bio 1.1.0

A bioinformatics library for Rust. This library provides implementations of many algorithms and data structures that are useful for bioinformatics, but also in other fields.
// Copyright 2016 Pierre Marijon.
// Licensed under the MIT license (
// This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.

//! [GFF3] format reading and writing. [GFF2] is currently not supported.
//! [GFF2]: (not supported)
//! [GTF2]: (not supported)
//! [GFF3]:
//! # Example
//! ```
//! // import functions (at top of script)
//! use bio::io::gff;
//! use std::io;
//! let mut reader = gff::Reader::new(io::stdin(), gff::GffType::GFF3);
//! let mut writer = gff::Writer::new(vec![], gff::GffType::GFF3);
//! for record in reader.records() {
//!     let rec = record.ok().expect("Error reading record.");
//!     println!("{}", rec.seqname());
//!     writer.write(&rec).ok().expect("Error writing record.");
//! }
//! ```

use anyhow::Context;
use itertools::Itertools;
use multimap::MultiMap;
use regex::Regex;
use std::convert::AsRef;
use std::fs;
use std::io;
use std::path::Path;
use std::str::FromStr;

use bio_types::strand::Strand;

/// `GffType`
/// We have three format in the GFF family.
/// The change is in the last field of GFF.
/// For each type we have key value separator and field separator
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum GffType {
    /// Attribute format is: key1=value; key2=value1,value2
    /// Attribute format is: key1 value; key2 value1; key2 value2
    /// Same as GFF2 just possible keyword and possible value change
    /// Any, first field of tuple separates key from value,
    /// second field separates multiple key value pairs, and
    /// third field separates multiple values for the same key
    Any(u8, u8, u8),

impl FromStr for GffType {
    type Err = String;

    /// Create a GffType from a string.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `src_str` - The source string to convert to the GffType.
    fn from_str(src_str: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
        match src_str {
            "gff3" => Ok(GffType::GFF3),
            "gff2" => Ok(GffType::GFF2),
            "gtf2" => Ok(GffType::GTF2),
            _ => Err(format!(
                "String '{}' is not a valid GFFType (GFF/GTF format version).",

impl GffType {
    /// First field is key value separator.
    /// Second field terminates a key value pair.
    /// Third field
    fn separator(self) -> (u8, u8, u8) {
        match self {
            GffType::GFF3 => (b'=', b';', b','),
            GffType::GFF2 => (b' ', b';', 0u8),
            GffType::GTF2 => (b' ', b';', 0u8),
            GffType::Any(x, y, z) => (x, y, z),

/// A GFF reader.
pub struct Reader<R: io::Read> {
    inner: csv::Reader<R>,
    gff_type: GffType,

impl Reader<fs::File> {
    /// Read GFF from given file path in given format.
    pub fn from_file<P: AsRef<Path> + std::fmt::Debug>(
        path: P,
        fileformat: GffType,
    ) -> anyhow::Result<Self> {
            .map(|f| Reader::new(f, fileformat))
            .with_context(|| format!("Failed to read GFF from {:#?}", path))

impl<R: io::Read> Reader<R> {
    /// Create a new GFF reader given an instance of `io::Read`, in given format.
    pub fn new(reader: R, fileformat: GffType) -> Self {
        Reader {
            inner: csv::ReaderBuilder::new()
            gff_type: fileformat,

    /// Iterate over all records.
    pub fn records(&mut self) -> Records<'_, R> {
        let (delim, term, vdelim) = self.gff_type.separator();
        let r = format!(
            r" *(?P<key>[^{delim}{term}\t]+){delim}(?P<value>[^{delim}{term}\t]+){term}?",
            delim = delim as char,
            term = term as char
        let attribute_re = Regex::new(&r).unwrap();
        Records {
            inner: self.inner.deserialize(),
            value_delim: vdelim as char,

type GffRecordInner = (

/// An iterator over the records of a GFF file.
pub struct Records<'a, R: io::Read> {
    inner: csv::DeserializeRecordsIter<'a, R, GffRecordInner>,
    attribute_re: Regex,
    value_delim: char,

impl<'a, R: io::Read> Iterator for Records<'a, R> {
    type Item = csv::Result<Record>;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<csv::Result<Record>> {|res| {
                )| {
                    let trim_quotes = |s: &str| s.trim_matches('\'').trim_matches('"').to_owned();
                    let mut attributes = MultiMap::new();
                    for caps in self.attribute_re.captures_iter(&raw_attributes) {
                        for value in caps["value"].split(self.value_delim) {
                            attributes.insert(trim_quotes(&caps["key"]), trim_quotes(value));
                    Record {

