biodivine-lib-param-bn 0.2.2

Library for working with parametrized Boolean networks.
# Use cargo make to run scripts in this file. Most scripts are used to provide safe defaults for
# standard operations (generate docs with mermaid and KaTeX support, run benchmarks with shilds_up
# disabled, ...)

# Enable docs with Mermaid, KaTeX and some small design tweaks.
env = { "RUSTDOCFLAGS" = "--html-in-header docs-head.html" }
command = "cargo"
args = ["doc", "--no-deps", "--document-private-items"]

env = { "RUSTDOCFLAGS" = "--html-in-header docs-head.html" }
command = "cargo"
args = ["doc", "--no-deps"]

dependencies = [

# Run benchmark tests with shields_up disabled.
command = "cargo"
args = ["bench" , "--no-default-features"]

# Make a release build with shields_up disabled.
command = "cargo"
args = ["build", "--release", "--no-default-features"]