birli 0.8.0

A preprocessing pipeline for the Murchison Widefield Array
//! Errors that can occur in the io module

use thiserror::Error;

use marlu::{fitsio, io::error::BadArrayShape, mwalib, mwalib::FitsError};

#[derive(Error, Debug)]
/// All the errors that can occur in file io operations
pub enum IOError {
    /// An error derived from `FitsError`.
    #[error("{source_file}:{source_line}\nInvalid flag filename template. Must contain \"%%\" (or \"%%%\") for MWAX")]
    InvalidFlagFilenameTemplate {
        /// The file where the error originated (usually `file!()`)
        source_file: &'static str,
        /// The line number where the error originated (usually `line!()`)
        source_line: u32,
        /// The filename templte
        filename_template: String,
    /// Error when opening a fits file.
    #[error("{source_file}:{source_line}\nCouldn't open {fits_filename}: {fits_error}")]
    FitsOpen {
        /// The [`fitsio::errors::Error`]
        fits_error: fitsio::errors::Error,
        /// The filename of the fits file
        fits_filename: String,
        /// The file where the error originated (usually `file!()`)
        source_file: &'static str,
        /// The line number where the error originated (usually `line!()`)
        source_line: u32,
    /// A generic error associated with the fitsio crate.
    #[error("{source_file}:{source_line}\n{fits_filename} HDU {hdu_num}: {fits_error}")]
    FitsIO {
        /// The [`fitsio::errors::Error`]
        fits_error: fitsio::errors::Error,
        /// The filename of the fits file where the error occurred
        fits_filename: String,
        /// The hdu number in the fits file where the error occurred
        hdu_num: usize,
        /// The file where the error originated (usually `file!()`)
        source_file: &'static str,
        /// The line number where the error originated (usually `line!()`)
        source_line: u32,

    /// Error derived from [`marlu::mwalib::FitsError`]
    FitsError(#[from] mwalib::FitsError),

    /// Error derived from [`fitsio::errors::Error`]
    FitsioError(#[from] fitsio::errors::Error),

    /// Error derived from [`marlu::io::error::IOError`]
    MarluIOError(#[from] marlu::io::error::IOError),

    /// Error derived from [`marlu::io::error::UvfitsWriteError`]
    UvfitsWriteError(#[from] marlu::io::error::UvfitsWriteError),

    /// Error describing the number of baseline flags that were written not
    /// maching the number expected.
    #[error("Attempted to finalise mwaf files with {count} rows, but {expected} were expected")]
    MwafIncorrectFlagCount {
        /// The number of flag rows written
        count: u64,
        /// The expected number of flag rows to be written
        expected: u64,

    /// Error for bad array shape in provided argument
    BadArrayShape(#[from] BadArrayShape),

    /// Generic IO error
    IO(#[from] std::io::Error),

#[derive(Error, Debug)]
/// Errors that can occur when reading from a solution file
pub enum ReadSolutionsError {
    #[error("Tried to read calibration solutions file with an unsupported extension '{ext}'!")]
    UnsupportedExt { ext: String },

        "When reading {file}, expected MWAOCAL as the first 7 characters, got '{got}' instead!"
    AndreBinaryStr { file: String, got: String },

        "When reading {file}, expected a value {expected} in the header, but got '{got}' instead!"
    AndreBinaryVal {
        file: String,
        expected: &'static str,
        got: String,

    #[error("In file {file} key {key}, could not parse '{got}' as a number!")]
    Parse {
        file: String,
        key: &'static str,
        got: String,

    Fits(#[from] FitsError),

    #[error("IO error: {0}")]
    IO(#[from] std::io::Error),