/// A GFF writer.
pub struct Writer<W: io::Write> {
    inner: csv::Writer<W>,
    delimiter: char,
    terminator: String,

impl Writer<fs::File> {
    /// Write to a given file path in given format.
    pub fn to_file<P: AsRef<Path>>(path: P, fileformat: GffType) -> io::Result<Self> {
        fs::File::create(path).map(|f| Writer::new(f, fileformat))

impl<W: io::Write> Writer<W> {
    /// Write to a given writer.
    pub fn new(writer: W, fileformat: GffType) -> Self {
        let (delim, termi, _) = fileformat.separator();

        Writer {
            inner: csv::WriterBuilder::new()
            delimiter: delim as char,
            terminator: String::from_utf8(vec![termi]).unwrap(),

    /// Write a given GFF record.
    pub fn write(&mut self, record: &Record) -> csv::Result<()> {
        let attributes = if !record.attributes.is_empty() {
                .map(|(a, b)| format!("{}{}{}", a, self.delimiter, b))
        } else {


/// A GFF record
#[derive(Default, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct Record {
    seqname: String,
    source: String,
    feature_type: String,
    start: u64,
    end: u64,
    score: String,
    strand: String,
    frame: String,
    attributes: MultiMap<String, String>,

impl Record {
    /// Create a new GFF record.
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        Record {
            seqname: "".to_owned(),
            source: "".to_owned(),
            feature_type: "".to_owned(),
            start: 0,
            end: 0,
            score: ".".to_owned(),
            strand: ".".to_owned(),
            frame: "".to_owned(),
            attributes: MultiMap::<String, String>::new(),

    /// Sequence name of the feature.
    pub fn seqname(&self) -> &str {

    /// Source of the feature.
    pub fn source(&self) -> &str {

    /// Type of the feature.
    pub fn feature_type(&self) -> &str {

    /// Start position of feature (1-based).
    pub fn start(&self) -> &u64 {

    /// End position of feature (1-based, not included).
    pub fn end(&self) -> &u64 {

    /// Score of feature
    pub fn score(&self) -> Option<u64> {
        match self.score.as_ref() {
            "." => None,
            _ => self.score.parse::<u64>().ok(),

    /// Strand of the feature.
    pub fn strand(&self) -> Option<Strand> {
        match self.strand.as_ref() {
            "+" => Some(Strand::Forward),
            "-" => Some(Strand::Reverse),
            _ => None,

    /// Frame of the feature.
    pub fn frame(&self) -> &str {

    /// Attribute of feature
    pub fn attributes(&self) -> &MultiMap<String, String> {

    /// Get mutable reference on seqname of feature.
    pub fn seqname_mut(&mut self) -> &mut String {
        &mut self.seqname

    /// Get mutable reference on source of feature.
    pub fn source_mut(&mut self) -> &mut String {
        &mut self.source

    /// Get mutable reference on type of feature.
    pub fn feature_type_mut(&mut self) -> &mut String {
        &mut self.feature_type

    /// Get mutable reference on start of feature.
    pub fn start_mut(&mut self) -> &mut u64 {
        &mut self.start

    /// Get mutable reference on end of feature.
    pub fn end_mut(&mut self) -> &mut u64 {
        &mut self.end

    /// Get mutable reference on score of feature.
    pub fn score_mut(&mut self) -> &mut String {
        &mut self.score

    /// Get mutable reference on strand of feature.
    pub fn strand_mut(&mut self) -> &mut String {
        &mut self.strand

    /// Get mutable reference on frame of feature.
    pub fn frame_mut(&mut self) -> &mut String {
        &mut self.frame

    /// Get mutable reference on attributes of feature.
    pub fn attributes_mut(&mut self) -> &mut MultiMap<String, String> {
        &mut self.attributes

mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use bio_types::strand::Strand;
    use multimap::MultiMap;

    const GFF_FILE: &[u8] = b"P0A7B8\tUniProtKB\tInitiator methionine\t1\t1\t.\t.\t.\t\
P0A7B8\tUniProtKB\tChain\t2\t176\t50\t+\t.\tNote=ATP-dependent protease subunit HslV;\
    const GFF_FILE_WITH_COMMENT: &[u8] = b"#comment
P0A7B8\tUniProtKB\tInitiator methionine\t1\t1\t.\t.\t.\t\
P0A7B8\tUniProtKB\tChain\t2\t176\t50\t+\t.\tNote=ATP-dependent protease subunit HslV;\
    //required because MultiMap iter on element randomly
    const GFF_FILE_ONE_ATTRIB: &[u8] =
        b"P0A7B8\tUniProtKB\tInitiator methionine\t1\t1\t.\t.\t.\tNote=Removed

    const GTF_FILE: &[u8] =
        b"P0A7B8\tUniProtKB\tInitiator methionine\t1\t1\t.\t.\t.\tNote Removed;ID test
P0A7B8\tUniProtKB\tChain\t2\t176\t50\t+\t.\tNote ATP-dependent;ID PRO_0000148105

