010_0000_0101_0111_0110_0101_011 <-- 0_1100
		assert_eq!(bar.unwrap(), 1627568939);

		// Get a u32 from a range, which spans over 5 bytes
		let bar = v.get_u32(1, 7, 26); // Relevant bytes = 0x61, 0x6C, 0x6C, 0x6F, 0x2C
		assert_eq!(bar.unwrap(), 47765726); // 0b0110_000 --> 1_0110_1100_0110_1100_0110_1111_0 <-- 010_1100

		// Use a large bit offset
		let bar = v.get_u32(0, 36, 3);   // Relevant bytes = 0x6F
		assert_eq!(bar.unwrap(), 7); // 0b0110_ --> 111 <-- 1

		// Now signed integers

		// Simple 1 for get_i32
		let bar = v.get_i32(0, 0, 3); // relevant bytes = 0x48 = 0b --> 010 <-- 0_1000
		assert_eq!(bar.unwrap(), 2);

		// Simple 2 for get_i32
		let bar = v.get_i32(1, 7, 3); // relevant bytes = 0x616C = 0b0110000  --> 101 <-- 101100
		assert_eq!(bar.unwrap(), -3);

		// Simple 3 for get_i32
		let bar = v.get_i32(4, 3, 5); // relevant bytes = 0x6F = 0b011 --> 0_1111 <--
		assert_eq!(bar.unwrap(), 15);

		// Simple 4 for get_i32
		let bar = v.get_i32(5, 3, 16); // relevant bytes = 0x2C2057 = 0b001 --> 0_1100_0010_0000_010 <-- 1_0111
		assert_eq!(bar.unwrap(), 24834);

		// Simple 5 for get_i32
		let bar = v.get_i32(5, 3, 28); // relevant bytes = 0x2C205765 = 0b001 --> 0_1100_0010_0000_0101_0111_0110_010 <-- 1
		assert_eq!(bar.unwrap(), 101723058);

		// Simple 6 for get_i32
		let bar = v.get_i32(5, 3, 32); // relevant bytes = 0x2C2057656C = 0b001 --> 0_1100_0010_0000_0101_0111_0110_0101_011 <-- 0_1100
		assert_eq!(bar.unwrap(), 1627568939);

		// Get a i32 from a range, which spans over 5 bytes
		let bar = v.get_i32(1, 7, 26); // Relevant bytes = 0x61, 0x6C, 0x6C, 0x6F, 0x2C
		assert_eq!(bar.unwrap(), -19343138); // 0b0110_000 --> 1_0110_1100_0110_1100_0110_1111_0 <-- 010_1100

		// Use a large bit offset
		let bar = v.get_i32(0, 36, 3);   // Relevant bytes = 0x6F
		assert_eq!(bar.unwrap(), -1); // 0b0110_ --> 111 <-- 1

		// 64 Bit

		// TODO: Add the 64 bit tests when they are implemented

	fn panics_as_expected() {
		panic!("So far, nothing should panic!");

	fn single_bits() {
		// Unsigned 8 bit

		let a: u8 = 0b0000_0101;

		// Test a single bit. The most significant bit has the bit offset 0
		assert_eq!(a.get_bit(0).unwrap(), false);
		// Test an other single bit
		assert_eq!(a.get_bit(5).unwrap(), true);

		let b = 0; // bit offset. The most significant bit has the bit offset 0

		assert_eq!(a.set_bit(b).unwrap(), 133); // Expected result = 0b1000_0101 = 133;

		// Clear the same bit again
		assert_eq!(a.clear_bit(b).unwrap(), 5);

		let b = 1; // bit offset. The most significant bit has the bit offset 0

		assert_eq!(a.set_bit(b).unwrap(), 69); // Expected result = 0b0100_0101 = 69;

		// Clear the same bit again
		assert_eq!(a.clear_bit(b).unwrap(), 5);

		// Unsigned 16 bit

		let a: u16 = 0b0000_0000_0000_0101;

		// Test a single bit. The most significant bit has the bit offset 0
		assert_eq!(a.get_bit(0).unwrap(), false);
		// Test an other single bit
		assert_eq!(a.get_bit(13).unwrap(), true);

		let b = 0; // bit offset. The most significant bit has the bit offset 0

		assert_eq!(a.set_bit(b).unwrap(), 32773); // Expected result = 0b1000_0000_0000_0101 = 32773;

		// Clear the same bit again
		assert_eq!(a.clear_bit(b).unwrap(), 5);

		let b = 1; // bit offset. The most significant bit has the bit offset 0

		assert_eq!(a.set_bit(b).unwrap(), 16389); // Expected result = 0b0100_0000_0000_0101 = 16389;

		// Clear the same bit again
		assert_eq!(a.clear_bit(b).unwrap(), 5);

		// Unsigned 32 bit

		let a: u32 = 0b0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0101;

		// Test a single bit. The most significant bit has the bit offset 0
		assert_eq!(a.get_bit(0).unwrap(), false);
		// Test an other single bit
		assert_eq!(a.get_bit(29).unwrap(), true);

		let b = 0; // bit offset. The most significant bit has the bit offset 0

		assert_eq!(a.set_bit(b).unwrap(), 2_147_483_653 ); // Expected result = 0b1000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0101 = 2 ** 31 + 5;

