bincode 2.0.0-rc.2

A binary serialization / deserialization strategy for transforming structs into bytes and vice versa!
//! This module contains reader-based structs and traits.
//! Because `std::io::Read` is only limited to `std` and not `core`, we provide 2 alternative readers.
//! [Reader] is a reader for sources that do not own their data. It is assumed that the reader's data is dropped after the `read` method is called. This reader is incapable of reading borrowed data, like `&str` and `&[u8]`.
//! [BorrowReader] is an extension of `Reader` that also allows returning borrowed data. A `BorrowReader` allows reading `&str` and `&[u8]`.
//! Specifically the `Reader` trait is used by [Decode] and the `BorrowReader` trait is used by `[BorrowDecode]`.
//! [Decode]: ../trait.Decode.html
//! [BorrowDecode]: ../trait.BorrowDecode.html

use crate::error::DecodeError;

/// A reader for owned data. See the module documentation for more information.
pub trait Reader {
    /// Fill the given `bytes` argument with values. Exactly the length of the given slice must be filled, or else an error must be returned.
    fn read(&mut self, bytes: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(), DecodeError>;

    /// If this reader wraps a buffer of any kind, this function lets callers access contents of
    /// the buffer without passing data through a buffer first.
    fn peek_read(&mut self, _: usize) -> Option<&[u8]> {

    /// If an implementation of `peek_read` is provided, an implementation of this function
    /// must be provided so that subsequent reads or peek-reads do not return the same bytes
    fn consume(&mut self, _: usize) {}

impl<T> Reader for &mut T
    T: Reader,
    fn read(&mut self, bytes: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(), DecodeError> {

    fn peek_read(&mut self, n: usize) -> Option<&[u8]> {

    fn consume(&mut self, n: usize) {

/// A reader for borrowed data. Implementors of this must also implement the [Reader] trait. See the module documentation for more information.
pub trait BorrowReader<'storage>: Reader {
    /// Read exactly `length` bytes and return a slice to this data. If not enough bytes could be read, an error should be returned.
    /// *note*: Exactly `length` bytes must be returned. If less bytes are returned, bincode may panic. If more bytes are returned, the excess bytes may be discarded.
    fn take_bytes(&mut self, length: usize) -> Result<&'storage [u8], DecodeError>;

/// A reader type for `&[u8]` slices. Implements both [Reader] and [BorrowReader], and thus can be used for borrowed data.
pub struct SliceReader<'storage> {
    pub(crate) slice: &'storage [u8],

impl<'storage> SliceReader<'storage> {
    /// Constructs a slice reader
    pub fn new(bytes: &'storage [u8]) -> SliceReader<'storage> {
        SliceReader { slice: bytes }

impl<'storage> Reader for SliceReader<'storage> {
    fn read(&mut self, bytes: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(), DecodeError> {
        if bytes.len() > self.slice.len() {
            return Err(DecodeError::UnexpectedEnd {
                additional: bytes.len() - self.slice.len(),
        let (read_slice, remaining) = self.slice.split_at(bytes.len());
        self.slice = remaining;


    fn peek_read(&mut self, n: usize) -> Option<&'storage [u8]> {

    fn consume(&mut self, n: usize) {
        self.slice = self.slice.get(n..).unwrap_or_default();

impl<'storage> BorrowReader<'storage> for SliceReader<'storage> {
    fn take_bytes(&mut self, length: usize) -> Result<&'storage [u8], DecodeError> {
        if length > self.slice.len() {
            return Err(DecodeError::UnexpectedEnd {
                additional: length - self.slice.len(),
        let (read_slice, remaining) = self.slice.split_at(length);
        self.slice = remaining;