bird-machine 0.0.1

Compile your regular expressions at compile time.


Compile your regular expressions at compile time.

Almost none of this has actually been implemented yet. Do not use this yet.

Example: find a date

use bird_machine::{bird_machine, Machine};

struct Date;


Example: iterating over capture groups

use bird_machine::{bird_machine, Machine};

struct Date<'a>(&'a str, &'a str, &'a str);
let input = "2012-03-14, 2013-01-01 and 2014-07-05";
let match_info = Date::captures_iter(input)
    .map(|x: Date| format!("Month: {} Day: {} Year: {}", x.1, x.2, x.0));
let expected = [
    "Month: 03 Day: 14 Year: 2012",
    "Month: 01 Day: 01 Year: 2013",
    "Month: 07 Day: 05 Year: 2014",
for (actual, expected) in {
    assert_eq!(actual, expected);

Example: replacement with named capture groups

use bird_machine::{bird_machine, Machine};

struct Date<'a> {
    y: &'a str,
    m: &'a str,
    d: &'a str,
let before = "2012-03-14, 2013-01-01 and 2014-07-05";
let after = Date::replace_all(before, "$m/$d/$y");
assert_eq!(after, "03/14/2012, 01/01/2013 and 07/05/2014");

Example: compile-time rejection of invalid regular expressions

use bird_machine::bird_machine;

// this will not compile
#[bird_machine(r"(oops i left this group open")]
struct Bad;