		// Clear the same bit again
		assert_eq!(a.clear_bit(b).unwrap(), 5);

		let b = 1; // bit offset. The most significant bit has the bit offset 0

		assert_eq!(a.set_bit(b).unwrap(), 1_073_741_829); // Expected result = 0b0100_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0101 = 2 ** 30 + 5;

		// Clear the same bit again
		assert_eq!(a.clear_bit(b).unwrap(), 5);

		// Unsigned 64 bit

		let a: u64 = 0b0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0101;

		// Test a single bit. The most significant bit has the bit offset 0
		assert_eq!(a.get_bit(0).unwrap(), false);
		// Test an other single bit
		assert_eq!(a.get_bit(61).unwrap(), true);

		let b = 0; // bit offset. The most significant bit has the bit offset 0

		assert_eq!(a.set_bit(b).unwrap(), 0x80_00_00_00_00_00_00_05); // Expected result = 0x80_00_00_00_00_00_00_05 = 2 ** 63 + 5;

		// Clear the same bit again
		assert_eq!(a.clear_bit(b).unwrap(), 5);

		let b = 1; // bit offset. The most significant bit has the bit offset 0

		assert_eq!(a.set_bit(b).unwrap(), 0x40_00_00_00_00_00_00_05); // Expected result = 0x40_00_00_00_00_00_00_05 = 2 ** 62 + 5;

		// Clear the same bit again
		assert_eq!(a.clear_bit(b).unwrap(), 5);

		// Signed 8 bit

		let a: i8 = 0b0000_0101;

		// Test a single bit. The most significant bit has the bit offset 0
		assert_eq!(a.get_bit(0).unwrap(), false);
		// Test an other single bit
		assert_eq!(a.get_bit(5).unwrap(), true);

		let b = 0; // bit offset. The most significant bit has the bit offset 0

		assert_eq!(a.set_bit(b).unwrap(), -123); // Expected result = 0b1000_0101 = 133;

		// Clear the same bit again
		assert_eq!(a.clear_bit(b).unwrap(), 5);

		let b = 1; // bit offset. The most significant bit has the bit offset 0

		assert_eq!(a.set_bit(b).unwrap(), 69); // Expected result = 0b0100_0101 = 69;

		// Clear the same bit again
		assert_eq!(a.clear_bit(b).unwrap(), 5);

		// Signed 16 bit

		let a: i16 = 0b0000_0000_0000_0101;

		// Test a single bit. The most significant bit has the bit offset 0
		assert_eq!(a.get_bit(0).unwrap(), false);
		// Test an other single bit
		assert_eq!(a.get_bit(13).unwrap(), true);

		let b = 0; // bit offset. The most significant bit has the bit offset 0

		assert_eq!(a.set_bit(b).unwrap(), -32763); // Expected result = 0b1000_0000_0000_0101 = 32773;

		// Clear the same bit again
		assert_eq!(a.clear_bit(b).unwrap(), 5);

		let b = 1; // bit offset. The most significant bit has the bit offset 0

		assert_eq!(a.set_bit(b).unwrap(), 16389); // Expected result = 0b0100_0000_0000_0101 = 16389;

		// Clear the same bit again
		assert_eq!(a.clear_bit(b).unwrap(), 5);

		// Signed 32 bit

		let a: i32 = 0b0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0101;

		// Test a single bit. The most significant bit has the bit offset 0
		assert_eq!(a.get_bit(0).unwrap(), false);
		// Test an other single bit
		assert_eq!(a.get_bit(29).unwrap(), true);

		let b = 0; // bit offset. The most significant bit has the bit offset 0

		assert_eq!(a.set_bit(b).unwrap(), -2_147_483_643 ); // Expected result = 0b1000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0101 = 2 ** 31 + 5;

		// Clear the same bit again
		assert_eq!(a.clear_bit(b).unwrap(), 5);

		let b = 1; // bit offset. The most significant bit has the bit offset 0

		assert_eq!(a.set_bit(b).unwrap(), 1_073_741_829); // Expected result = 0b0100_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0101 = 2 ** 30 + 5;

		// Clear the same bit again
		assert_eq!(a.clear_bit(b).unwrap(), 5);

		// Signed 64 bit

		let a: i64 = 0b0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0101;

		// Test a single bit. The most significant bit has the bit offset 0
		assert_eq!(a.get_bit(0).unwrap(), false);
		// Test an other single bit
		assert_eq!(a.get_bit(61).unwrap(), true);

		let b = 0; // bit offset. The most significant bit has the bit offset 0

		assert_eq!(a.set_bit(b).unwrap(), -9_223_372_036_854_775_803); // Expected result = 0x80_00_00_00_00_00_00_05 = 2 ** 63 + 5;

		// Clear the same bit again
		assert_eq!(a.clear_bit(b).unwrap(), 5);

		let b = 1; // bit offset. The most significant bit has the bit offset 0

		assert_eq!(a.set_bit(b).unwrap(), 4_611_686_018_427_387_909); // Expected result = 0x40_00_00_00_00_00_00_05 = 2 ** 62 + 5;

		// Clear the same bit again
		assert_eq!(a.clear_bit(b).unwrap(), 5);

	fn inserting_8_bit_vars_into_u8() {
		let a : u8 = 0;
		let b : u8 = 3;
		assert_eq!(a.set_u8(1, 2, b).unwrap(), 0b0110_0000);

		let a : u8 = 0b0110_0011;
		let b : u8 = 0b0000_0010;
		assert_eq!(a.set_u8(5, 2, b).unwrap(), 0b0110_0101);

