bindgen 0.25.2

Automatically generates Rust FFI bindings to C and C++ libraries.
namespace std {

struct ostream {};

template <bool B>
struct enable_if {
    using type = bool;

template <typename T, typename U>
struct is_convertible {
    const bool value = true;

template<class T>
struct remove_cv {
    using type = T;

template<class T>
struct remove_reference {
    using type = T;


struct AutoIncumbentScript {};
struct JSString {};
struct JSObject {};
struct JSAutoCompartment {};

namespace JS {

template <class T>
struct Rooted {
    T t;

struct AutoSetAsyncStackForNewCalls {};
struct RootedObject {};
struct HandleObject {};
struct HandleId {};
struct WarningReporter {};
namespace js {
using namespace JS;

struct nsresult {};
struct nsStringBuffer {};
struct nsAutoString {};
struct nsIAtom {};
struct nsAString {};
struct nsString {};

using uint8_t = unsigned char;
using uint32_t = unsigned int;
using size_t = unsigned long long;

namespace mozilla {

struct FalseType {};

template<class T, size_t N = 0>
struct Vector {};

namespace dom {

struct Element {};

} // namespace dom

struct CSSPseudoClassType {};
struct CSSEnabledState {};

template<class T>
using RemoveCv = std::remove_cv<T>;
template<class T>
using RemoveReference = std::remove_reference<T>;

template<class T>
struct Forward {};

enum NotNullTag {

struct Nothing { };
template<class T>
class Maybe
  alignas(T) unsigned char mStorage[sizeof(T)];
  char mIsSome;

  void* data() { return mStorage; }
  const void* data() const { return mStorage; }

  using ValueType = T;

  Maybe() : mIsSome(false) { }
  ~Maybe() { reset(); }

               Maybe(Nothing) : mIsSome(false) { }

  Maybe(const Maybe& aOther)
    : mIsSome(false)
    if (aOther.mIsSome) {

  template<typename U,
           typename =
             typename std::enable_if<std::is_convertible<U, T>::value>::type>

  Maybe(const Maybe<U>& aOther)
    : mIsSome(false)
    if (aOther.isSome()) {

  Maybe(Maybe&& aOther)
    : mIsSome(false)
    if (aOther.mIsSome) {

  template<typename U,
           typename =
             typename std::enable_if<std::is_convertible<U, T>::value>::type>

  Maybe(Maybe<U>&& aOther)
    : mIsSome(false)
    if (aOther.isSome()) {

  Maybe& operator=(const Maybe& aOther)
    if (&aOther != this) {
      if (aOther.mIsSome) {
        if (mIsSome) {
          ref() = aOther.ref();
        } else {
      } else {
    return *this;

  template<typename U,
           typename =
             typename std::enable_if<std::is_convertible<U, T>::value>::type>
  Maybe& operator=(const Maybe<U>& aOther)
    if (aOther.isSome()) {
      if (mIsSome) {
        ref() = aOther.ref();
      } else {
    } else {
    return *this;

  Maybe& operator=(Maybe&& aOther)
    do { } while (0);

    if (aOther.mIsSome) {
      if (mIsSome) {
        ref() = Move(aOther.ref());
      } else {
    } else {

    return *this;

  template<typename U,
           typename =
             typename std::enable_if<std::is_convertible<U, T>::value>::type>
  Maybe& operator=(Maybe<U>&& aOther)
    if (aOther.isSome()) {
      if (mIsSome) {
        ref() = Move(aOther.ref());
      } else {
    } else {

    return *this;

  explicit operator bool() const { return isSome(); }
  bool isSome() const { return mIsSome; }
  bool isNothing() const { return !mIsSome; }

  T value() const
    do { } while (0);
    return ref();

  template<typename V>
  T valueOr(V&& aDefault) const
    if (isSome()) {
      return ref();
    return Forward<V>(aDefault);

  template<typename F>
  T valueOrFrom(F&& aFunc) const
    if (isSome()) {
      return ref();
    return aFunc();

  T* ptr()
    do { } while (0);
    return &ref();

  const T* ptr() const
    do { } while (0);
    return &ref();

  T* ptrOr(T* aDefault)
    if (isSome()) {
      return ptr();
    return aDefault;

  const T* ptrOr(const T* aDefault) const
    if (isSome()) {
      return ptr();
    return aDefault;

  template<typename F>
  T* ptrOrFrom(F&& aFunc)
    if (isSome()) {
      return ptr();
    return aFunc();

  template<typename F>
  const T* ptrOrFrom(F&& aFunc) const
    if (isSome()) {
      return ptr();
    return aFunc();

