bindgen 0.25.3

Automatically generates Rust FFI bindings to C and C++ libraries.
//! Intermediate representation for C/C++ functions and methods.

use super::context::{BindgenContext, ItemId};
use super::dot::DotAttributes;
use super::item::Item;
use super::traversal::{EdgeKind, Trace, Tracer};
use super::ty::TypeKind;
use clang;
use clang_sys::CXCallingConv;
use ir::derive::CanDeriveDebug;
use parse::{ClangItemParser, ClangSubItemParser, ParseError, ParseResult};
use std::io;
use syntax::abi;

/// A function declaration, with a signature, arguments, and argument names.
/// The argument names vector must be the same length as the ones in the
/// signature.
pub struct Function {
    /// The name of this function.
    name: String,

    /// The mangled name, that is, the symbol.
    mangled_name: Option<String>,

    /// The id pointing to the current function signature.
    signature: ItemId,

    /// The doc comment on the function, if any.
    comment: Option<String>,

impl Function {
    /// Construct a new function.
    pub fn new(name: String,
               mangled_name: Option<String>,
               sig: ItemId,
               comment: Option<String>)
               -> Self {
        Function {
            name: name,
            mangled_name: mangled_name,
            signature: sig,
            comment: comment,

    /// Get this function's name.
    pub fn name(&self) -> &str {

    /// Get this function's name.
    pub fn mangled_name(&self) -> Option<&str> {
        self.mangled_name.as_ref().map(|n| &**n)

    /// Get this function's signature.
    pub fn signature(&self) -> ItemId {

impl DotAttributes for Function {
    fn dot_attributes<W>(&self,
                         _ctx: &BindgenContext,
                         out: &mut W)
                         -> io::Result<()>
        where W: io::Write,
        if let Some(ref mangled) = self.mangled_name {
                          "<tr><td>mangled name</td><td>{}</td></tr>",


/// A function signature.
pub struct FunctionSig {
    /// The return type of the function.
    return_type: ItemId,

    /// The type of the arguments, optionally with the name of the argument when
    /// declared.
    argument_types: Vec<(Option<String>, ItemId)>,

    /// Whether this function is variadic.
    is_variadic: bool,

    /// The ABI of this function.
    abi: Option<abi::Abi>,

fn get_abi(cc: CXCallingConv) -> Option<abi::Abi> {
    use clang_sys::*;
    match cc {
        CXCallingConv_Default => Some(abi::Abi::C),
        CXCallingConv_C => Some(abi::Abi::C),
        CXCallingConv_X86StdCall => Some(abi::Abi::Stdcall),
        CXCallingConv_X86FastCall => Some(abi::Abi::Fastcall),
        CXCallingConv_AAPCS => Some(abi::Abi::Aapcs),
        CXCallingConv_X86_64Win64 => Some(abi::Abi::Win64),
        _ => None,

// Mac os needs __ for mangled symbols but rust will automatically prepend the extra _.
// We need to make sure that we don't include __ because rust will turn into ___.
// TODO(emilio): This is wrong when the target system is not the host
// system. See
fn macos_mangling(symbol: &mut String) {
    if cfg!(target_os = "macos") && symbol.starts_with("_") {

/// Get the mangled name for the cursor's referent.
pub fn cursor_mangling(ctx: &BindgenContext,
                       cursor: &clang::Cursor)
                       -> Option<String> {
    use clang_sys;
    if !ctx.options().enable_mangling {
        return None;

    // We early return here because libclang may crash in some case
    // if we pass in a variable inside a partial specialized template.
    // See servo/rust-bindgen#67, and servo/rust-bindgen#462.
    if cursor.is_in_non_fully_specialized_template() {
        return None;

    if let Ok(mut manglings) = cursor.cxx_manglings() {
        if let Some(mut m) = manglings.pop() {
            macos_mangling(&mut m);
            return Some(m);

    let mut mangling = cursor.mangling();
    if mangling.is_empty() {
        return None;

    macos_mangling(&mut mangling);