		// You cannot insert 9 bits into an u8
		match a.set_u8(5, 9, b) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("The range check failed to detect invalid length"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(s!(LEN_TOO_BIG_MSG) + "u8")),

		// start + length must not exceed 8 bit (size of u8)
		match a.set_u8(5, 8, b) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("The range check failed to detect invalid range"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG)),

		// The _length_ parameter must not be smaller than the number of bits,
		// which is required to represent _value_
		let b = 5;
		match a.set_u8(5, 2, b) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("The range check failed to detect invalid range"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!("Cannot insert 5 as a 2 bit unsigned integer variable, since it requires at least 3 bits.")),

		// b as positive signed integer
		let a : u8 = 0b0110_0011;
		let b : i8 = 0b0000_0010;
		assert_eq!(a.set_i8(5, 2, b).unwrap(), 0b0110_0101);

		// b as negative signed integer
		// Using 'as u8 as i8' below is a (strange) workaround to prevent the warning we get with 'as i8'.
		// See the discussion at
		let b : i8 = -2;
		assert_eq!(  0b1111_1110 as u8 as i8, b);
		assert_eq!(a.set_i8(5, 2, b).unwrap(), 0b0110_0101);

		match a.set_i8(5, 9, b) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("The range check failed to detect invalid length"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(s!(LEN_TOO_BIG_MSG) + "u8")),

		// start + length must not exceed 8 bit (size of u8)
		match a.set_i8(5, 8, b) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("The range check failed to detect invalid range"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG)),

		// The _length_ parameter must not be smaller than the number of bits,
		// which is required to represent _value_
		let b = -5;
		match a.set_i8(5, 2, b) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("The range check failed to detect invalid range"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!("Cannot insert -5 as a 2 bit signed integer variable, since it requires at least 4 bits.")),

	fn inserting_8_bit_vars_into_u16() {

		let a : u16 = 0;
		let b : u8  = 3;
		assert_eq!(a.set_u8(1, 2, b).unwrap(), 0b0110_0000_0000_0000);

		let a : u16 = 0b0110_0011_0000_0000;
		let b : u8  = 0b0000_0010;
		assert_eq!(a.set_u8(5, 2, b).unwrap(), 0b0110_0101_0000_0000);

		// You cannot insert 18 bits into an u16
		match a.set_u8(5, 18, b) {
			Ok(_)  => panic!("The range check failed to detect invalid length"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(s!(LEN_TOO_BIG_MSG) + "u16")),

		// start + length must not exceed 16 bit (size of u16)
		match a.set_u8(5, 15, b) {
			Ok(_)  => panic!("The range check failed to detect invalid range"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG)),

		// The _length_ parameter must not be smaller than the number of bits,
		// which is required to represent _value_
		let b = 5;
		match a.set_u8(5, 2, b) {
			Ok(_)  => panic!("The range check failed to detect invalid range"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!("Cannot insert 5 as a 2 bit unsigned integer variable, since it requires at least 3 bits.")),

		// b as positive signed integer
		let a : u16 = 0b0110_0011_0000_0110;
		let b : i8 =  0b0000_0010;
		assert_eq!(a.set_i8(5, 2, b).unwrap(), 0b0110_0101_0000_0110);

		// b as negative signed integer
		// Using 'as u8 as i8' below is a (strange) workaround to prevent the warning we get with 'as i8'.
		// See the discussion at
		let b : i8 = -2;
		assert_eq!(  0b1111_1110 as u8 as i8, b);
		assert_eq!(a.set_i8(5, 2, b).unwrap(), 0b0110_0101_0000_0110);

		// You cannot insert 18 bits into an u16
		match a.set_i8(5, 18, b) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("The range check failed to detect invalid length"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(s!(LEN_TOO_BIG_MSG) + "u16")),

		// start + length must not exceed 16 bit (size of u16)
		match a.set_i8(5, 15, b) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("The range check failed to detect invalid range"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG)),

		// The _length_ parameter must not be smaller than the number of bits,
		// which is required to represent _value_
		let b = -5;
		match a.set_i8(5, 2, b) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("The range check failed to detect invalid range"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!("Cannot insert -5 as a 2 bit signed integer variable, since it requires at least 4 bits.")),

	fn inserting_8_bit_vars_into_u32() {

		let a : u32 = 0;
		let b : u8  = 3;
		assert_eq!(a.set_u8(1, 2, b).unwrap(), 0b0110_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000);

		let a : u32 = 0b0110_0011_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000;
		let b : u8  = 0b0000_0010;
		assert_eq!(a.set_u8(5, 2, b).unwrap(), 0b0110_0101_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000);

		// You cannot insert 40 bits into an u32
		match a.set_u8(5, 40, b) {
			Ok(_)  => panic!("The range check failed to detect invalid length"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(s!(LEN_TOO_BIG_MSG) + "u32")),

		// start + length must not exceed 32 bit (size of u32)
		match a.set_u8(5, 30, b) {
			Ok(_)  => panic!("The range check failed to detect invalid range"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG)),

		// The _length_ parameter must not be smaller than the number of bits,
		// which is required to represent _value_
		let b = 5;
		match a.set_u8(5, 2, b) {
			Ok(_)  => panic!("The range check failed to detect invalid range"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!("Cannot insert 5 as a 2 bit unsigned integer variable, since it requires at least 3 bits.")),