    // Another variant of GTF file, modified from a published GENCODE GTF file.
    const GTF_FILE_2: &[u8] = b"chr1\tHAVANA\tgene\t11869\t14409\t.\t+\t.\t\
gene_id \"ENSG00000223972.5\"; gene_type \"transcribed_unprocessed_pseudogene\";
chr1\tHAVANA\ttranscript\t11869\t14409\t.\t+\t.\tgene_id \"ENSG00000223972.5\";\
transcript_id \"ENST00000456328.2\"; gene_type \"transcribed_unprocessed_pseudogene\"";

    // GTF file with duplicate attribute keys, taken from a published GENCODE GTF file.
    const GTF_FILE_DUP_ATTR_KEYS: &[u8] = b"chr1\tENSEMBL\ttranscript\t182393\t\
184158\t.\t+\t.\tgene_id \"ENSG00000279928.1\"; transcript_id \"ENST00000624431.1\";\
gene_type \"protein_coding\"; gene_status \"KNOWN\"; gene_name \"FO538757.2\";\
transcript_type \"protein_coding\"; transcript_status \"KNOWN\";\
transcript_name \"FO538757.2-201\"; level 3; protein_id \"ENSP00000485457.1\";\
transcript_support_level \"1\"; tag \"basic\"; tag \"appris_principal_1\";";

    //required because MultiMap iter on element randomly
    const GTF_FILE_ONE_ATTRIB: &[u8] =
        b"P0A7B8\tUniProtKB\tInitiator methionine\t1\t1\t.\t.\t.\tNote Removed
P0A7B8\tUniProtKB\tChain\t2\t176\t50\t+\t.\tID PRO_0000148105

    fn test_reader_gff3() {
        let seqname = ["P0A7B8", "P0A7B8"];
        let source = ["UniProtKB", "UniProtKB"];
        let feature_type = ["Initiator methionine", "Chain"];
        let starts = [1, 2];
        let ends = [1, 176];
        let scores = [None, Some(50)];
        let strand = [None, Some(Strand::Forward)];
        let frame = [".", "."];
        let mut attributes = [MultiMap::new(), MultiMap::new()];
        attributes[0].insert("ID".to_owned(), "test".to_owned());
        attributes[0].insert("Note".to_owned(), "Removed".to_owned());
        attributes[0].insert("Note".to_owned(), "Obsolete".to_owned());
        attributes[1].insert("ID".to_owned(), "PRO_0000148105".to_owned());
            "ATP-dependent protease subunit HslV".to_owned(),

        let mut reader = Reader::new(GFF_FILE, GffType::GFF3);
        for (i, r) in reader.records().enumerate() {
            let record = r.unwrap();
            assert_eq!(record.seqname(), seqname[i]);
            assert_eq!(record.source(), source[i]);
            assert_eq!(record.feature_type(), feature_type[i]);
            assert_eq!(*record.start(), starts[i]);
            assert_eq!(*record.end(), ends[i]);
            assert_eq!(record.score(), scores[i]);
            assert_eq!(record.strand(), strand[i]);
            assert_eq!(record.frame(), frame[i]);
            assert_eq!(record.attributes(), &attributes[i]);

        let mut reader = Reader::new(GFF_FILE_WITH_COMMENT, GffType::GFF3);
        for (i, r) in reader.records().enumerate() {
            let record = r.unwrap();
            assert_eq!(record.seqname(), seqname[i]);
            assert_eq!(record.source(), source[i]);
            assert_eq!(record.feature_type(), feature_type[i]);
            assert_eq!(*record.start(), starts[i]);
            assert_eq!(*record.end(), ends[i]);
            assert_eq!(record.score(), scores[i]);
            assert_eq!(record.strand(), strand[i]);
            assert_eq!(record.frame(), frame[i]);
            assert_eq!(record.attributes(), &attributes[i]);

    fn test_reader_from_file_path_doesnt_exist_returns_err() {
        let path = Path::new("/I/dont/exist.gff");
        let error = Reader::from_file(path, GffType::GFF3)

        assert_eq!(&error, "Failed to read GFF from \"/I/dont/exist.gff\"")

    fn test_gff_type_from_str() {
        let gff3 = GffType::from_str("gff3").expect("Error parsing");
        assert_eq!(gff3, GffType::GFF3);

        let gff2 = GffType::from_str("gff2").expect("Error parsing");
        assert_eq!(gff2, GffType::GFF2);

        let gtf2 = GffType::from_str("gtf2").expect("Error parsing");
        assert_eq!(gtf2, GffType::GTF2);

        let unk = GffType::from_str("unknown").unwrap_err();
            "String 'unknown' is not a valid GFFType (GFF/GTF format version)."