    if cursor.kind() == clang_sys::CXCursor_Destructor {
        // With old (3.8-) libclang versions, and the Itanium ABI, clang returns
        // the "destructor group 0" symbol, which means that it'll try to free
        // memory, which definitely isn't what we want.
        // Explicitly force the destructor group 1 symbol.
        // See
        // for the reference, and for
        // a more friendly explanation.
        // We don't need to do this for constructors since clang seems to always
        // have returned the C1 constructor.
        // FIXME(emilio): Can a legit symbol in other ABIs end with this string?
        // I don't think so, but if it can this would become a linker error
        // anyway, not an invalid free at runtime.
        // TODO(emilio, #611): Use cpp_demangle if this becomes nastier with
        // time.
        if mangling.ends_with("D0Ev") {
            let new_len = mangling.len() - 4;


impl FunctionSig {
    /// Construct a new function signature.
    pub fn new(return_type: ItemId,
               arguments: Vec<(Option<String>, ItemId)>,
               is_variadic: bool,
               abi: Option<abi::Abi>)
               -> Self {
        FunctionSig {
            return_type: return_type,
            argument_types: arguments,
            is_variadic: is_variadic,
            abi: abi,

    /// Construct a new function signature from the given Clang type.
    pub fn from_ty(ty: &clang::Type,
                   cursor: &clang::Cursor,
                   ctx: &mut BindgenContext)
                   -> Result<Self, ParseError> {
        use clang_sys::*;
        debug!("FunctionSig::from_ty {:?} {:?}", ty, cursor);

        // Skip function templates
        if cursor.kind() == CXCursor_FunctionTemplate {
            return Err(ParseError::Continue);

        // Don't parse operatorxx functions in C++
        let spelling = cursor.spelling();
        if spelling.starts_with("operator") {
            return Err(ParseError::Continue);

        let cursor = if cursor.is_valid() {
        } else {

        let mut args: Vec<_> = match cursor.kind() {
            CXCursor_FunctionDecl |
            CXCursor_Constructor |
            CXCursor_CXXMethod |
            CXCursor_ObjCInstanceMethodDecl |
            CXCursor_ObjCClassMethodDecl => {
                // For CXCursor_FunctionDecl, cursor.args() is the reliable way
                // to get parameter names and types.
                    .map(|arg| {
                        let arg_ty = arg.cur_type();
                        let name = arg.spelling();
                        let name =
                            if name.is_empty() { None } else { Some(name) };
                        let ty = Item::from_ty_or_ref(arg_ty, *arg, None, ctx);
                        (name, ty)
            _ => {
                // For non-CXCursor_FunctionDecl, visiting the cursor's children
                // is the only reliable way to get parameter names.
                let mut args = vec![];
                cursor.visit(|c| {
                    if c.kind() == CXCursor_ParmDecl {
                        let ty =
                            Item::from_ty_or_ref(c.cur_type(), c, None, ctx);
                        let name = c.spelling();
                        let name =
                            if name.is_empty() { None } else { Some(name) };
                        args.push((name, ty));

        let is_method = cursor.kind() == CXCursor_CXXMethod;
        let is_constructor = cursor.kind() == CXCursor_Constructor;
        let is_destructor = cursor.kind() == CXCursor_Destructor;
        if (is_constructor || is_destructor || is_method) &&
           cursor.lexical_parent() != cursor.semantic_parent() {
            // Only parse constructors once.
            return Err(ParseError::Continue);

        if is_method || is_constructor || is_destructor {
            let is_const = is_method && cursor.method_is_const();
            let is_virtual = is_method && cursor.method_is_virtual();
            let is_static = is_method && cursor.method_is_static();
            if !is_static && !is_virtual {
                let class = Item::parse(cursor.semantic_parent(), None, ctx)
                    .expect("Expected to parse the class");
                let ptr =
                    Item::builtin_type(TypeKind::Pointer(class), is_const, ctx);
                args.insert(0, (Some("this".into()), ptr));
            } else if is_virtual {
                let void = Item::builtin_type(TypeKind::Void, false, ctx);
                let ptr =
                    Item::builtin_type(TypeKind::Pointer(void), false, ctx);
                args.insert(0, (Some("this".into()), ptr));

        let ty_ret_type = if cursor.kind() == CXCursor_ObjCInstanceMethodDecl ||
                             cursor.kind() == CXCursor_ObjCClassMethodDecl {
                   .or_else(|| cursor.ret_type())
        } else {
        let ret = Item::from_ty_or_ref(ty_ret_type, cursor, None, ctx);
        let call_conv = ty.call_conv();
        let abi = get_abi(call_conv);

        if abi.is_none() {
            warn!("Unknown calling convention: {:?}", call_conv);

