bitcoind 0.29.4

Utility to run a regtest bitcoind process, useful in integration testing environment
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# Bitcoind

Utility to run a regtest bitcoind process, useful in integration testing environment.

use bitcoincore_rpc::RpcApi;
let exe_path = exe_path().expect("bitcoind executable must be provided in BITCOIND_EXE, or with a feature like '23_0', or be in PATH");
let bitcoind = bitcoind::BitcoinD::new(exe_path).unwrap();
assert_eq!(0, bitcoind.client.get_blockchain_info().unwrap().blocks);

## Automatic binaries download

When a feature like `23_0` is selected, the build script will automatically download the bitcoin core version `23.0`, verify the hashes and place it in the build directory for this crate.
Use utility function `downloaded_exe_path()` to get the downloaded executable path.

### Example

In your project Cargo.toml, activate the following features


bitcoind = { version = "0.20.0", features = [ "23_0" ] }

Then use it:

let bitcoind = bitcoind::BitcoinD::new(bitcoind::downloaded_exe_path().unwrap()).unwrap();

When the `BITCOIND_DOWNLOAD_ENDPOINT` environment variable is set, `bitcoind` will try to download the binaries from the given endpoint. Otherwise it defaults to ``.


The MSRV is 1.41.1 for version 0.29.* if no feature is used, otherwise is 1.57

Note: to respect 1.41.1 MSRV you need to use and older version of the which and tempfile dependencies, like it's done in the CI `cargo update -p which --precise 4.3.0` and `cargo update -p tempfile --precise 3.3.0`. Pinning in `Cargo.toml` is avoided because it could cause compilation issues downstream.

## Issues with traditional approach

I used integration testing based on external bash script launching needed external processes, there are many issues with this approach like:

* External script may interfere with local development environment
* Use of a single huge test to test everything
* If test are separated, a failing test may fail to leave a clean situation, causing other test to fail (because of the initial situation, not a real failure)
* bash script are hard, especially support different OS and versions

## Features

  * It waits until bitcoind daemon become ready to accept RPC commands
  * bitcoind use a temporary directory as datadir. You can specify the root of your temp directories so that you have node's datadir in a RAM disk (eg `/dev/shm`)
  * Free ports are asked to the OS (a low probability race condition is still possible)
  * the process is killed when the struct goes out of scope no matter how the test finishes
  * allows easy spawning of dependent process like

Thanks to these features every `#[test]` could easily run isolated with its own environment.

## Used by

* [firma]
* [payjoin]

### Via bdk dependency

* [gun]

### Via electrsd dependency:

* [bdk]
* [BEWallet]
* [gdk rust]