Module bio::pattern_matching::horspool[][src]

Algorithm of Horspool. Window-based, similar to but faster than Boyer-Moore.


Look at a search window m, match pattern backwards. In case of a mismatch, you can jump behind that. Best case time complexity: O(n / m) Worst case time complexity: O(n * m) With a large alphabet, you are likely around the best case, and faster than the rather complicated Boyer-Moore.

The algorithm has two phases (let a be the last symbol in the window):

  1. test phase: compare the last symbol of the window. If it matches, compare the whole pattern. If it does not match, continue with the shift phase.
  2. shift phase: let l[a] be the rightmost position of a in the pattern without the last symbol. If it does not occur let l[a] be -1. Shift the window by m - 1 - l[a]. i.e. we shift the window such that the rightmost a matches the a at the end of the last window. If a does not occur in the pattern, we shift by the whole length.


use bio::pattern_matching::horspool::Horspool;
let pattern = b"GAAAA";
let horspool = Horspool::new(pattern);
let occ: Vec<usize> = horspool.find_all(text).collect();
assert_eq!(occ, [8, 25]);



Algorithm of Horspool.


Iterator over start positions of matches.