Expand description

A library for analysis of Boolean networks. As of now, the library supports:

  • Regulatory graphs with monotonicity and observability constraints.
  • Boolean networks, possibly with partially unknown and parametrised update functions.
  • Full SBML-qual support for import/export as well as custom string format .aeon.
  • Fully symbolic asynchronous state-space generator using BDDs (great overall performance).
  • Semi-symbolic state-space generator, using BDDs used only for the network parameters (allows state-level parallelism for smaller networks).

For a quick introduction to Boolean networks and their symbolic manipulation, you can check out our tutorial module.


Legacy semi-symbolic representation of the coloured asynchronous state-transition graph.

Legacy symbolic representation of parameter space of a BooleanNetwork using Bdds.

Legacy utility structs and traits, such as State or Set.

Adds support for SBML-qual import and export to BooleanNetwork.

A fully symbolic coloured graph representation of the Asynchronous Boolean Network.

This is a documentation-only module which describes how to use this crate to work with parametrised Boolean networks and construct symbolic algorithms with them.


A Boolean network, possibly parametrised with uninterpreted Boolean functions.

An explicit parameter of a BooleanNetwork; an uninterpreted Boolean function with a given name and arity.

A type-safe index of a Parameter inside a BooleanNetwork.

Describes an interaction between two Variables in a RegulatoryGraph (or a BooleanNetwork).

A directed graph representing relationships between a collection of Boolean variables using Regulations.

A Boolean variable of a RegulatoryGraph (or a BooleanNetwork) with a given name.

A type-safe index of a Variable inside a RegulatoryGraph (or a BooleanNetwork).


Possible binary Boolean operators that can appear in FnUpdate.

A Boolean update function formula which references Variables and Parameters of a BooleanNetwork.

Possible monotonous effects of a Regulation in a RegulatoryGraph.

Type Definitions

An iterator over all ParameterIds of a BooleanNetwork.

An iterator over all Regulations of a RegulatoryGraph.

An iterator over all VariableIds of a RegulatoryGraph (or a BooleanNetwork).