bitbar-derive 0.8.0

Proc-macros for the bitbar crate
//! Proc macros for the `bitbar` crate.

    rust_2018_idioms, // this lint is actually about idioms that are *outdated* in Rust 2018

use {
        spanned::Spanned as _,

/// Registers a subcommand that you can run from a menu item's `command`.
/// Commands may take any number of parameters implementing `FromStr` (with errors implementing `Display`) and `ToString`, and should return `Result<(), Error>`, where `Error` is any type that implements `Display`. If a command errors, `bitbar` will attempt to send a macOS notification containing the error message.
/// Alternatively, use this arrtibute as `#[command(varargs)]` and define the command function with a single parameter of type `Vec<String>`.
/// The `command` attribute generates a function that can be called with arguments of references to the original parameter types to obtain a `std::io::Result<Params>`. If the command has more than 5 parameters or is declared with `#[command(varargs)]`, the function takes an additional first parameter of type `SwiftBar`.
/// The function must also be registered via `#[bitbar::main(commands(...))]`.
pub fn command(args: TokenStream, item: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
    let args = parse_macro_input!(args as AttributeArgs);
    let varargs = match &args[..] {
        [] => false,
        [NestedMeta::Meta(Meta::Path(path))] if path.is_ident("varargs") => true,
        _ => return quote!(compile_error!("unexpected bitbar::command arguments");).into(),
    let command_fn = parse_macro_input!(item as ItemFn);
    let vis = &command_fn.vis;
    let asyncness = &command_fn.sig.asyncness;
    let command_name = &command_fn.sig.ident;
    let command_name_str = command_name.to_string();
    let wrapper_name = Ident::new(&format!("bitbar_{command_name}_wrapper"), Span::call_site());
    let awaitness = asyncness.as_ref().map(|_| quote!(.await));
    let (wrapper_body, command_params, command_args) = if varargs {
            quote!(::bitbar::CommandOutput::report(#command_name(args)#awaitness, #command_name_str)),
            quote!(::std::iter::Iterator::collect(::std::iter::Iterator::chain(::std::iter::once(::std::string::ToString::to_string(#command_name_str)), args))),
            quote!(_: ::bitbar::flavor::SwiftBar, args: ::std::vec::Vec<::std::string::String>),
    } else {
        let mut wrapper_params = Vec::default();
        let mut wrapped_args = Vec::default();
        let mut command_params = Vec::default();
        let mut command_args = Vec::default();
        for (arg_idx, arg) in command_fn.sig.inputs.iter().enumerate() {
            match arg {
                FnArg::Receiver(_) => return quote_spanned! {arg.span()=>
                    compile_error("unexpected `self` parameter in bitbar::command");
                FnArg::Typed(PatType { ty, .. }) => {
                    let ident = Ident::new(&format!("arg{}", arg_idx), arg.span());
                    wrapper_params.push(quote_spanned! {arg.span()=>
                    wrapped_args.push(quote_spanned! {arg.span()=>
                        match #ident.parse() {
                            ::core::result::Result::Ok(arg) => arg,
                            ::core::result::Result::Err(e) => {
                    command_params.push(quote_spanned! {arg.span()=>
                    command_args.push(quote_spanned! {arg.span()=>
                        #ident: &#ty
        if command_args.len() > 5 {
            command_args.insert(0, quote!(_: ::bitbar::flavor::SwiftBar));
            quote! {
                match &*args {
                    [#(#wrapper_params),*] => ::bitbar::CommandOutput::report(#command_name(#(#wrapped_args),*)#awaitness, #command_name_str),
                    _ => {
                        ::bitbar::notify("wrong number of command arguments");
    #[cfg(not(feature = "tokio"))] let (wrapper_ret, wrapper_body) = (quote!(), wrapper_body);
    #[cfg(feature = "tokio")] let (wrapper_ret, wrapper_body) = (
        quote!(-> ::std::pin::Pin<::std::boxed::Box<dyn ::std::future::Future<Output = ()>>>),
        quote!(::std::boxed::Box::pin(async move { #wrapper_body })),
    TokenStream::from(quote! {
        fn #wrapper_name(args: ::std::vec::Vec<::std::string::String>) #wrapper_ret {