		// b as positive signed integer
		let a : u32 = 0b0110_0011_0000_0110_0110_0011_0000_0110;
		let b : i8 =  0b0000_0010;
		assert_eq!(a.set_i8(5, 2, b).unwrap(), 0b0110_0101_0000_0110_0110_0011_0000_0110);

		// b as negative signed integer
		// Using 'as u8 as i8' below is a (strange) workaround to prevent the warning we get with 'as i8'.
		// See the discussion at
		let b : i8 = -2;
		assert_eq!(  0b1111_1110 as u8 as i8, b);
		assert_eq!(a.set_i8(5, 2, b).unwrap(), 0b0110_0101_0000_0110_0110_0011_0000_0110);

		// You cannot insert 40 bits into an u32
		match a.set_i8(5, 40, b) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("The range check failed to detect invalid length"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(s!(LEN_TOO_BIG_MSG) + "u32")),

		// start + length must not exceed 32 bit (size of u32)
		match a.set_i8(5, 30, b) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("The range check failed to detect invalid range"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG)),

		// The _length_ parameter must not be smaller than the number of bits,
		// which is required to represent _value_
		let b = -5;
		match a.set_i8(5, 2, b) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("The range check failed to detect invalid range"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!("Cannot insert -5 as a 2 bit signed integer variable, since it requires at least 4 bits.")),

	fn inserting_8_bit_vars_into_u64() {
		let a : u64 = 0;
		let b : u8  = 3;
		assert_eq!(a.set_u8(1, 2, b).unwrap(), 0b0110_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000);

		let a : u64 = 0b0110_0011_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000;
		let b : u8  = 0b0000_0010;
		assert_eq!(a.set_u8(5, 2, b).unwrap(), 0b0110_0101_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000);

		// You cannot insert 80 bits into an u64
		match a.set_u8(5, 80, b) {
			Ok(_)  => panic!("The range check failed to detect invalid length"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(s!(LEN_TOO_BIG_MSG) + "u64")),

		// start + length must not exceed 64 bit (size of u64)
		match a.set_u8(5, 60, b) {
			Ok(_)  => panic!("The range check failed to detect invalid range"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG)),

		// The _length_ parameter must not be smaller than the number of bits,
		// which is required to represent _value_
		let b = 5;
		match a.set_u8(5, 2, b) {
			Ok(_)  => panic!("The range check failed to detect invalid range"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!("Cannot insert 5 as a 2 bit unsigned integer variable, since it requires at least 3 bits.")),

		// b as positive signed integer
		let a : u64 = 0b0110_0011_0000_0110_0110_0011_0000_0110_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000;
		let b : i8 =  0b0000_0010;
		assert_eq!(a.set_i8(5, 2, b).unwrap(), 0b0110_0101_0000_0110_0110_0011_0000_0110_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000);

		// b as negative signed integer
		// Using 'as u8 as i8' below is a (strange) workaround to prevent the warning we get with 'as i8'.
		// See the discussion at
		let b : i8 = -2;
		assert_eq!(  0b1111_1110 as u8 as i8, b);
		assert_eq!(a.set_i8(5, 2, b).unwrap(), 0b0110_0101_0000_0110_0110_0011_0000_0110_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000);

		// You cannot insert 80 bits into an u64
		match a.set_i8(5, 80, b) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("The range check failed to detect invalid length"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(s!(LEN_TOO_BIG_MSG) + "u64")),

		// start + length must not exceed 64 bit (size of u64)
		match a.set_i8(5, 60, b) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("The range check failed to detect invalid range"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG)),

		// The _length_ parameter must not be smaller than the number of bits,
		// which is required to represent _value_
		let b = -5;
		match a.set_i8(5, 2, b) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("The range check failed to detect invalid range"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!("Cannot insert -5 as a 2 bit signed integer variable, since it requires at least 4 bits.")),

	fn inserting_16_bit_vars_into_u8() {
		let a : u8 = 0;
		let b : u16 = 3;
		assert_eq!(a.set_u16(1, 2, b).unwrap(), 0b0110_0000);

		let a : u8 = 0b0110_0011;
		let b : u16 = 0b0000_0000_0000_0010;
		assert_eq!(a.set_u16(5, 2, b).unwrap(), 0b0110_0101);

		// You cannot insert 9 bits into an u8
		match a.set_u16(5, 9, b) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("The range check failed to detect invalid length"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(s!(LEN_TOO_BIG_MSG) + "u8")),

		// start + length must not exceed 8 bit (size of u8)
		match a.set_u16(5, 8, b) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("The range check failed to detect invalid range"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG)),

		// b as positive signed integer
		let a : u8 = 0b0110_0011;
		let b : i16 = 0b0000_0000_0000_0010;
		assert_eq!(a.set_i16(5, 2, b).unwrap(), 0b0110_0101);

		// b as negative signed integer
		// Using 'as u16 as i16' below is a (strange) workaround to prevent the warning we get with 'as i16'.
		// See the discussion at
		let b : i16 = -2;
		assert_eq!(  0b1111_1111_1111_1110 as u16 as i16, b);
		assert_eq!(a.set_i16(5, 2, b).unwrap(), 0b0110_0101);

		// You cannot insert 9 bits into an u8
		match a.set_i16(5, 9, b) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("The range check failed to detect invalid length"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(s!(LEN_TOO_BIG_MSG) + "u8")),