  T* operator->()
    do { } while (0);
    return ptr();

  const T* operator->() const
    do { } while (0);
    return ptr();

  T& ref()
    do { } while (0);
    return *static_cast<T*>(data());

  const T& ref() const
    do { } while (0);
    return *static_cast<const T*>(data());

  T& refOr(T& aDefault)
    if (isSome()) {
      return ref();
    return aDefault;

  const T& refOr(const T& aDefault) const
    if (isSome()) {
      return ref();
    return aDefault;

  template<typename F>
  T& refOrFrom(F&& aFunc)
    if (isSome()) {
      return ref();
    return aFunc();

  template<typename F>
  const T& refOrFrom(F&& aFunc) const
    if (isSome()) {
      return ref();
    return aFunc();

  T& operator*()
    do { } while (0);
    return ref();

  const T& operator*() const
    do { } while (0);
    return ref();

  template<typename Func>
  Maybe& apply(Func aFunc)
    if (isSome()) {
    return *this;

  template<typename Func>
  const Maybe& apply(Func aFunc) const
    if (isSome()) {
    return *this;

  // template<typename Func>
  // auto map(Func aFunc) -> Maybe<decltype(aFunc(DeclVal<Maybe<T>>().ref()))>
  // {
  //   using ReturnType = decltype(aFunc(ref()));
  //   if (isSome()) {
  //     Maybe<ReturnType> val;
  //     val.emplace(aFunc(ref()));
  //     return val;
  //   }
  //   return Maybe<ReturnType>();
  // }

  // template<typename Func>
  // auto map(Func aFunc) const -> Maybe<decltype(aFunc(DeclVal<Maybe<T>>().ref()))>
  // {
  //   using ReturnType = decltype(aFunc(ref()));
  //   if (isSome()) {
  //     Maybe<ReturnType> val;
  //     val.emplace(aFunc(ref()));
  //     return val;
  //   }
  //   return Maybe<ReturnType>();
  // }

  void reset()
    if (isSome()) {
      mIsSome = false;

  template<typename... Args>
  void emplace(Args&&... aArgs)
    do { } while (0);
    ::new (KnownNotNull, data()) T(Forward<Args>(aArgs)...);
    mIsSome = true;

  // friend std::ostream&
  // operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const Maybe<T>& aMaybe)
  // {
  //   if (aMaybe) {
  //     aStream << aMaybe.ref();
  //   } else {
  //     aStream << "<Nothing>";
  //   }
  //   return aStream;
  // }
template<typename T,
         typename U = typename std::remove_cv<
           typename std::remove_reference<T>::type>::type>
Some(T&& aValue)
  Maybe<U> value;
  return value;

// template<typename T>
// Maybe<typename RemoveCV<typename RemoveReference<T>::Type>::Type>
// ToMaybe(T* aPtr)
// {
//   if (aPtr) {
//     return Some(*aPtr);
//   }
//   return Nothing();
// }

template<typename T> bool
operator==(const Maybe<T>& aLHS, const Maybe<T>& aRHS)
  if (aLHS.isNothing() != aRHS.isNothing()) {
    return false;
  return aLHS.isNothing() || *aLHS == *aRHS;

template<typename T> bool
operator!=(const Maybe<T>& aLHS, const Maybe<T>& aRHS)
  return !(aLHS == aRHS);

template<typename T> bool
operator==(const Maybe<T>& aLHS, const Nothing& aRHS)
  return aLHS.isNothing();

template<typename T> bool
operator!=(const Maybe<T>& aLHS, const Nothing& aRHS)
  return !(aLHS == aRHS);

template<typename T> bool
operator==(const Nothing& aLHS, const Maybe<T>& aRHS)
  return aRHS.isNothing();

template<typename T> bool
operator!=(const Nothing& aLHS, const Maybe<T>& aRHS)
  return !(aLHS == aRHS);

template<typename T> bool
operator<(const Maybe<T>& aLHS, const Maybe<T>& aRHS)
  if (aLHS.isNothing()) {
    return aRHS.isSome();
  if (aRHS.isNothing()) {
    return false;
  return *aLHS < *aRHS;

template<typename T> bool
operator>(const Maybe<T>& aLHS, const Maybe<T>& aRHS)
  return !(aLHS < aRHS || aLHS == aRHS);

template<typename T> bool
operator<=(const Maybe<T>& aLHS, const Maybe<T>& aRHS)
  return aLHS < aRHS || aLHS == aRHS;

template<typename T> bool
operator>=(const Maybe<T>& aLHS, const Maybe<T>& aRHS)
  return !(aLHS < aRHS);