        #vis fn #command_name(#command_args) -> ::std::io::Result<::bitbar::attr::Params> {
                ::bitbar::attr::Params::new(::std::env::current_exe()?.into_os_string().into_string().expect("non-UTF-8 plugin path"), #command_params)

/// Defines a function that is called when no other `bitbar::command` matches.
/// * It must take as arguments the subcommand name as a `String` and the remaining arguments as a `Vec<String>`.
/// * It must return a member of the `bitbar::CommandOutput` trait.
/// * It can be a `fn` or an `async fn`. In the latter case, `tokio`'s threaded runtime will be used. (This requires the `tokio` feature, which is on by default.)
/// If this attribute isn't used, `bitbar` will handle unknown subcommands by sending a notification and exiting.
/// The function must also be registered via `#[bitbar::main(fallback_command = "...")]`.
pub fn fallback_command(_: TokenStream, item: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
    let fallback_fn = parse_macro_input!(item as ItemFn);
    let asyncness = &fallback_fn.sig.asyncness;
    let fn_name = &fallback_fn.sig.ident;
    let wrapper_name = Ident::new(&format!("bitbar_{fn_name}_wrapper"), Span::call_site());
    let awaitness = asyncness.as_ref().map(|_| quote!(.await));
    let wrapper_body = quote! {
        ::bitbar::CommandOutput::report(#fn_name(cmd.clone(), args)#awaitness, &cmd);
    #[cfg(not(feature = "tokio"))] let (wrapper_ret, wrapper_body) = (quote!(), wrapper_body);
    #[cfg(feature = "tokio")] let (wrapper_ret, wrapper_body) = (
        quote!(-> ::std::pin::Pin<::std::boxed::Box<dyn ::std::future::Future<Output = ()>>>),
        quote!(::std::boxed::Box::pin(async move { #wrapper_body })),
    TokenStream::from(quote! {
        fn #wrapper_name(cmd: ::std::string::String, args: ::std::vec::Vec<::std::string::String>) #wrapper_ret {


