bindgen 0.25.5

Automatically generates Rust FFI bindings to C and C++ libraries.
### Input C/C++ Header

// Insert your (minimal) C/C++ header here.

### Bindgen Invocation

<!-- Place either the `bindgen::Builder` or the command line flags used here. -->



$ bindgen input.h --whatever --flags

### Actual Results

Insert panic message and backtrace (set the `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` env var) here.


// Insert the (incorrect/buggy) generated bindings here


Insert compilation errors generated when compiling the bindings with rustc here

### Expected Results

Replace this with a description of what you expected instead of the actual
results. The more precise, the better! For example, if a struct in the generated
bindings is missing a field that exists in the C/C++ struct, note that here.

### `RUST_LOG=bindgen` Output


Insert debug logging when running bindgen with the `RUST_LOG=bindgen` environment
variable set.