} // namespace mozilla

class nsCSSPseudoClasses
  typedef mozilla::CSSPseudoClassType Type;
  typedef mozilla::CSSEnabledState EnabledState;

  static void AddRefAtoms();

  static Type GetPseudoType(nsIAtom* aAtom, EnabledState aEnabledState);
  static bool HasStringArg(Type aType);
  static bool HasNthPairArg(Type aType);
  static bool HasSelectorListArg(Type aType) {
    // return aType == Type::any;
      return true;
  static bool IsUserActionPseudoClass(Type aType);

  static void PseudoTypeToString(Type aType, nsAString& aString);

  // static bool IsEnabled(Type aType, EnabledState aEnabledState)
  // {
  //   auto index = static_cast<size_t>(aType);
  //   do { } while (0);
  //   if (sPseudoClassEnabled[index] ||
  //       aEnabledState == EnabledState::eIgnoreEnabledState) {
  //     return true;
  //   }
  //   auto flags = kPseudoClassFlags[index];
  //   if (((aEnabledState & EnabledState::eInChrome) &&
  //        (flags & (1<<1))) ||
  //       ((aEnabledState & EnabledState::eInUASheets) &&
  //        (flags & (1<<0)))) {
  //     return true;
  //   }
  //   return false;
  // }

  static mozilla::Maybe<bool>
    MatchesElement(Type aType, const mozilla::dom::Element* aElement);

  // static const uint32_t kPseudoClassFlags[size_t(Type::Count)];
  // static bool sPseudoClassEnabled[size_t(Type::Count)];

namespace mozilla {
namespace dom {
class DOMString {
    : mStringBuffer(nullptr)
    , mLength(0)
    , mIsNull(false)
    , mStringBufferOwned(false)
    // do { } while (0);

    // if (mStringBufferOwned) {
    //   do { } while (0);
    //   mStringBuffer->Release();
    // }

  // operator nsString&()
  // {
  //   return AsAString();
  // }

  operator const nsString&() = delete;
  operator const nsAString&() = delete;

  // nsString& AsAString()
  // {
  //   do { } while (0);
  //   do { } while (0);
  //   if (!mString) {
  //     mString.emplace();
  //   }
  //   return *mString;
  // }

  bool HasStringBuffer() const
    do { } while (0);

    do { } while (0);
    return !mString;

  nsStringBuffer* StringBuffer() const
    do { } while (0);
    do { } while (0);

    do { } while (0);
    do { } while (0);

    return mStringBuffer;

  uint32_t StringBufferLength() const
    do { } while (0);
    return mLength;

  void RelinquishBufferOwnership()
    // do { } while (0);
    // if (mStringBufferOwned) {

    //   mStringBufferOwned = false;
    // } else {

    //   mStringBuffer->AddRef();
    // }

  void SetStringBuffer(nsStringBuffer* aStringBuffer, uint32_t aLength)
    do { } while (0);
    do { } while (0);
    do { } while (0);
    do { } while (0);
    mStringBuffer = aStringBuffer;
    mLength = aLength;

  void SetEphemeralStringBuffer(nsStringBuffer* aStringBuffer, uint32_t aLength)

    // SetStringBuffer(aStringBuffer, aLength);
    // aStringBuffer->AddRef();
    // mStringBufferOwned = true;

  // void SetOwnedString(const nsAString& aString)
  // {
  //   do { } while (0);
  //   do { } while (0);
  //   do { } while (0);
  //   nsStringBuffer* buf = nsStringBuffer::FromString(aString);
  //   if (buf) {
  //     SetStringBuffer(buf, aString.Length());
  //   } else if (aString.IsVoid()) {
  //     SetNull();
  //   } else if (!aString.IsEmpty()) {
  //     AsAString() = aString;
  //   }
  // }

  enum NullHandling

  // void SetOwnedAtom(nsIAtom* aAtom, NullHandling aNullHandling)
  // {
  //   do { } while (0);
  //   do { } while (0);
  //   do { } while (0);
  //   do { } while (0);
  //   if (aNullHandling == eNullNotExpected || aAtom) {
  //     SetStringBuffer(aAtom->GetStringBuffer(), aAtom->GetLength());
  //   } else if (aNullHandling == eTreatNullAsNull) {
  //     SetNull();
  //   }
  // }

  void SetNull()
    do { } while (0);
    do { } while (0);
    mIsNull = true;

  bool IsNull() const
    // do { } while (0);

