bitcoinrpc-wallet 0.1.16-alpha.0

rpc tools for working with wallets


This Rust crate is a direct translation of the wallet component of the Bitcoin Core from C++. It provides a collection of RPC functions for interacting with the Bitcoin wallet. These functions can be used to create, backup, encrypt, and unlock wallets, as well as perform operations such as sending and receiving Bitcoin transactions, listing transactions, managing addresses and labels, and managing the keypool.

Note that some function bodies may still be in the process of translation, and this system will become testable once the translation process is complete.

There are no mathematical ideas associated with the tokens in this crate.

123> could you teach me about these RPC endpoints?

Sure, here's a brief overview of some of the RPC endpoints in the bitcoinrpc-wallet crate:

  • abandontransaction: This endpoint abandons a transaction that has not yet been confirmed in the blockchain. The command removes the transaction from the wallet and broadcasts a transaction to the network to ensure that other nodes remove it from their mempools.

  • backupwallet: This endpoint creates a backup copy of the wallet.dat file containing all private keys and transaction information. It's important to regularly back up your wallet to prevent data loss in case of hardware failure or other issues.

  • createwallet: This endpoint creates a new wallet file with the specified name. It is useful for separating funds for different purposes or for different users.

  • dumpprivkey: This endpoint reveals the private key corresponding to the specified address. It's important to keep your private keys secure, as anyone with access to them can spend the associated funds.

  • encryptwallet: This endpoint encrypts the wallet.dat file with a passphrase to protect against unauthorized access. The passphrase must be entered every time the wallet is unlocked to perform transactions.

  • getbalance: This endpoint returns the total balance of the wallet, including both confirmed and unconfirmed transactions.

  • gettransaction: This endpoint retrieves detailed information about a specific transaction, including inputs, outputs, fees, and confirmations.

  • listreceivedbyaddress: This endpoint lists all addresses in the wallet that have received transactions, along with the total amount received by each address.

  • listunspent: This endpoint lists all unspent transaction outputs (UTXOs) in the wallet that can be used as inputs for new transactions.

  • sendtoaddress: This endpoint sends a specified amount of bitcoin to the specified address, deducting the amount from the available balance in the wallet.

  • walletlock: This endpoint locks the wallet, requiring a passphrase to be entered before any further transactions can be performed.

These are just a few of the endpoints available in the bitcoinrpc-wallet crate, but they give an idea of the functionality provided by this component of the Bitcoin system.