		// start + length must not exceed 8 bit (size of u8)
		match a.set_i16(5, 8, b) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("The range check failed to detect invalid range"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG)),

	fn inserting_16_bit_vars_into_u16() {
		let a : u16 = 0;
		let b : u16 = 3;
		assert_eq!(a.set_u16(1, 2, b).unwrap(), 0b0110_0000_0000_0000);

		let a : u16 = 0b0110_0011_0000_1110;
		let b : u16 = 0b0000_0000_0000_0010;
		assert_eq!(a.set_u16(5, 2, b).unwrap(), 0b0110_0101_0000_1110);

		// You cannot insert 18 bits into an u16
		match a.set_u16(5, 18, b) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("The range check failed to detect invalid length"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(s!(LEN_TOO_BIG_MSG) + "u16")),

		// start + length must not exceed 16 bit (size of u16)
		match a.set_u16(5, 15, b) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("The range check failed to detect invalid range"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG)),

		// b as positive signed integer
		let a : u16 = 0b0110_0011_0000_1110;
		let b : i16 = 0b0000_0000_0000_0010;
		assert_eq!(a.set_i16(5, 2, b).unwrap(), 0b0110_0101_0000_1110);

		// b as negative signed integer
		// Using 'as u16 as i16' below is a (strange) workaround to prevent the warning we get with 'as i6'.
		// See the discussion at
		let b : i16 = -2;
		assert_eq!(  0b1111_1111_1111_1110 as u16 as i16, b);
		assert_eq!(a.set_i16(5, 2, b).unwrap(), 0b0110_0101_0000_1110);

		// You cannot insert 18 bits into an u16
		match a.set_i16(5, 18, b) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("The range check failed to detect invalid length"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(s!(LEN_TOO_BIG_MSG) + "u16")),

		// start + length must not exceed 16 bit (size of u16)
		match a.set_i16(5, 15, b) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("The range check failed to detect invalid range"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG)),

	fn inserting_16_bit_vars_into_u32() {
		let a : u32 = 0;
		let b : u16 = 3;
		assert_eq!(a.set_u16(1, 2, b).unwrap(), 0b0110_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000);

		let a : u32 = 0b0110_0011_0000_1110_0000_0000_0000_0000;
		let b : u16 = 0b0000_0000_0000_0010;
		assert_eq!(a.set_u16(5, 2, b).unwrap(), 0b0110_0101_0000_1110_0000_0000_0000_0000);

		// You cannot insert 40 bits into an u32
		match a.set_u16(5, 40, b) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("The range check failed to detect invalid length"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(s!(LEN_TOO_BIG_MSG) + "u32")),

		// start + length must not exceed 32 bit (size of u32)
		match a.set_u16(5, 30, b) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("The range check failed to detect invalid range"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG)),

		// b as positive signed integer
		let a : u32 = 0b0110_0011_0000_1110_0000_0000_0000_0000;
		let b : i16 = 0b0000_0000_0000_0010;
		assert_eq!(a.set_i16(5, 2, b).unwrap(), 0b0110_0101_0000_1110_0000_0000_0000_0000);

		// b as negative signed integer
		// Using 'as u16 as i16' below is a (strange) workaround to prevent the warning we get with 'as i6'.
		// See the discussion at
		let b : i16 = -2;
		assert_eq!(  0b1111_1111_1111_1110 as u16 as i16, b);
		assert_eq!(a.set_i16(5, 2, b).unwrap(), 0b0110_0101_0000_1110_0000_0000_0000_0000);

		// You cannot insert 40 bits into an u32
		match a.set_i16(5, 40, b) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("The range check failed to detect invalid length"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(s!(LEN_TOO_BIG_MSG) + "u32")),

		// start + length must not exceed 32 bit (size of u32)
		match a.set_i16(5, 30, b) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("The range check failed to detect invalid range"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG)),

	fn inserting_16_bit_vars_into_u64() {
		let a : u64 = 0;
		let b : u16 = 3;
		assert_eq!(a.set_u16(1, 2, b).unwrap(), 0b0110_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000);

		let a : u64 = 0b0110_0011_0000_1110_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000;
		let b : u16 = 0b0000_0000_0000_0010;
		assert_eq!(a.set_u16(5, 2, b).unwrap(), 0b0110_0101_0000_1110_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000);

		// You cannot insert 80 bits into an u64
		match a.set_u16(5, 80, b) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("The range check failed to detect invalid length"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(s!(LEN_TOO_BIG_MSG) + "u64")),

		// start + length must not exceed 64 bit (size of u64)
		match a.set_u16(5, 60, b) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("The range check failed to detect invalid range"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG)),

		// b as positive signed integer
		let a : u64 = 0b0110_0011_0000_1110_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000;
		let b : i16 = 0b0000_0000_0000_0010;
		assert_eq!(a.set_i16(5, 2, b).unwrap(), 0b0110_0101_0000_1110_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000);

		// b as negative signed integer
		// Using 'as u16 as i16' below is a (strange) workaround to prevent the warning we get with 'as i6'.
		// See the discussion at
		let b : i16 = -2;
		assert_eq!(  0b1111_1111_1111_1110 as u16 as i16, b);
		assert_eq!(a.set_i16(5, 2, b).unwrap(), 0b0110_0101_0000_1110_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000);

		// You cannot insert 80 bits into an u64
		match a.set_i16(5, 80, b) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("The range check failed to detect invalid length"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(s!(LEN_TOO_BIG_MSG) + "u64")),