    // return mIsNull || (mString && mString->IsVoid());
      return false;

  void ToString(nsAString& aString)
    // if (IsNull()) {
    //   SetDOMStringToNull(aString);
    // } else if (HasStringBuffer()) {
    //   if (StringBufferLength() == 0) {
    //     aString.Truncate();
    //   } else {

    //     nsStringBuffer* buf = StringBuffer();
    //     uint32_t len = StringBufferLength();
    //     auto chars = static_cast<char16_t*>(buf->Data());
    //     if (chars[len] == '\0') {

    //       buf->ToString(len, aString);
    //     } else {

    //       aString.Assign(chars, len);
    //     }
    //   }
    // } else {
    //   aString = AsAString();
    // }


  Maybe<nsAutoString> mString;

  nsStringBuffer* mStringBuffer;

  uint32_t mLength;
  bool mIsNull;
  bool mStringBufferOwned;

} // namespace dom
} // namespace mozilla

class nsIPrincipal;
class nsWrapperCache;

class JSContext;

namespace mozilla {
namespace dom {

struct DictionaryBase
  // bool ParseJSON(JSContext* aCx, const nsAString& aJSON,
  //                JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> aVal);

  // bool StringifyToJSON(JSContext* aCx,
  //                      JS::Handle<JSObject*> aObj,
  //                      nsAString& aJSON) const;

  struct FastDictionaryInitializer {

  bool mIsAnyMemberPresent = false;


  static bool AppendJSONToString(const char16_t* aJSONData,
                                 uint32_t aDataLength, void* aString);

  bool IsAnyMemberPresent() const
    return mIsAnyMemberPresent;

struct AllTypedArraysBase {

struct AllOwningUnionBase {

struct EnumEntry {
  const char* value;
  size_t length;

enum class CallerType : uint32_t;

class GlobalObject
  // GlobalObject(JSContext* aCx, JSObject* aObject);

  // JSObject* Get() const
  // {
    // return mGlobalJSObject;
  // }

  // nsISupports* GetAsSupports() const;

  JSContext* Context() const
    return mCx;

  bool Failed() const
    // return !Get();
      return false;

  nsIPrincipal* GetSubjectPrincipal() const;

  dom::CallerType CallerType() const;

  // JS::Rooted<JSObject*> mGlobalJSObject;
  JSContext* mCx;
  // mutable nsISupports* mGlobalObject;


template<typename T, typename InternalType>
class Optional_base

  explicit Optional_base(const T& aValue)

  bool operator==(const Optional_base<T, InternalType>& aOther) const
    return mImpl == aOther.mImpl;

  template<typename T1, typename T2>
  explicit Optional_base(const T1& aValue1, const T2& aValue2)
    mImpl.emplace(aValue1, aValue2);

  bool WasPassed() const
    return mImpl.isSome();

  template<typename... Args>
  InternalType& Construct(Args&&... aArgs)
    return *mImpl;

  void Reset()

  const T& Value() const
    return *mImpl;

  InternalType& Value()
    return *mImpl;

  const InternalType& InternalValue() const
    return *mImpl;


  Optional_base(const Optional_base& other) = delete;
  const Optional_base &operator=(const Optional_base &other) = delete;

  Maybe<InternalType> mImpl;

} // namespace dom
} // namespace mozilla

namespace mozilla {
namespace dom {

template <typename T>
struct Nullable
  Maybe<T> mValue;

    : mValue()

               Nullable(const decltype(nullptr)&)
    : mValue()

  explicit Nullable(const T& aValue)
    : mValue()

               Nullable(T&& aValue)
    : mValue()
    // mValue.emplace(mozilla::Move(aValue));

  Nullable(Nullable<T>&& aOther)
    // : mValue(mozilla::Move(aOther.mValue))

  Nullable(const Nullable<T>& aOther)
    : mValue(aOther.mValue)

  void operator=(const Nullable<T>& aOther)
    mValue = aOther.mValue;

  void SetValue(const T& aArgs)

  void SetValue(T&& aArgs)
    // mValue.emplace(mozilla::Move(aArgs));

  T& SetValue() {
    if (mValue.isNothing()) {
    return mValue.ref();

  void SetNull() {

  const T& Value() const {
    return mValue.ref();