        Ok(Self::new(ret, args, ty.is_variadic(), abi))

    /// Get this function signature's return type.
    pub fn return_type(&self) -> ItemId {

    /// Get this function signature's argument (name, type) pairs.
    pub fn argument_types(&self) -> &[(Option<String>, ItemId)] {

    /// Get this function signature's ABI.
    pub fn abi(&self) -> Option<abi::Abi> {

    /// Is this function signature variadic?
    pub fn is_variadic(&self) -> bool {
        // Clang reports some functions as variadic when they *might* be
        // variadic. We do the argument check because rust doesn't codegen well
        // variadic functions without an initial argument.
        self.is_variadic && !self.argument_types.is_empty()

impl ClangSubItemParser for Function {
    fn parse(cursor: clang::Cursor,
             context: &mut BindgenContext)
             -> Result<ParseResult<Self>, ParseError> {
        use clang_sys::*;
        match cursor.kind() {
            CXCursor_FunctionDecl |
            CXCursor_Constructor |
            CXCursor_Destructor |
            CXCursor_CXXMethod => {}
            _ => return Err(ParseError::Continue),

        debug!("Function::parse({:?}, {:?})", cursor, cursor.cur_type());

        let visibility = cursor.visibility();
        if visibility != CXVisibility_Default {
            return Err(ParseError::Continue);

        if cursor.access_specifier() == CX_CXXPrivate {
            return Err(ParseError::Continue);

        if !context.options().generate_inline_functions &&
            cursor.is_inlined_function() {
            return Err(ParseError::Continue);

        let linkage = cursor.linkage();
        if linkage != CXLinkage_External &&
           linkage != CXLinkage_UniqueExternal {
            return Err(ParseError::Continue);

        // Grab the signature using Item::from_ty.
        let sig =
            try!(Item::from_ty(&cursor.cur_type(), cursor, None, context));

        let mut name = cursor.spelling();
        assert!(!name.is_empty(), "Empty function name?");

        if cursor.kind() == CXCursor_Destructor {
            // Remove the leading `~`. The alternative to this is special-casing
            // code-generation for destructor functions, which seems less than
            // ideal.
            if name.starts_with('~') {

            // Add a suffix to avoid colliding with constructors. This would be
            // technically fine (since we handle duplicated functions/methods),
            // but seems easy enough to handle it here.

        let mut mangled_name = cursor_mangling(context, &cursor);
        if mangled_name.as_ref() == Some(&name) {
            mangled_name = None;

        let comment = cursor.raw_comment();

        let function = Self::new(name, mangled_name, sig, comment);
        Ok(ParseResult::New(function, Some(cursor)))

impl Trace for FunctionSig {
    type Extra = ();

    fn trace<T>(&self, _: &BindgenContext, tracer: &mut T, _: &())
        where T: Tracer,
        tracer.visit_kind(self.return_type(), EdgeKind::FunctionReturn);

        for &(_, ty) in self.argument_types() {
            tracer.visit_kind(ty, EdgeKind::FunctionParameter);

// Function pointers follow special rules, see:
// and
// Note that copy is always derived, so we don't need to implement it.
impl CanDeriveDebug for FunctionSig {
    type Extra = ();

    fn can_derive_debug(&self, _ctx: &BindgenContext, _: ()) -> bool {
        const RUST_DERIVE_FUNPTR_LIMIT: usize = 12;
        if self.argument_types.len() > RUST_DERIVE_FUNPTR_LIMIT {
            return false;

        match self.abi {
            Some(abi::Abi::C) |
            None => true,
            _ => false,