    fn test_reader_gtf2() {
        let seqname = ["P0A7B8", "P0A7B8"];
        let source = ["UniProtKB", "UniProtKB"];
        let feature_type = ["Initiator methionine", "Chain"];
        let starts = [1, 2];
        let ends = [1, 176];
        let scores = [None, Some(50)];
        let strand = [None, Some(Strand::Forward)];
        let frame = [".", "."];
        let mut attributes = [MultiMap::new(), MultiMap::new()];
        attributes[0].insert("ID".to_owned(), "test".to_owned());
        attributes[0].insert("Note".to_owned(), "Removed".to_owned());
        attributes[1].insert("ID".to_owned(), "PRO_0000148105".to_owned());
        attributes[1].insert("Note".to_owned(), "ATP-dependent".to_owned());

        let mut reader = Reader::new(GTF_FILE, GffType::GTF2);
        for (i, r) in reader.records().enumerate() {
            let record = r.unwrap();
            assert_eq!(record.seqname(), seqname[i]);
            assert_eq!(record.source(), source[i]);
            assert_eq!(record.feature_type(), feature_type[i]);
            assert_eq!(*record.start(), starts[i]);
            assert_eq!(*record.end(), ends[i]);
            assert_eq!(record.score(), scores[i]);
            assert_eq!(record.strand(), strand[i]);
            assert_eq!(record.frame(), frame[i]);
            assert_eq!(record.attributes(), &attributes[i]);

    fn test_reader_gtf2_2() {
        let seqname = ["chr1", "chr1"];
        let source = ["HAVANA", "HAVANA"];
        let feature_type = ["gene", "transcript"];
        let starts = [11869, 11869];
        let ends = [14409, 14409];
        let scores = [None, None];
        let strand = [Some(Strand::Forward), Some(Strand::Forward)];
        let frame = [".", "."];
        let mut attributes = [MultiMap::new(), MultiMap::new()];
        attributes[0].insert("gene_id".to_owned(), "ENSG00000223972.5".to_owned());
        attributes[1].insert("gene_id".to_owned(), "ENSG00000223972.5".to_owned());
        attributes[1].insert("transcript_id".to_owned(), "ENST00000456328.2".to_owned());

        let mut reader = Reader::new(GTF_FILE_2, GffType::GTF2);
        for (i, r) in reader.records().enumerate() {
            let record = r.unwrap();
            assert_eq!(record.seqname(), seqname[i]);
            assert_eq!(record.source(), source[i]);
            assert_eq!(record.feature_type(), feature_type[i]);
            assert_eq!(*record.start(), starts[i]);
            assert_eq!(*record.end(), ends[i]);
            assert_eq!(record.score(), scores[i]);
            assert_eq!(record.strand(), strand[i]);
            assert_eq!(record.frame(), frame[i]);
            assert_eq!(record.attributes(), &attributes[i]);

    fn test_reader_gtf2_dup_attr_keys() {
        let mut reader = Reader::new(GTF_FILE_DUP_ATTR_KEYS, GffType::GTF2);
        let mut records = reader.records().collect::<Vec<_>>();
        assert_eq!(records.len(), 1);
        let record = records.pop().unwrap().expect("expected one record");
        assert_eq!(record.attributes.get("tag"), Some(&"basic".to_owned()));
            Some(&vec!["basic".to_owned(), "appris_principal_1".to_owned()])

    fn test_writer_gff3() {
        let mut reader = Reader::new(GFF_FILE_ONE_ATTRIB, GffType::GFF3);
        let mut writer = Writer::new(vec![], GffType::GFF3);
        for r in reader.records() {
                .write(&r.expect("Error reading record"))
                .expect("Error writing record");
        assert_eq!(writer.inner.into_inner().unwrap(), GFF_FILE_ONE_ATTRIB)

    fn test_writer_gtf2() {
        let mut reader = Reader::new(GTF_FILE_ONE_ATTRIB, GffType::GTF2);
        let mut writer = Writer::new(vec![], GffType::GTF2);
        for r in reader.records() {
                .write(&r.expect("Error reading record"))
                .expect("Error writing record");
        assert_eq!(writer.inner.into_inner().unwrap(), GTF_FILE_ONE_ATTRIB)

    fn test_convert_gtf2_to_gff3() {
        let mut reader = Reader::new(GTF_FILE_ONE_ATTRIB, GffType::GTF2);
        let mut writer = Writer::new(vec![], GffType::GFF3);
        for r in reader.records() {
                .write(&r.expect("Error reading record"))
                .expect("Error writing record");
        assert_eq!(writer.inner.into_inner().unwrap(), GFF_FILE_ONE_ATTRIB)

    fn test_unknown_gff_type() {
            Err("String 'xtf9' is not a valid GFFType (GFF/GTF format version).".to_string())