  T& Value() {
    return mValue.ref();

  bool IsNull() const {
    return mValue.isNothing();

  bool Equals(const Nullable<T>& aOtherNullable) const
    return mValue == aOtherNullable.mValue;

  bool operator==(const Nullable<T>& aOtherNullable) const
    return Equals(aOtherNullable);

  bool operator!=(const Nullable<T>& aOtherNullable) const
    return !Equals(aOtherNullable);

  friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream,
                                  const Nullable& aNullable) {
    return aStream << aNullable.mValue;
namespace js {

// extern const JSErrorFormatString*
// GetErrorMessage(void* userRef, const unsigned errorNumber);

class AutoStableStringChars

    static const size_t InlineCapacity = 24;

    // JS::RootedString s_;
    // union {
    //     const char16_t* twoByteChars_;
    //     const JS::Latin1Char* latin1Chars_;
    // };
    mozilla::Maybe<mozilla::Vector<uint8_t, InlineCapacity>> ownChars_;
    enum State { Uninitialized, Latin1, TwoByte };
    State state_;

    // explicit AutoStableStringChars(JSContext* cx)
    //   : s_(cx), state_(Uninitialized)
    // {}

    // __attribute__ ((warn_unused_result))
    // bool init(JSContext* cx, JSString* s);

    __attribute__ ((warn_unused_result))
    bool initTwoByte(JSContext* cx, JSString* s);

    bool isLatin1() const { return state_ == Latin1; }
    bool isTwoByte() const { return state_ == TwoByte; }

    const char16_t* twoByteChars() const {
        // do { } while (0);
        // return twoByteChars_;
        return nullptr;

    // mozilla::Range<const JS::Latin1Char> latin1Range() const {
    //     do { } while (0);
    //     return mozilla::Range<const JS::Latin1Char>(latin1Chars_,
    //                                                 GetStringLength(s_));
    // }

    // mozilla::Range<const char16_t> twoByteRange() const {
    //     do { } while (0);
    //     return mozilla::Range<const char16_t>(twoByteChars_,
    //                                           GetStringLength(s_));
    // }

    bool maybeGiveOwnershipToCaller() {
        // do { } while (0);
        // if (!ownChars_.isSome() || !ownChars_->extractRawBuffer())
        //     return false;
        // state_ = Uninitialized;
        // ownChars_.reset();
        return true;

    AutoStableStringChars(const AutoStableStringChars& other) = delete;
    void operator=(const AutoStableStringChars& other) = delete;

    // bool baseIsInline(JS::Handle<JSLinearString*> linearString);
    template <typename T> T* allocOwnChars(JSContext* cx, size_t count);
    // bool copyLatin1Chars(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSLinearString*> linearString);
    // bool copyTwoByteChars(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSLinearString*> linearString);
    // bool copyAndInflateLatin1Chars(JSContext*, JS::Handle<JSLinearString*> linearString);
class AutoEnterPolicy
  //   typedef BaseProxyHandler::Action Action;
  //   AutoEnterPolicy(JSContext* cx, const BaseProxyHandler* handler,
  //                   HandleObject wrapper, HandleId id, Action act, bool mayThrow)

  //       : context(nullptr)

  //   {
  //       allow = handler->hasSecurityPolicy() ? handler->enter(cx, wrapper, id, act, mayThrow, &rv)
  //                                            : true;
  //       recordEnter(cx, wrapper, id, act);

  //       if (!allow && !rv && mayThrow)
  //           reportErrorIfExceptionIsNotPending(cx, id);
  //   }

  //   virtual ~AutoEnterPolicy() { recordLeave(); }
  //   inline bool allowed() { return allow; }
  //   inline bool returnValue() { do { } while (0); return rv; }

  // protected:

  //   AutoEnterPolicy()

  //       : context(nullptr)
  //       , enteredAction(BaseProxyHandler::NONE)

  //       {}
  //   void reportErrorIfExceptionIsNotPending(JSContext* cx, jsid id);
  //   bool allow;
  //   bool rv;

  //   JSContext* context;
    mozilla::Maybe<HandleObject> enteredProxy;
    mozilla::Maybe<HandleId> enteredId;
  //   Action enteredAction;

  //   AutoEnterPolicy* prev;
  //   void recordEnter(JSContext* cx, HandleObject proxy, HandleId id, Action act);
  //   void recordLeave();

  //   friend void assertEnteredPolicy(JSContext* cx, JSObject* proxy, jsid id, Action act);

  // private:

  //   AutoEnterPolicy(const AutoEnterPolicy&) = delete;
  //   AutoEnterPolicy& operator=(const AutoEnterPolicy&) = delete;

namespace js {

struct ProxyOptions {};

class WrapperOptions : public ProxyOptions {
  // public:
  //   WrapperOptions() : ProxyOptions(false),
  //                      proto_()
  //   {}

  //   explicit WrapperOptions(JSContext* cx) : ProxyOptions(false),
  //                                            proto_()
  //   {
  //       proto_.emplace(cx);
  //   }

  //   inline JSObject* proto() const;
  //   WrapperOptions& setProto(JSObject* protoArg) {
  //       do { } while (0);
  //       *proto_ = protoArg;
  //       return *this;
  //   }

  // private:
    mozilla::Maybe<JS::RootedObject> proto_;
struct ScriptSettingsStackEntry {};
struct JSAutoRequest {};
struct JSAutoNullableCompartment {};
class AutoJSAPI : protected ScriptSettingsStackEntry {


  void Init();
//   __attribute__ ((warn_unused_result)) bool Init(nsIGlobalObject* aGlobalObject);

//   __attribute__ ((warn_unused_result)) bool Init(JSObject* aObject);
//   __attribute__ ((warn_unused_result)) bool Init(nsIGlobalObject* aGlobalObject, JSContext* aCx);

//   __attribute__ ((warn_unused_result)) bool Init(nsPIDOMWindowInner* aWindow);
//   __attribute__ ((warn_unused_result)) bool Init(nsPIDOMWindowInner* aWindow, JSContext* aCx);

//   __attribute__ ((warn_unused_result)) bool Init(nsGlobalWindow* aWindow);
//   __attribute__ ((warn_unused_result)) bool Init(nsGlobalWindow* aWindow, JSContext* aCx);

//   JSContext* cx() const {
//     do { } while (0);
//     do { } while (0);
//     return mCx;
//   }

//   void ReportException();

//   bool HasException() const {
//     do { } while (0);
//     return JS_IsExceptionPending(cx());
//   };

//   __attribute__ ((warn_unused_result)) bool StealException(JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> aVal);

//   __attribute__ ((warn_unused_result)) bool PeekException(JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> aVal);

//   void ClearException() {
//     do { } while (0);
//     JS_ClearPendingException(cx());
//   }

// protected:

//   AutoJSAPI(nsIGlobalObject* aGlobalObject, bool aIsMainThread, Type aType);

// private:
  mozilla::Maybe<JSAutoRequest> mAutoRequest;
  mozilla::Maybe<JSAutoNullableCompartment> mAutoNullableCompartment;
  // JSContext *mCx;

  // bool mIsMainThread;
    mozilla::Maybe<JS::WarningReporter> mOldWarningReporter;

  // void InitInternal(nsIGlobalObject* aGlobalObject, JSObject* aGlobal,
  //                   JSContext* aCx, bool aIsMainThread);

  // AutoJSAPI(const AutoJSAPI&) = delete;
  // AutoJSAPI& operator= (const AutoJSAPI&) = delete;

struct DocshellEntryMonitor {};

class AutoEntryScript : public AutoJSAPI {
// public:
//   AutoEntryScript(nsIGlobalObject* aGlobalObject,
//                   const char *aReason,
//                   bool aIsMainThread = NS_IsMainThread());

//   AutoEntryScript(JSObject* aObject,
//                   const char *aReason,
//                   bool aIsMainThread = NS_IsMainThread());

//   ~AutoEntryScript();

//   void SetWebIDLCallerPrincipal(nsIPrincipal *aPrincipal) {
//     mWebIDLCallerPrincipal = aPrincipal;
//   }

// private:

//   class DocshellEntryMonitor final : public JS::dbg::AutoEntryMonitor
//   {
//   public:
//     DocshellEntryMonitor(JSContext* aCx, const char* aReason);

//     void Entry(JSContext* aCx, JSFunction* aFunction,
//                JS::Handle<JS::Value> aAsyncStack,
//                const char* aAsyncCause) override
//     {
//       Entry(aCx, aFunction, nullptr, aAsyncStack, aAsyncCause);
//     }

//     void Entry(JSContext* aCx, JSScript* aScript,
//                JS::Handle<JS::Value> aAsyncStack,
//                const char* aAsyncCause) override
//     {
//       Entry(aCx, nullptr, aScript, aAsyncStack, aAsyncCause);
//     }

