bio 0.26.0

A bioinformatics library for Rust. This library provides implementations of many algorithms and data structures that are useful for bioinformatics, but also in other fields.

# Rust-Bio, a bioinformatics library for Rust.

This library provides implementations of many algorithms and data structures
that are useful for bioinformatics.
All provided implementations are rigorously tested via continuous

**Please see the [homepage]( for examples and documentation.**

Currently, rust-bio provides

* most major pattern matching algorithms,
* a convenient alphabet implementation,
* pairwise alignment,
* suffix arrays,
* BWT and FM-Index,
* FMD-Index for finding supermaximal exact matches,
* a q-gram index,
* utilities to work with [PSSMs],
* an orf research algorithm,
* a rank/select data structure,
* [serde] support for all data structures when built with `nightly` feature,
* FASTQ and FASTA and BED readers and writers,
* helper functions for combinatorics and dealing with log probabilities.

For reading and writing BAM and BCF files, have a look at

## Author

[Johannes Köster](

## Contributors

* [Christopher Schröder]
* [Peer Aramillo Irizar]
* [Fedor Gusev]
* [Vadim Nazarov]
* [Brad Chapman]
* [Florian Gilcher]
* [Erik Clarke]
* [Rizky Luthfianto]
* [Adam Perry]
* [Taylor Cramer]
* [Andre Bogus]
* [Martin Larralde]
* Philipp Angerer
* [Pierre Marijon]
* [Franklin Delehelle]
* [Marcin Fatyga]
* [Patrick Marks]
* [Henning Timm]
* [Kieran Hervold]
* [Brett Bowman]
* [Jeff Knaggs]

The next name in this list could be you! If you are interested in joining the effort to build a general purpose Rust bioinformatics library, just introduce yourself [here](, or issue a pull request with your first contribution.

## License

Licensed under the MIT license This project may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.