bitbottle 0.9.1

a modern archive file format
use std::cmp::{max, min};
use std::io::Read;
use crate::byte_table::BYTE_TABLE;
use crate::file_list::{Block, FileBlocks};
use crate::hashing::{Hashing, HashType};

// be reasonable.
const MIN_WINDOW_BITS: u8 = 8;
const MIN_BLOCK_BITS: u8 = 8;

/// An engine that hashes data, looking for good split points. When it finds
/// a split point, it emits the length of the block and its hash (SHA-256,
/// Blake2, or Blake3).
/// You can configure the window size, preferred block size, and min/max
/// block sizes (all in powers of 2).
pub struct Scanner {
    min_bits: u8,
    pref_bits: u8,
    max_bits: u8,
    window_bits: u8,

    // state:
    processed: isize,
    window: Vec<u32>,
    window_index: usize,
    sum: u32,

    // hashing state:
    digest: Hashing,

pub struct ScanIterator<'a, R: Read> {
    scanner: &'a mut Scanner,
    reader: &'a mut R,
    buffer: &'a mut [u8],
    buffer_index: usize,
    buffer_size: usize,
    ended: bool,
    digest: &'a mut Hashing,

impl Scanner {
    /// Create a new scanner with:
    /// - hash_type: which hashing function to use
    /// - min_bits: minimum block size
    /// - pref_bits: preferred block size
    /// - max_bits: maximum block size
    /// - window_bits: size of the rolling buffer, or how far back to include
    ///   in the rolling hash
    /// All sizes are in powers of 2, so `Scanner::new(18, 20, 22, 10)` will
    /// use a window size of 1K, a preferred block size of 1M, and a min/max
    /// of 256K/4M.
    pub fn new(hash_type: HashType, min_bits: u8, pref_bits: u8, max_bits: u8, window_bits: u8) -> Scanner {
        debug_assert!(window_bits >= MIN_WINDOW_BITS);
        debug_assert!(min_bits >= MIN_BLOCK_BITS);
        debug_assert!(min_bits < pref_bits);
        debug_assert!(pref_bits < max_bits);
        Scanner {
            processed: 0,
            window: vec![0_u32; 1 << window_bits],
            window_index: 0,
            sum: 0,
            digest: Hashing::new(hash_type),

    /// Process a chunk of data and determine if we've bit a block boundary.
    /// Returns the number of bytes consumed, and optionally block metadata.
    /// If it returns a block, it may not have finished processing this chunk
    /// of data, so if `consumed < data.len()`, then you should call this
    /// method again, with `&data[consumed..]`.
    pub fn feed(&mut self, data: &[u8]) -> (usize, Option<Block>) {
        let min_size: isize = 1 << self.min_bits;
        let max_size: isize = 1 << self.max_bits;
        let window_size: isize = 1 << self.window_bits;
        let mask: u32 = (1 << self.pref_bits) - 1;

        // when to start & stop computing the hash, for this chunk of data:
        let min_start = max(0, min_size - window_size);
        let start = max(0, min_start - self.processed);
        let end = min(data.len() as isize, max_size - self.processed);

        let mut sum = self.sum;
        let mut window_index = self.window_index;
        for i in start..end {
            let t = BYTE_TABLE[data[i as usize] as usize];
            sum = sum.rotate_left(1) ^ t ^ self.window[window_index];
            self.window[window_index] = t;
            window_index = (window_index + 1) & (window_size as usize - 1);

            if (sum & mask) == 0 && self.processed + i >= min_size {
                // split the cell!
                let stop = i + 1;
                self.processed += i + 1;
                self.digest.update(&data[0..stop as usize]);
                return (stop as usize, Some(self.mark()));

        self.digest.update(&data[0..(end as usize)]);
        self.processed += end;
        self.window_index = window_index;
        self.sum = sum;
        if self.processed < max_size {
            (end as usize, None)
        } else {
            (end as usize, Some(self.mark()))

    /// Terminate the scanner. Return a block if there was one in flight. It
    /// may be smaller than the minimum size.
    pub fn finish(&mut self) -> Option<Block> {
        if self.processed == 0 {
        } else {

    // mark the end of a block, reset internal state, and return the block data
    fn mark(&mut self) -> Block {
        let block = Block { size: self.processed as usize, hash: self.digest.finalize_reset() };

    fn reset(&mut self) {
        self.processed = 0;
        self.window.resize(1 << self.window_bits, 0);
        self.window_index = 0;
        self.sum = 0;

    /// Scan a reader (`Read`), using a given temporary buffer, and computing
    /// a SHA-256 hash as we go.
    pub fn reader_iter<'a, R: Read>(
        &'a mut self,
        reader: &'a mut R,
        buffer: &'a mut [u8],
        digest: &'a mut Hashing,
    ) -> ScanIterator<'a, R> {
        ScanIterator {
            scanner: self,
            buffer_index: 0,
            buffer_size: 0,
            ended: false,

    /// Exhaustively scan a `Read` and return a vector of blocks. The scanner
    /// is reset at the end so that it can be immediately reused on another
    /// reader.
    pub fn scan_reader(
        &mut self,
        reader: &mut impl Read,
        buffer: &mut [u8],
        hash_type: HashType
    ) -> std::io::Result<FileBlocks> {
        let mut blocks: Vec<Block> = Vec::new();
        let mut digest = Hashing::new(hash_type);

        loop {
            let n =;
            if n == 0 { break; }

            let mut i = 0;
            while i < n {
                let (consumed, maybe_block) = self.feed(&buffer[i..n]);
                i += consumed;
                if let Some(block) = maybe_block {
        if let Some(block) = self.finish() {
        let hash = digest.finalize_reset();
        Ok(FileBlocks { blocks, hash })

impl<'a, R: Read> Iterator for ScanIterator<'a, R> {
    type Item = std::io::Result<Block>;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<std::io::Result<Block>> {
        loop {
            if self.ended { return None; }
            if self.buffer_index == self.buffer_size {
                match {
                    Err(e) => {
                        self.ended = true;
                        return Some(Err(e));
                    Ok(n) => {
                        if n == 0 {
                            self.ended = true;
                            return self.scanner.finish().map(Ok);
                        self.buffer_index = 0;
                        self.buffer_size = n;
            let (consumed, maybe_block) = self.scanner.feed(&self.buffer[self.buffer_index .. self.buffer_size]);
            self.buffer_index += consumed;
            if let Some(block) = maybe_block {
                return Some(Ok(block));