//     void Exit(JSContext* aCx) override;

//   private:
//     void Entry(JSContext* aCx, JSFunction* aFunction, JSScript* aScript,
//                JS::Handle<JS::Value> aAsyncStack,
//                const char* aAsyncCause);

//     const char* mReason;
//   };
//   nsIPrincipal* mWebIDLCallerPrincipal;
//   friend nsIPrincipal* GetWebIDLCallerPrincipal();

    mozilla::Maybe<DocshellEntryMonitor> mDocShellEntryMonitor;
  // JS::AutoHideScriptedCaller mCallerOverride;
namespace mozilla {
template <class> class Maybe;
struct CycleCollectorResults;
namespace mozilla {
namespace dom {

struct nsIID {};
struct nsISupports {};
class CallbackObject : public nsISupports
// public:
//   template<typename T, typename U> struct COMTypeInfo;

//   public: virtual nsresult QueryInterface(const nsIID& aIID, void** aInstancePtr) override; virtual MozExternalRefCountType AddRef(void) override; virtual MozExternalRefCountType Release(void) override; virtual void DeleteCycleCollectable(void); typedef mozilla::FalseType HasThreadSafeRefCnt; protected: nsCycleCollectingAutoRefCnt mRefCnt; public:
//   class cycleCollection : public nsXPCOMCycleCollectionParticipant { public: constexpr explicit cycleCollection (bool aSkip = true) : nsXPCOMCycleCollectionParticipant(true) {} private: public: virtual nsresult TraverseNative(void *p, nsCycleCollectionTraversalCallback &cb) override; virtual const char* ClassName() override { return "CallbackObject"; }; virtual void DeleteCycleCollectable(void *p) override { DowncastCCParticipant<CallbackObject>(p)->DeleteCycleCollectable(); } static CallbackObject* Downcast(nsISupports* s) { return static_cast<CallbackObject*>(static_cast<CallbackObject*>(s)); } static nsISupports* Upcast(CallbackObject *p) { return static_cast<nsISupports*>(static_cast<CallbackObject*>(p)); } template<typename T> friend nsISupports* ToSupports(T* p, cycleCollection* dummy); virtual void Unlink(void *p) override; virtual void Trace(void *p, const TraceCallbacks &cb, void *closure) override; virtual bool CanSkipReal(void *p, bool aRemovingAllowed) override; virtual bool CanSkipInCCReal(void *p) override; virtual bool CanSkipThisReal(void *p) override; static constexpr nsXPCOMCycleCollectionParticipant* GetParticipant() { return &CallbackObject::_cycleCollectorGlobal; } }; static cycleCollection _cycleCollectorGlobal;
//   explicit CallbackObject(JSContext* aCx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> aCallback,
//                           nsIGlobalObject* aIncumbentGlobal)
//   {
//     if (aCx && JS::ContextOptionsRef(aCx).asyncStack()) {
//       JS::RootedObject stack(aCx);
//       if (!JS::CaptureCurrentStack(aCx, &stack)) {
//         JS_ClearPendingException(aCx);
//       }
//       Init(aCallback, stack, aIncumbentGlobal);
//     } else {
//       Init(aCallback, nullptr, aIncumbentGlobal);
//     }
//   }

//   explicit CallbackObject(JS::Handle<JSObject*> aCallback,
//                           JS::Handle<JSObject*> aAsyncStack,
//                           nsIGlobalObject* aIncumbentGlobal)
//   {
//     Init(aCallback, aAsyncStack, aIncumbentGlobal);
//   }
//   JS::Handle<JSObject*> CallbackOrNull() const
//   {
//     mCallback.exposeToActiveJS();
//     return CallbackPreserveColor();
//   }

//   JSObject* GetCreationStack() const
//   {
//     return mCreationStack;
//   }

//   void MarkForCC()
//   {
//     mCallback.exposeToActiveJS();
//     mCreationStack.exposeToActiveJS();
//   }
//   JS::Handle<JSObject*> CallbackPreserveColor() const
//   {

//     return JS::Handle<JSObject*>::fromMarkedLocation(mCallback.address());
//   }

//   JS::Handle<JSObject*> CallbackKnownNotGray() const
//   {
//     do { } while (0);
//     return CallbackPreserveColor();
//   }

//   nsIGlobalObject* IncumbentGlobalOrNull() const
//   {
//     return mIncumbentGlobal;
//   }

//   enum ExceptionHandling {

//     eReportExceptions,

//     eRethrowContentExceptions,

//     eRethrowExceptions
//   };

