birli 0.1.8

Common preprocessing tasks for the Murchison Widefield Array Epoch of Reionization pipeline


A Rust library for common preprocessing tasks performed in the data pipeline of the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA), located on the land of the Wajarri Yamatji people in Murchison Shire, Western Australia.

Birl reads MWA correlator visibilities in the gpufits file format using mwalib, which supports the existing "legacy" MWA correlator, as well as the in-development "MWAX" correlator.

Birli is the Wajarri word for lightning, a common cause of outages at the MWA, and a great descriptor for the speed which this library intends to deliver.



for OS-specific instructions, check out the linux and macOS CI Scripts; the Makefile.toml; and the Dockerfile as these are tested regularly. The instructions below may be updated less frequently, but are better documented.

(Debian/Ubuntu) Linux Setup

# Prerequisites for rustup, cargo and cargo-make
sudo apt install -y gcc libssl-dev pkg-config curl unzip wget
# Run the Rustup install script, profile=default, toolchain=stable
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf -sSf | sh -s -- -y
# Cargo make uses Makefile.toml to automate development tasks
cargo install --force cargo-make
# Use multiple cores when compiling C/C++ libraries
# Install prerequisite C/C++ libraries
cargo make install_deps
# Ensure that rust can find the C/C++ libraries.
# AOFlagger and CFitsIO default to /usr/local/lib,
# however packages installed with apt (LibERFA) end up in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/,
# so we need both.
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/local/lib/:/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/"

MacOS Setup

# Install homebrew
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
# Run the Rustup install script, profile=default, toolchain=stable
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf -sSf | sh -s -- -y
# Cargo make uses Makefile.toml to automate development tasks
cargo install --force cargo-make
# Add the MWATelescope homebrew tap
brew tap mwaTelescope/tap
# Install prerequisite libraries
brew cask install casacore-data casacore aoflagger erfa

Windows Setup

Unfortunately most of the prerequisites aren't available on Windows. However, WSL is great, and there is a docker image! You could use VSCode remote for WSL or Docker. Your best best is Ubuntu LTS

Installing the binary

cargo install --path .

This creates a birli binary in $HOME/.cargo/bin


Test suite

Having issues with Birli? run the test suite to narrow down your issue.

cargo test


Experiencing segfaults? I can guarantee it's because of one of the C library dependencies. Make sure you have the right versions of all the libraries. These are specified in Prerequisites.

Get library versions with:

apt show liberfa-dev
aoflagger --version
# cfitsio: ???

If you have something like CASA installed from apt, it's going to put an ancient cfitsio library version in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/, to get around this, you must export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib/:/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ in the shell so that Birli can find the correct library version.


You can enable additional logging on individual Rust modules by setting the RUST_LOG environment variable. For example:

RUST_LOG=trace birli ... # set log level to trace for all module (including dependencies)
RUST_LOG=birli=debug birli ... # set log level to debug for birli only
RUST_LOG=birli::io=error birli ... # only show warnings for birli's io module

For more examples, see the env_logger docs

The default log level in info


Couldn't get it working on your environment? You can always run Birli in Docker

docker run mwatelescope/birli:latest -h

Want to open a shell within a fully provisioned Birli development environment? Easy!

docker run -it --entrypoint /bin/bash --volume $PWD:/app mwatelescope/birli:latest

Note: This mounts the current directory to /app in the Docker image, meaning both of these systems share the same target folder. so if your host system is a different architecture than Docker, you may need to cargo clean each time you switch between these environments. You may also want to temporarily disable any linters or language servers that use

the trait bound Jones<f32>: AbsDiffEq<_> is not satisfied

if you see an error that looks like this:

error[E0277]: the trait bound `Jones<f32>: AbsDiffEq<_>` is not satisfied
    --> src/
1029 | /         assert_abs_diff_eq!(
1030 | |             *jones_array.get((3, 3, 1)).unwrap(),
1031 | |             &Jones::from([
1032 | |                 Complex::new(rot_1_xx_3_3_re, rot_1_xx_3_3_im),
...    |
1036 | |             ])
1037 | |         );
     | |__________^ the trait `AbsDiffEq<_>` is not implemented for `Jones<f32>`
     = note: this error originates in the macro `abs_diff_eq` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)


cargo update
cargo update -p approx:0.5.0 --precise 0.4.0


birli -h

    birli [SUBCOMMAND]

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    aoflagger    flag visibilities with aoFlagger
    help         Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

birli aoflagger -h

flag visibilities with aoFlagger

    birli aoflagger [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <fits-files>... -m <metafits>

        --emulate-cotter        Use Cotter's value for array position instead of MWAlib for direct comparison with
    -h, --help                  Prints help information
        --no-cable-delay        Do not perform cable length corrections.
        --no-geometric-delay    Do not perform geometric length corrections.
    -V, --version               Prints version information

    -f <flag-template>        Sets the template used to name flag files. Percents are substituted for the zero-prefixed
                              GPUBox ID, which can be up to 3 characters log. Similar to -o in Cotter. Example:
    -m <metafits>             Sets the metafits file.
    -u <uvfits-out>           Filename for uvfits output. Similar to -o in Cotter. Example: 1196175296.uvfits


Cable Delay Corrections

Cable delay correction involves adjusting visibility phases to correct for the differences in electrical length of the cable between each tile and it's receiver.