/// Annotate your `main` function with this.
/// * It can optionally take an argument of type `bitbar::Flavor`.
/// * It must return a member of the `bitbar::MainOutput` trait.
/// * It can be a `fn` or an `async fn`. In the latter case, `tokio`'s threaded runtime will be used. (This requires the `tokio` feature, which is on by default.)
/// The `main` attribute optionally takes the following parameter:
/// * `commands` can be set to a list of subcommand names (in parentheses) which will be used if the binary is called with command-line parameters.
/// * `fallback_command` can be set to a function name (in quotes) which will be used if the binary is called with command-line parameters and the first parameter does not match any subcommand.
/// * `error_template_image` can be set to a path (relative to the current file) to a PNG file which will be used as the template image for the menu when displaying an error.
pub fn main(args: TokenStream, item: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
    let args = parse_macro_input!(args as AttributeArgs);
    let mut error_template_image = quote!(::core::option::Option::None);
    let mut fallback_lit = None;
    let mut subcommand_names = Vec::default();
    let mut subcommand_fns = Vec::default();
    for arg in args {
        match arg {
            NestedMeta::Meta(arg) => if let Some(ident) = arg.path().get_ident() {
                match &*ident.to_string() {
                    "commands" => match arg {
                        Meta::List(MetaList { nested, .. }) => for cmd in nested {
                            match cmd {
                                NestedMeta::Meta(Meta::Path(path)) if path.get_ident().is_some() => {
                                    let ident = path.get_ident().expect("just checked");
                                    subcommand_fns.push(Ident::new(&format!("bitbar_{ident}_wrapper"), ident.span()));
                                NestedMeta::Meta(_) => return quote_spanned! {cmd.span()=>
                                    compile_error!("bitbar subcommands must be simple identifiers");
                                NestedMeta::Lit(_) => return quote_spanned! {cmd.span()=>
                                    compile_error!("bitbar subcommands must be identifiers, not literals"); //TODO if it's a string literal, suggest removing the quotes
                        Meta::NameValue(_) => return quote_spanned! {arg.span()=>
                            compile_error!("use `commands(...)` instead of `commands = ...`");
                        Meta::Path(_) => return quote_spanned! {arg.span()=>
                            compile_error!("missing commands list, use `commands(...)`");
                    "error_template_image" => match arg {
                        Meta::List(_) => return quote_spanned! {arg.span()=>
                            compile_error!("use `error_template_image = \"...\"` instead of `error_template_image(...)`");
                        Meta::NameValue(MetaNameValue { lit, .. }) => if let Lit::Str(lit) = lit {
                            error_template_image = quote!(::core::option::Option::Some(::bitbar::attr::Image::from(&include_bytes!(#lit)[..])));
                        } else {
                            return quote_spanned! {lit.span()=>
                                compile_error!("error_template_image value must be a string literal");
                        Meta::Path(_) => return quote_spanned! {arg.span()=>
                            compile_error!("missing value, use `error_template_image = \"...\"`");
                    "fallback_command" => match arg {
                        Meta::List(_) => return quote_spanned! {arg.span()=>
                            compile_error!("use `fallback_command = \"...\"` instead of `fallback_command(...)`");
                        Meta::NameValue(MetaNameValue { lit, .. }) => if let Lit::Str(lit) = lit {
                            fallback_lit = Some(Ident::new(&format!("bitbar_{}_wrapper", lit.value()), lit.span()));
                        } else {
                            return quote_spanned! {lit.span()=>
                                compile_error!("fallback_command value must be a string literal");
                        Meta::Path(_) => return quote_spanned! {arg.span()=>
                            compile_error!("missing value, use `fallback_command = \"...\"`");
                    _ => return quote_spanned! {arg.span()=>
                        compile_error!("unexpected bitbar::main attribute argument");
            } else {
                return quote_spanned! {arg.span()=>
                    compile_error!("unexpected bitbar::main attribute argument");
            NestedMeta::Lit(_) => return quote_spanned! {arg.span()=>
                compile_error!("bitbar::main attribute arguments must be identifiers, not literals"); //TODO if it's a string literal, suggest removing the quotes
    let main_fn = parse_macro_input!(item as ItemFn);
    let asyncness = &main_fn.sig.asyncness;
    let inner_params = &main_fn.sig.inputs;
    let inner_args = if inner_params.len() >= 1 {
    } else {
    #[cfg(not(feature = "tokio"))] let (cmd_awaitness, wrapper_body) = (
        quote!(::bitbar::MainOutput::main_output(main_inner(#inner_args), #error_template_image);),
    #[cfg(feature = "tokio")] let awaitness = asyncness.as_ref().map(|_| quote!(.await));
    #[cfg(feature = "tokio")] let (cmd_awaitness, wrapper_body) = (
        quote!(::bitbar::AsyncMainOutput::main_output(main_inner(#inner_args)#awaitness, #error_template_image).await;),
    let fallback = if let Some(fallback_lit) = fallback_lit {
        quote!(#fallback_lit(subcommand, args.collect())#cmd_awaitness)
    } else {
        quote! {{
            ::bitbar::notify(format!("no such subcommand: {}", subcommand));
    let wrapper_body = quote!({
        //TODO set up a more friendly panic hook (similar to human-panic but rendering the panic message as a menu)
        let mut args = ::std::env::args();
        let _ ="missing program name");
        if let ::core::option::Option::Some(subcommand) = {
            match &*subcommand {
                    #subcommand_names => #subcommand_fns(args.collect())#cmd_awaitness,
                _ => #fallback,
        } else {
    #[cfg(feature = "tokio")] let wrapper_body = quote!({
            .block_on(async #wrapper_body)
    let ret = main_fn.sig.output;
    let inner_body = main_fn.block;
    TokenStream::from(quote! {
        #asyncness fn main_inner(#inner_params) #ret #inner_body

        fn main() #wrapper_body