//   size_t SizeOfIncludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf aMallocSizeOf) const
//   {
//     return aMallocSizeOf(this);
//   }

// protected:
//   virtual ~CallbackObject()
//   {
//     DropJSObjects();
//   }

//   explicit CallbackObject(CallbackObject* aCallbackObject)
//   {
//     Init(aCallbackObject->mCallback, aCallbackObject->mCreationStack,
//          aCallbackObject->mIncumbentGlobal);
//   }

//   bool operator==(const CallbackObject& aOther) const
//   {
//     JSObject* wrappedThis = CallbackPreserveColor();
//     JSObject* wrappedOther = aOther.CallbackPreserveColor();
//     if (!wrappedThis || !wrappedOther) {
//       return this == &aOther;
//     }

//     JSObject* thisObj = js::UncheckedUnwrap(wrappedThis);
//     JSObject* otherObj = js::UncheckedUnwrap(wrappedOther);
//     return thisObj == otherObj;
//   }

//   class JSObjectsDropper final
//   {
//   public:
//     explicit JSObjectsDropper(CallbackObject* aHolder)
//       : mHolder(aHolder)
//     {}

//     ~JSObjectsDropper()
//     {
//       mHolder->DropJSObjects();
//     }

//   private:
//     RefPtr<CallbackObject> mHolder;
//   };

// private:
//   inline void InitNoHold(JSObject* aCallback, JSObject* aCreationStack,
//                          nsIGlobalObject* aIncumbentGlobal)
//   {
//     do { } while (0);

//     mCallback = aCallback;
//     mCreationStack = aCreationStack;
//     if (aIncumbentGlobal) {
//       mIncumbentGlobal = aIncumbentGlobal;
//       mIncumbentJSGlobal = aIncumbentGlobal->GetGlobalJSObject();
//     }
//   }

//   inline void Init(JSObject* aCallback, JSObject* aCreationStack,
//                    nsIGlobalObject* aIncumbentGlobal)
//   {
//     InitNoHold(aCallback, aCreationStack, aIncumbentGlobal);
//     mozilla::HoldJSObjects(this);
//   }

//   inline void ClearJSReferences()
//   {
//     mCallback = nullptr;
//     mCreationStack = nullptr;
//     mIncumbentJSGlobal = nullptr;
//   }

//   CallbackObject(const CallbackObject&) = delete;
//   CallbackObject& operator =(const CallbackObject&) = delete;

// protected:
//   void DropJSObjects()
//   {
//     do { } while (0);
//     if (mCallback) {
//       ClearJSReferences();
//       mozilla::DropJSObjects(this);
//     }
//   }

//   void Trace(JSTracer* aTracer);

//   void FinishSlowJSInitIfMoreThanOneOwner(JSContext* aCx);

//   struct FastCallbackConstructor {
//   };

//   CallbackObject(JS::Handle<JSObject*> aCallback,
//                  const FastCallbackConstructor&)
//   {
//     InitNoHold(aCallback, nullptr, nullptr);
//   }

//   JS::Heap<JSObject*> mCallback;
//   JS::Heap<JSObject*> mCreationStack;
//   nsCOMPtr<nsIGlobalObject> mIncumbentGlobal;
//   JS::TenuredHeap<JSObject*> mIncumbentJSGlobal;

//   class CallSetup
//   {

//   public:

//     CallSetup(CallbackObject* aCallback, ErrorResult& aRv,
//               const char* aExecutionReason,
//               ExceptionHandling aExceptionHandling,
//               JSCompartment* aCompartment = nullptr,
//               bool aIsJSImplementedWebIDL = false);
//     ~CallSetup();

//     JSContext* GetContext() const
//     {
//       return mCx;
//     }

//   private:

//     CallSetup(const CallSetup&) = delete;

//     bool ShouldRethrowException(JS::Handle<JS::Value> aException);

//     JSContext* mCx;

//     JSCompartment* mCompartment;

    mozilla::Maybe<js::AutoEntryScript> mAutoEntryScript;
    mozilla::Maybe<AutoIncumbentScript> mAutoIncumbentScript;

    mozilla::Maybe<JS::Rooted<JSObject*> > mRootedCallable;

    mozilla::Maybe<JS::Rooted<JSObject*>> mAsyncStack;
    mozilla::Maybe<JS::AutoSetAsyncStackForNewCalls> mAsyncStackSetter;

    mozilla::Maybe<JSAutoCompartment> mAc;