Crate birli[][src]

Expand description

Birli is a library of common preprocessing tasks performed in the data pipeline of the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA) Telescope.


Here’s an example of how to flag some visibility files

use birli::{
    context_to_baseline_imgsets, flag_imgsets_existing, write_flags,
    cxx_aoflagger_new, get_flaggable_timesteps, init_baseline_flagmasks,
use mwalib::CorrelatorContext;
use tempfile::tempdir;

// define our input files
let metafits_path = "tests/data/1297526432_mwax/1297526432.metafits";
let gpufits_paths = vec![

// define a temporary directory for output files
let tmp_dir = tempdir().unwrap();

// define our output flag file template
let flag_template = tmp_dir.path().join("Flagfile%%%.mwaf");

// Create an mwalib::CorrelatorContext for accessing visibilities.
let context = CorrelatorContext::new(&metafits_path, &gpufits_paths).unwrap();

// create a CxxAOFlagger object to perform AOFlagger operations
let aoflagger = unsafe { cxx_aoflagger_new() };

// Determine which timesteps and coarse channels we want to use
let img_coarse_chan_idxs = &context.common_coarse_chan_indices;
let img_timestep_idxs = get_flaggable_timesteps(&context).unwrap();

// Prepare our flagmasks with known bad antennae
let mut baseline_flagmasks = init_baseline_flagmasks(

// generate imagesets for each baseline in the format required by aoflagger
let baseline_imgsets = context_to_baseline_imgsets(
    Some(&mut baseline_flagmasks),

// use the default strategy file location for MWA
let strategy_filename = &aoflagger.FindStrategyFileMWA();

// run the strategy on the imagesets, and get the resulting flagmasks for each baseline
    &mut baseline_flagmasks,

// Get a list of all gpubox IDs
let gpubox_ids: Vec<usize> = context
    .map(|&chan| context.coarse_chans[chan].gpubox_number)

// write the flags to disk as .mwaf
write_flags(&context, baseline_flagmasks, flag_template.to_str().unwrap(), &gpubox_ids);


Birli reads visibilities with MWALib and uses CXX to bind to the AOFlagger C++ library. For more details about AOFlagger’s interface, check out the aoflagger::AOFlagger documentation


pub use flags::flag_imgsets;
pub use flags::flag_imgsets_existing;
pub use flags::get_antenna_flags;
pub use flags::get_flaggable_timesteps;
pub use flags::init_baseline_flagmasks;
pub use flags::write_flags;
pub use io::mwaf::FlagFileSet;
pub use corrections::correct_cable_lengths;


Corrections that can be performed on visibility data

Errors that can occur in Birli

Methods for manipulating flagmasks and flagging imagesets

Input and Ouput data file format modules

Utility functions


CXX Wrapper for aoflagger::AOFlagger, the main class for access to the flagger functionality.

CXX Wrapper for aoflagger::FlagMask, a two-dimensional mask of bool flags.

CXX Wrapper for aoflagger::ImageSet, a set of time-frequency ‘images’ which together contain data for one correlated baseline.

CXX Wrapper for aoflagger::Strategy, a flagging strategy definition.


Read an observation’s visibilities for the provided coarse channel and timestep indices into a vector containing a CxxImageSets for each baseline in the observation, given a CxxAOFlagger instance and that observation’s mwalib::CorrelatorContext

Create a new CxxAOFlagger instance

Get the version of the AOFlagger library from the library itself.

Initialize a vector of length [num_baselines] containing CxxImageSet of dimensions [width] and [height],