binread 2.0.0-beta.1

A Rust crate for helping read structs from binary data using ✨macro magic✨

A Rust crate for helping parse binary data using ✨macro magic✨.


# use binread::{prelude::*, io::Cursor, NullString};

#[br(magic = b"DOG", assert(name.len() != 0))]
struct Dog {
bone_pile_count: u8,

#[br(big, count = bone_pile_count)]
bone_piles: Vec<u16>,

#[br(align_before = 0xA)]
name: NullString

let mut reader = Cursor::new(b"DOG\x02\x00\x01\x00\x12\0\0Rudy\0");
let dog: Dog = reader.read_ne().unwrap();
assert_eq!(dog.bone_piles, &[0x1, 0x12]);
assert_eq!(, "Rudy")

The Basics

At the core of binread is the BinRead trait. It defines how to read a type from bytes and is already implemented for most primitives and simple collections.

use binread::{BinRead, io::Cursor};

let mut reader = Cursor::new(b"\0\0\0\x01");
let val = u32::read(&mut reader).unwrap();

However, read is intentionally simple and, as a result, doesn't even allow you to configure the byte order. For that you need read_options which, while more powerful, isn't exactly ergonomics.

So, as a balance between ergonomics and configurability you have the BinReaderExt trait. It is an extension for readers to allow for you to directly read any BinRead types from any reader.


use binread::{BinReaderExt, io::Cursor};

let mut reader = Cursor::new(b"\x00\x0A");
let val: u16 = reader.read_be().unwrap();
assert_eq!(val, 10);

It even works for tuples and arrays of BinRead types for up to size 32.

Derive Macro

The most significant feature of binread is its ability to use the Derive macro to implement BinRead for your own types. This allows you to replace repetitive imperative code with declarative struct definitions for your binary data parsing.

Basic Derive Example

# use binread::BinRead;
struct MyType {
first: u32,
second: u32

// Also works with tuple types!
struct MyType2(u32, u32);


The BinRead derive macro uses attributes in order to allow for more complicated parsers. For example you can use big or little at either the struct-level or the field-level in order to override the byte order of values.

# use binread::{prelude::*, io::Cursor};
struct MyType (
#[br(big)] u32, // will be big endian
u32, // will be little endian

The order of precedence is: (from highest to lowest)

  1. Field-level
  2. Variant-level (for enums)
  3. Top-level
  4. Configured (i.e. what endianess was passed in)
  5. Native endianess

For a list of attributes see the attribute module


The BinRead derive macro also allows for generic parsing. That way you can build up higher-level parsers that can have their type swapped out to allow greater reuse of code.

# use binread::{prelude::*, io::Cursor};
struct U32CountVec<T: BinRead<Args=()>> {
count: u32,
#[br(count = count)]
data: Vec<T>,

In order to parse generically, we have to (in some way) bound Args. The easiest way to do this is to bound <T as BinRead>::Args to () (no arguments), however it is also possible to either accept a specific set of arguments or be generic over the given arguments.