Trait binator::Contexting

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pub trait Contexting<Atom>: Sized + Add<Atom, Output = Self> + BitOr<Output = Self> + ProvideElement {
    // Required method
    fn new(atom: Atom) -> Self;
Expand description

Contexting is a trait used to report failure and error. This idea is too have a tree of context that will help final user to understand the error. It’s can also help for debugging purpose.

Required Methods§


fn new(atom: Atom) -> Self

Create a new Context from a Atom. Implementation should try to avoid allocate for only one Atom.

Object Safety§

This trait is not object safe.



impl<Atom> Contexting<Atom> for Ignore


impl<Behavior, Context: Display, Atom: Into<Context>, const N: usize> Contexting<Atom> for Stack<Behavior, Context, N>
where Self: Add<Atom, Output = Self> + BitOr<Output = Self>,


impl<Behavior, Element: Display, Atom: Into<Element>> Contexting<Atom> for Keep<Behavior, Element>
where Self: Add<Atom, Output = Self> + BitOr<Output = Self>,


impl<Context: Display, Atom: Into<Context>> Contexting<Atom> for Tree<Context>