		// start + length must not exceed 64 bit (size of u64)
		match a.set_i16(5, 60, b) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("The range check failed to detect invalid range"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG)),

	fn inserting_32_bit_vars_into_u8() {
		let a : u8 = 0;
		let b : u32 = 3;
		assert_eq!(a.set_u32(1, 2, b).unwrap(), 0b0110_0000);

		let a : u8 = 0b0110_0011;
		let b : u32 = 0b0000_0000_0000_0010;
		assert_eq!(a.set_u32(5, 2, b).unwrap(), 0b0110_0101);

		// You cannot insert 9 bits into an u8
		match a.set_u32(5, 9, b) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("The range check failed to detect invalid length"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(s!(LEN_TOO_BIG_MSG) + "u8")),

		// start + length must not exceed 8 bit (size of u8)
		match a.set_u32(5, 8, b) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("The range check failed to detect invalid range"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG)),

		// b as positive signed integer
		let a : u8 = 0b0110_0011;
		let b : i32 = 0b0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0010;
		assert_eq!(a.set_i32(5, 2, b).unwrap(), 0b0110_0101);

		// b as negative signed integer
		// Using 'as u32 as i32' below is a (strange) workaround to prevent the warning we get with 'as i32'.
		// See the discussion at
		let b : i32 = -2;
		assert_eq!(  0b1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1110 as u32 as i32, b);
		assert_eq!(a.set_i32(5, 2, b).unwrap(), 0b0110_0101);

		// You cannot insert 9 bits into an u8
		match a.set_i32(5, 9, b) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("The range check failed to detect invalid length"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(s!(LEN_TOO_BIG_MSG) + "u8")),

		// start + length must not exceed 8 bit (size of u8)
		match a.set_i32(5, 8, b) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("The range check failed to detect invalid range"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG)),

	fn inserting_32_bit_vars_into_u16() {
		let a : u16 = 0;
		let b : u32 = 3;
		assert_eq!(a.set_u32(1, 2, b).unwrap(), 0b0110_0000_0000_0000);

		let a : u16 = 0b0000_0000_0110_0011;
		let b : u32 = 2;
		assert_eq!(a.set_u32(5, 2, b).unwrap(), 0b0000_0100_0110_0011);

		// You cannot insert 18 bits into an u16
		match a.set_u32(5, 18, b) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("The range check failed to detect invalid length"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(s!(LEN_TOO_BIG_MSG) + "u16")),

		// start + length must not exceed 16 bit (size of u16)
		match a.set_u32(5, 15, b) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("The range check failed to detect invalid range"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG)),

		// b as positive signed integer
		let a : u16 = 0b0000_0000_0110_0011;
		let b : i32 = 2;
		assert_eq!(a.set_i32(5, 2, b).unwrap(), 0b0000_0100_0110_0011);

		// b as negative signed integer
		// Using 'as u32 as i32' below is a (strange) workaround to prevent the warning we get with 'as i32'.
		// See the discussion at
		let b : i32 = -2;
		assert_eq!(  0b1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1110 as u32 as i32, b);
		assert_eq!(a.set_i32(5, 2, b).unwrap(), 0b0000_0100_0110_0011);

		// You cannot insert 18 bits into an u16
		match a.set_i32(5, 18, b) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("The range check failed to detect invalid length"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(s!(LEN_TOO_BIG_MSG) + "u16")),

		// start + length must not exceed 16 bit (size of u16)
		match a.set_i32(5, 15, b) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("The range check failed to detect invalid range"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG)),

	fn inserting_32_bit_vars_into_u32() {
		let a : u32 = 0;
		let b : u32 = 3;
		assert_eq!(a.set_u32(1, 2, b).unwrap(), 0b0110_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000);

		let a : u32 = 0b0000_0000_0110_0011_0000_0000_0000_0000;
		let b : u32 = 2;
		assert_eq!(a.set_u32(5, 2, b).unwrap(), 0b0000_0100_0110_0011_0000_0000_0000_0000);

		// You cannot insert 40 bits into an u32
		match a.set_u32(5, 40, b) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("The range check failed to detect invalid length"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(s!(LEN_TOO_BIG_MSG) + "u32")),

		// start + length must not exceed 32 bit (size of u32)
		match a.set_u32(5, 30, b) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("The range check failed to detect invalid range"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG)),

		// b as positive signed integer
		let a : u32 = 0b0000_0000_0110_0011_0000_0000_0000_0000;
		let b : i32 = 2;
		assert_eq!(a.set_i32(5, 2, b).unwrap(), 0b0000_0100_0110_0011_0000_0000_0000_0000);

		// b as negative signed integer
		// Using 'as u32 as i32' below is a (strange) workaround to prevent the warning we get with 'as i32'.
		// See the discussion at
		let b : i32 = -2;
		assert_eq!(  0b1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1110 as u32 as i32, b);
		assert_eq!(a.set_i32(5, 2, b).unwrap(), 0b0000_0100_0110_0011_0000_0000_0000_0000);

		// You cannot insert 40 bits into an u32
		match a.set_i32(5, 40, b) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("The range check failed to detect invalid length"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(s!(LEN_TOO_BIG_MSG) + "u32")),