Legacy MWA correlator observations do not typically have cable delays applied, however MWAX observations can. The CABLEDEL key in the metafits describes what geometric delays have been applied.

By default, Birli will apply cable length corrections. You can use --no-cable-delay to disable this.

A baseline's cable lengths are determined by the difference between a baseline's rfInput electrical lengths, as specified the the TILEDATA HDU of the metafits. Complex visibilities are phase-shifted by an angle determined by the electrical length, and the channel's frequency.

let angle = -2.0 * PI * electrical_length_m * freq_hz / SPEED_OF_LIGHT_IN_VACUUM_M_PER_S;

Geometric Delay Corrections (AKA Phase Tracking)

Geometric correction involves adjusting visibility phases to correct for the differences in distance that light from the phase center has to travel to reach each tile.

Legacy MWA correlator observations are not typically phase tracked, however MWAX observations can have phase tracking applied. The GEODEL card in the metafits describes what geometric delays have been applied.

By default, Birli will apply geometric corrections at the phase center if they have not already been applied. It determines the observations phase center from the RAPHASE and DECPHASE cards in the metafits. If these are not available, the pointing center cards (RA and DEC) from the metafits are used. You can use --no-geometric-delay to disable this.

A baseline's geometric length is determined by the w component of it's UVW fourier-space vector, after applying precession and nutation to it's tiles' positions and the phase center to the J2000 epoch, accounting for stellar aberration. Complex visibilities are phase-shifted by an angle determined by the w-component, and the channel's frequency.

let angle = -2.0 * PI * uvw.w * freq_hz / SPEED_OF_LIGHT_IN_VACUUM_M_PER_S;

Cotter Emulation

The --emulate-cotter flag ensures that outputs match Cotter as much as possible. You should only use this flag if you need to perform a direct comparison with Cotter.

By default, Birli will use the MWA array position from MWALib in order to calculate UVWs and geometric corrections. This is more accurate than the one that Cotter uses, and is the main source of error when doing direct comparisons.

This flag is used as part of the tests in src/ to validate that Birli's output matches that of Cotter to within an acceptable margin.

Example: RFI Flagging, corrections and UVFits/mwaf output

In this example, we use the aoflagger subcommand to:

  • Perform RFI flagging using the MWA-default flagging strategy
  • Perform geometric and cable length corrections
  • Output flags to .mwaf (-f)
  • Output visibilities to .uvfits (-u)
birli aoflagger \
  -m tests/data/1254670392_avg/1254670392.metafits \
  -u "tests/data/1254670392_avg/Flagfile.Birli.MWA.%%.mwaf" \
  -f "tests/data/1254670392_avg/1254670392.birli.uvfits" \

Since Cotter can't output flags and uvfits at the same time, the equivalent Cotter commands would be:

# output flags
cotter \
  -m tests/data/1254670392_avg/1254670392.metafits \
  -o "tests/data/1247842824_flags/FlagfileCotterMWA%%.mwaf" \
  -allowmissing \
  -edgewidth 0 \
  -endflag 0 \
  -initflag 0 \
  -noantennapruning \
  -noflagautos \
  -noflagdcchannels \
  -nosbgains \
  -sbpassband tests/data/subband-passband-128ch-unitary.txt \
  -nostats \
  -flag-strategy /usr/local/share/aoflagger/strategies/mwa-default.lua \
# output uvfits
cotter \
  -m tests/data/1254670392_avg/1254670392.metafits \
  -o "tests/data/1254670392_avg/1254670392.cotter.uvfits" \
  -allowmissing \
  -edgewidth 0 \
  -endflag 0 \
  -initflag 0 \
  -noantennapruning \
  -noflagautos \
  -noflagdcchannels \
  -nosbgains \
  -sbpassband tests/data/subband-passband-128ch-unitary.txt \
  -nostats \
  -flag-strategy /usr/local/share/aoflagger/strategies/mwa-default.lua \


Pull requests are welcome! Please do your best to ensure that the high standards of test coverage are maintained.

Before each commit, use cargo make ci to ensure your code is formatted correctly.


This scientific work uses data obtained from the Murchison Radio-astronomy Observatory. We acknowledge the Wajarri Yamatji people as the traditional owners of the Observatory site.


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Release Checklist

  • pipeline is green
  • update
  • update package.version in Cargo.toml
  • commit
  • git tag -a $tag -m $tag
  • git push
  • git push --tags