		// start + length must not exceed 32 bit (size of u32)
		match a.set_i32(5, 30, b) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("The range check failed to detect invalid range"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG)),

	fn inserting_32_bit_vars_into_u64() {
		let a : u64 = 0;
		let b : u32 = 3;
		assert_eq!(a.set_u32(1, 2, b).unwrap(), 0b0110_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000);

		let a : u64 = 0b0000_0000_0110_0011_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000;
		let b : u32 = 2;
		assert_eq!(a.set_u32(5, 2, b).unwrap(), 0b0000_0100_0110_0011_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000);

		// You cannot insert 80 bits into an u64
		match a.set_u32(5, 80, b) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("The range check failed to detect invalid length"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(s!(LEN_TOO_BIG_MSG) + "u64")),

		// start + length must not exceed 64 bit (size of u64)
		match a.set_u32(5, 60, b) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("The range check failed to detect invalid range"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG)),

		// b as positive signed integer
		let a : u64 = 0b0000_0000_0110_0011_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000;
		let b : i32 = 2;
		assert_eq!(a.set_i32(5, 2, b).unwrap(), 0b0000_0100_0110_0011_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000);

		// b as negative signed integer
		// Using 'as u32 as i32' below is a (strange) workaround to prevent the warning we get with 'as i32'.
		// See the discussion at
		let b : i32 = -2;
		assert_eq!(  0b1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1110 as u32 as i32, b);
		assert_eq!(a.set_i32(5, 2, b).unwrap(), 0b0000_0100_0110_0011_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000);

		// You cannot insert 80 bits into an u64
		match a.set_i32(5, 80, b) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("The range check failed to detect invalid length"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(s!(LEN_TOO_BIG_MSG) + "u64")),

		// start + length must not exceed 64 bit (size of u64)
		match a.set_i32(5, 60, b) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("The range check failed to detect invalid range"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG)),

	fn inserting_64_bit_vars_into_u8() {
		let a : u8 = 0;
		let b : u64 = 3;
		assert_eq!(a.set_u64(1, 2, b).unwrap(), 0b0110_0000);

		let a : u8 = 0b0110_0011;
		let b : u64 = 0b0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0010;
		assert_eq!(a.set_u64(5, 2, b).unwrap(), 0b0110_0101);

		// You cannot insert 9 bits into an u8
		match a.set_u64(5, 9, b) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("The range check failed to detect invalid length"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(s!(LEN_TOO_BIG_MSG) + "u8")),

		// start + length must not exceed 8 bit (size of u8)
		match a.set_u64(5, 8, b) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("The range check failed to detect invalid range"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG)),

		// b as positive signed integer
		let a : u8 = 0b0110_0011;
		let b : i64 = 0b0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0010;
		assert_eq!(a.set_i64(5, 2, b).unwrap(), 0b0110_0101);

		// b as negative signed integer
		// Using 'as u64 as i64' below is a (strange) workaround to prevent the warning we get with 'as i64'.
		// See the discussion at
		let b : i64 = -2;
		assert_eq!(  0b1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1110 as u64 as i64, b);
		assert_eq!(a.set_i64(5, 2, b).unwrap(), 0b0110_0101);

		// You cannot insert 9 bits into an u8
		match a.set_i64(5, 9, b) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("The range check failed to detect invalid length"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(s!(LEN_TOO_BIG_MSG) + "u8")),

		// start + length must not exceed 8 bit (size of u8)
		match a.set_i64(5, 8, b) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("The range check failed to detect invalid range"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG)),

	fn inserting_64_bit_vars_into_u16() {
		let a : u16 = 0;
		let b : u64 = 3;
		assert_eq!(a.set_u64(1, 2, b).unwrap(), 0b0110_0000_0000_0000);

		let a : u16 = 0b0000_0000_0110_0011;
		let b : u64 = 0b0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0010;
		assert_eq!(a.set_u64(5, 2, b).unwrap(), 0b0000_0100_0110_0011);

		// You cannot insert 18 bits into an u16
		match a.set_u64(5, 18, b) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("The range check failed to detect invalid length"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(s!(LEN_TOO_BIG_MSG) + "u16")),

		// start + length must not exceed 16 bit (size of u16)
		match a.set_u64(5, 15, b) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("The range check failed to detect invalid range"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG)),

		// b as positive signed integer
		let a : u16 = 0b0000_0000_0110_0011;
		let b : i64 = 0b0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0010;
		assert_eq!(a.set_i64(5, 2, b).unwrap(), 0b0000_0100_0110_0011);

		// b as negative signed integer
		// Using 'as u64 as i64' below is a (strange) workaround to prevent the warning we get with 'as i64'.
		// See the discussion at
		let b : i64 = -2;
		assert_eq!(  0b1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1110 as u64 as i64, b);
		assert_eq!(a.set_i64(5, 2, b).unwrap(), 0b0000_0100_0110_0011);

		// You cannot insert 18 bits into an u16
		match a.set_i64(5, 18, b) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("The range check failed to detect invalid length"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(s!(LEN_TOO_BIG_MSG) + "u16")),

		// start + length must not exceed 16 bit (size of u16)
		match a.set_i64(5, 15, b) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("The range check failed to detect invalid range"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG)),

	fn inserting_64_bit_vars_into_u32() {
		let a : u32 = 0;
		let b : u64 = 3;
		assert_eq!(a.set_u64(1, 2, b).unwrap(), 0b0110_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000);

		let a : u32 = 0b0000_0000_0110_0011_0000_0000_0000_0000;
		let b : u64 = 0b0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0010;
		assert_eq!(a.set_u64(5, 2, b).unwrap(), 0b0000_0100_0110_0011_0000_0000_0000_0000);

		// You cannot insert 40 bits into an u32
		match a.set_u64(5, 40, b) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("The range check failed to detect invalid length"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(s!(LEN_TOO_BIG_MSG) + "u32")),

		// start + length must not exceed 32 bit (size of u32)
		match a.set_u64(5, 30, b) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("The range check failed to detect invalid range"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG)),

		// b as positive signed integer
		let a : u32 = 0b0000_0000_0110_0011_0000_0000_0000_0000;
		let b : i64 = 0b0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0010;
		assert_eq!(a.set_i64(5, 2, b).unwrap(), 0b0000_0100_0110_0011_0000_0000_0000_0000);

		// b as negative signed integer
		// Using 'as u64 as i64' below is a (strange) workaround to prevent the warning we get with 'as i64'.
		// See the discussion at
		let b : i64 = -2;
		assert_eq!(  0b1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1110 as u64 as i64, b);
		assert_eq!(a.set_i64(5, 2, b).unwrap(), 0b0000_0100_0110_0011_0000_0000_0000_0000);

		// You cannot insert 40 bits into an u32
		match a.set_i64(5, 40, b) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("The range check failed to detect invalid length"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(s!(LEN_TOO_BIG_MSG) + "u32")),

		// start + length must not exceed 32 bit (size of u32)
		match a.set_i64(5, 30, b) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("The range check failed to detect invalid range"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG)),

	fn inserting_64_bit_vars_into_u64() {
		let a : u64 = 0;
		let b : u64 = 3;
		assert_eq!(a.set_u64(1, 2, b).unwrap(), 0b0110_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000);

		let a : u64 = 0b0000_0000_0110_0011_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000;
		let b : u64 = 0b0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0010;
		assert_eq!(a.set_u64(5, 2, b).unwrap(), 0b0000_0100_0110_0011_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000);

		// You cannot insert 80 bits into an u64
		match a.set_u64(5, 80, b) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("The range check failed to detect invalid length"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(s!(LEN_TOO_BIG_MSG) + "u64")),

		// start + length must not exceed 64 bit (size of u64)
		match a.set_u64(5, 60, b) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("The range check failed to detect invalid range"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG)),

		// b as positive signed integer
		let a : u64 = 0b0000_0000_0110_0011_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000;
		let b : i64 = 0b0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0010;
		assert_eq!(a.set_i64(5, 2, b).unwrap(), 0b0000_0100_0110_0011_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000);

		// b as negative signed integer
		// Using 'as u64 as i64' below is a (strange) workaround to prevent the warning we get with 'as i64'.
		// See the discussion at
		let b : i64 = -2;
		assert_eq!(  0b1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1110 as u64 as i64, b);
		assert_eq!(a.set_i64(5, 2, b).unwrap(), 0b0000_0100_0110_0011_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000);

		// You cannot insert 80 bits into an u64
		match a.set_i64(5, 80, b) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("The range check failed to detect invalid length"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(s!(LEN_TOO_BIG_MSG) + "u64")),

		// start + length must not exceed 64 bit (size of u64)
		match a.set_i64(5, 60, b) {
			Ok(_) => panic!("The range check failed to detect invalid range"),
			Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, s!(OUT_OF_RANGE_MSG)),

	fn test_number_of_bits_required_for_an_unsinged_integer() {
		assert_eq!(n_required_bits_for_an_unsigned_int(0), 1);
		assert_eq!(n_required_bits_for_an_unsigned_int(1), 1);
		assert_eq!(n_required_bits_for_an_unsigned_int(2), 2);
		assert_eq!(n_required_bits_for_an_unsigned_int(3), 2);
		assert_eq!(n_required_bits_for_an_unsigned_int(4), 3);
		assert_eq!(n_required_bits_for_an_unsigned_int(5), 3);
		assert_eq!(n_required_bits_for_an_unsigned_int(6), 3);
		assert_eq!(n_required_bits_for_an_unsigned_int(7), 3);
		assert_eq!(n_required_bits_for_an_unsigned_int(8), 4);
		assert_eq!(n_required_bits_for_an_unsigned_int(255), 8);
		assert_eq!(n_required_bits_for_an_unsigned_int(256), 9);

	fn test_number_of_bits_required_for_a_singed_integer() {
		assert_eq!(n_required_bits_for_a_signed_int(0), 1);
		assert_eq!(n_required_bits_for_a_signed_int(-1), 1);
		assert_eq!(n_required_bits_for_a_signed_int(-2), 2);
		assert_eq!(n_required_bits_for_a_signed_int(-3), 3);
		assert_eq!(n_required_bits_for_a_signed_int(-4), 3);
		assert_eq!(n_required_bits_for_a_signed_int(-5), 4);
		assert_eq!(n_required_bits_for_a_signed_int(-6), 4);
		assert_eq!(n_required_bits_for_a_signed_int(-7), 4);
		assert_eq!(n_required_bits_for_a_signed_int(-8), 4);
		assert_eq!(n_required_bits_for_a_signed_int(-63), 7);
		assert_eq!(n_required_bits_for_a_signed_int(-64), 7);
		assert_eq!(n_required_bits_for_a_signed_int(-65), 8);
		assert_eq!(n_required_bits_for_a_signed_int(-127), 8);
		assert_eq!(n_required_bits_for_a_signed_int(-128), 8);
		assert_eq!(n_required_bits_for_a_signed_int(-129), 9);